DataView « wicket « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. How is Wicket's DataView used?

I have a Wicket page, and I need to print my records on the screen. I keep the records in my database. How can I do it with DataView? I need ...

2. How can I update a Wicket DataView with AJAX?

I need to AJAXfully filter by users list of PsDoctrans which is shown in a Wicket DataView.

final TextField txtName= new TextField("user");

final PSDocDP dp = new PSDocDP("username");
DataView<PsDoctrans> dataView = new DataView<PsDoctrans>("unproc", dp)

3. How can I make a Wicket form save radio button state?

I want to have a repeater like DataView or ListView. The first column of each row (named User ID) should be read from a List, and for each user ID, the ...

4. How to invoke a Javascript method after Wicket Dataview is rendered with AjaxPagingNavigator?

I am using Wicket's DataView with AjaxPagingNavigator. My use case is very similar to How can I update a Wicket DataView with AJAX? withe the caveat that I need to ...

5. Using DataView as a dynamic search result table in Wicket 1.4

I'm fairly new to Wicket but I've already run into a very strange problem. I'm creating a page with a pretty basic search form and a results table (a DataView) which is ...

6. Java Wicket AJAX refresh paginated DataView

I have a page that has a list of Hibernate entities that is loaded dynamically on display of the page. The list is used to create a DataView, which is used ...