url « websphere « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Are there any Portal products that can generate friendly URLs?    stackoverflow.com

Currently, we are using WebSphere Portal v5.1, and the URLs are about a un-friendly as a URL could get. For example: http://www.foo.com/wsps/portal/!ml/QjzQ0IhyR0UAkc39Aw!!/delta/base64xml/L3dJ82XzBfQ1A! I have removed a bunch of the characters, ...

2. Websphere Portal generating url longer than 2k    stackoverflow.com

We have a data entry portlet that occassionally generates urls in excess of the 2k limit enforced by Internet Explorer. Is there any way to stop these excessively long urls from ...

3. How to set a friendly url for a hidden page in WebSphere Portal 7    stackoverflow.com

We need to create a couple of pages for our WebSphere Portal 7 installation which a user can access without having to log in to the portal. We'd also like these ...

4. How to get base URL in Websphere application Server?    stackoverflow.com

I am running my application in WAS6.1. In the same server I have two EAR deployed. One application can be accessed using the URL server.com:port/app1 over http and the other one ...

5. Read rss by URL - java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect    stackoverflow.com

Hello I have a problem I want to consumed rss by URL that site and I can't do. Example:

System.setProperty("https.proxyHost", "proxy.example.local");
System.setProperty("https.proxyPort", "80");

DocumentBuilderFactory docBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();

URL url = new URL("http://pplware.sapo.pt/feed/");  ...

6. Dynamically assign web service endpoint urls    stackoverflow.com

Our business process invokes an external web service, we may need to change the web service URLs for different environments.
For Example:
For DEV server we will have one web service ...

7. Publishsing jax-ws webservice on multiple url's    stackoverflow.com

How can I customize jax-ws webservice to be available on more than one url. I have a webserice named commonService. By default it is hosted at www.examples.com/commonservice?wsdl I need to host it ...

8. Websphere Portal: Creating the Rule According to the URL Type (internal network/Internet)    stackoverflow.com

I have a WebSphere Portal 6. Say, there is a portlet SomePortlet. The requirement is the following. If a user comes from the Internet (public URL) and logins on the portal ...

9. Websphere 6.1 UTF-8 Encoded URL Parameters    stackoverflow.com

I am invoking a Servlet which is running in a Websphere 6.1 using the following encoded UTF-8 URL: http://mydomain.com/testingUtf?first=%E3%81%82 Then when I get the request parameter using req.getParameter("first"); from my servlet the ...

10. How to create a new URL Mapping in websphere portal?    stackoverflow.com

What are the steps to create a new URL mapping in websphere portal 6.1. I have a portlet (UserPortlet) and I want to map it to a label (e.g. UserPortletLabel). So I ...

12. url for WebSphere Portal V5.1 red book    coderanch.com

13. url mapping for websphere portal    coderanch.com