jython « websphere « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Set WAS Process Definition Environment Entries using Jython?    stackoverflow.com

Is it possible to add custom Process Definition environment entry in a WebSphere Application Server using a jython script? I see that the existing properties in the server.xml are assigned auto-generated IDs, ...

2. IDE for websphere/jython    stackoverflow.com

I would like to develop administrative jython-scripts for WebSphere 7. Is there any IDE (or may be plugins for eclipse) which provides code auto-completition functions, ability to start/stop server, debug jython ...

3. Jython's cache dir option    stackoverflow.com

I am using a small jython script. I sometimes get sys-package-mgr errors which i understand have to do with caching. Does my jython script need caching? It's only a 3 minute script updating ...

4. WebSphere wsadmin ClassNotFound Exceptions    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to use wsadmin with Jython to deploy an EAR file. Before the actual deployment, I need to run a DB update using a Java class. I'm running ...

5. jython: port definition    stackoverflow.com

I am looking for a jython script that does the following:

  1. Servers > application servers > server1 > Ports > WC_default > (set) port=8080.
  2. enviornment > virtaul hosts > deault_host > host ...

6. Update web sphere MQ Queue Destinations using JYTHON script    stackoverflow.com

How to update WebSphere MQ queue destinations using JYTHON script? Currently we are using WebSphere Application Server version is ‘5’ Details are… Name= ABC JNDI Name= jms/ABC Base Queue Name= X.Y.Z needs to be changed like ...

7. websphere jython scripts cannot access AdminTask    stackoverflow.com

We have an auto-deployment script that uses wsadmin and jython. The script appears to work as expected however after 6-7 redeployments the AdminTask object becomes unavilable, resulting in the following error ...

8. Jython for WEbsphere: referring to directory of jars    stackoverflow.com

I have a directory of jars. How can I tell my appplication / server to use all of them in its classpath? I can use shared lib reference. But, is it also possible ...

9. Jython - How to get the path of the executed script    stackoverflow.com

I've found many answer about the python way but what I found isn't working with jython. I'm running a jython script using the WebSphere interpreter wsadmin -lang jython -f /path/to/script I'd like to ...

10. Modify the default WorkManager in WebSphere 7 using a wsadmin script    stackoverflow.com

I want to raise the maximum number of threads in the default work manager's thread pool using a wsadmin (Jython) script. What is the best approach? I can't seem to find ...

11. Add shared libraries references to enterprise applications whith Jython in Websphere application server    stackoverflow.com

I would like to programmatically add the shared libraries to my deployed applications in websphere application server (WAS). I heard that it is possible using jython scripting. How can I achieve this? Can someone ...

12. WebSphere Server is not in runing state : Jython WebSphere Scripting?    stackoverflow.com

Please find the below code

runningServer1 = AdminControl.completeObjectName("type=Server,node=nodename,process=processname,*")
print "server running --->",runningServer1
if len(runningServer1) == 0:

    print "Error: Server not running...",process_name
The ouput is that the
"Error : Server not ...

13. Jython wsadmin: get nodeName of server    stackoverflow.com

In Jython WebSphere Wsadin: It appears that I can get to the servers' names from the nodeName, however I haven't managed to find a direct way to find the nodeName of a ...

14. get partial running status of application using jython    stackoverflow.com

Hi I need to know if the application is running partially. using the following command I am able to get info if the application is running.

serverstatus = AdminControl.completeObjectName('type=Application,name='+n1+',*')
print serverstatus
Is there ...

15. How do I determine if an application is running using wsadmin Jython script?    stackoverflow.com

I can get a list of instlled applications but how do I get the status using Jython?