ear « websphere « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Can someone give me a working example of a build.xml for an EAR that deploys in WebSphere 6    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to convince my providers to use ANT instead of Rational Application Development so anyone can recompile, recheck, redeploy the solution anyplace, anytime, anyhow. :P I started a build.xml for a ...

2. How to configure classloader for ear in websphere 6.1 (specifically wsdl4j)    stackoverflow.com

I have a war file (actually not my own, it's Apache ODE 1.2) that fails to deploy into WAS 6.1 because of a classloader issue - and a specific incompatibility with ...

3. Pros and Cons of using shared library vs fully encapsulated EAR    stackoverflow.com

Our team builds and owns a webservices framework. Other teams which actually build the webservices use our framework for some common functionality. There are two options to package the EAR. Option ...

4. How to access application.xml file of an EAR deployed to IBM WebSphere 6.1    stackoverflow.com

I am deploying an EAR file to the IBM WebSpehre server 6.1 - I want to be able to access the EAR application name which is stored in the deployment file ...

5. ClassCastException when call local ejb3 from different classloader on Websphere 7    stackoverflow.com

I have two ears, ear1 contains an ejb project and client, containing the interfaces (local). Ear2 contains a war that needs to call the ejb3 service. When I call the ejb ...

6. how to deploy an ear file in websphere application server    stackoverflow.com

I want to deploy an ear file which will automatically run the ear file with all the configuration in my Web Sphere application server.

7. How do I build a WAS 6.1 specific EAR without RSA/RAD?    stackoverflow.com

Are there some IBM ant tasks that support this?

8. When deploying an EAR into WebSphere, what's the cause of a "duplicate entry" SaveFailureException?    stackoverflow.com

When attempting to install the EAR, the following exception results:

Caught Exception installing ApplicationName  
com.ibm.ws.scripting.ScriptingException: com.ibm.websphere.management.application.client.AppDeploymentException: AppDeploymentException: []  
org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.commonarchivecore.internal.exception.SaveFailureException: META-INF/application.xml  
duplicate entry: META-INF/application.xml  
org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.commonarchivecore.internal.exception.SaveFailureException: org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.commonarchivecore.internal.exception.SaveFailureException: META-INF/application.xml ...

9. Exploded (unpacked) EAR vs. Packaged EAR file?    stackoverflow.com

In my office we use exploded EAR's (and inside them exploded WAR directories) for our test environments, and then a packaged one for production. I've yet to find a good ...

10. Using Ant to deploy EAR to remote websphere application server    stackoverflow.com

I want to automatically deploy a EAR file build in our continuous integration server to a websphere application server. I looked up the Ant task wsdeploy, but the documentation ...

11. How to deploye EAR file in WebSphre clustered environment?    stackoverflow.com

Hi Can any one please explain how to deploy EAR file in clustered environment of WebSphere 7. I'm able to deploy into single node. same ear file i'm not able ...

12. ant: Need help packaging an EJB and its dependencies into an EAR    stackoverflow.com

My goal is pretty simple: to use ant to build an EAR which contains 1 EJB and 1 jar containing all of the dependencies. This jar, called common.jar for the sake ...

13. Deploying multiple instances of an EAR (with same EJB) to same WebSphere community (WASCE v2.1) server    stackoverflow.com

I am working on a J2EE project and I want to deploy two versions of the same EAR file to the same server (WebSphere Community Edition which runs Apache Geronimo). The ...

14. EAR package structure    stackoverflow.com

I am creating an EAR with 1 war file (appWeb.war is my web module) and several jar files. These jar files are NOT EJBs. We have choosen to create different jar files ...

15. websphere look up failure problem    stackoverflow.com

java.rmi.AccessException: CORBA NO_PERMISSION 0x0 No; nested exception is: 

    >>    org.omg.CORBA.NO_PERMISSION: java.rmi.AccessException:  ; nested exception is: 

16. How can I build an EAR file from a Dynamic Web Project in Eclipse?    stackoverflow.com

I'm looking at deploying a web service which I've written in Eclipse to an EAR file. I'm able to export it as a WAR and deploy it on Tomcat all ...

17. How to configure EAR to access exisiting Websphere Shared Lib?    stackoverflow.com

I am using JSF2 with Websphere 7 . I have created a shared lib successfully and have pointed application using Webpsphere Admin Console and it works successfully . But what we ...

18. Deploy EAR file to WAS 7 from command line    stackoverflow.com

I need to deploy an EAR file that is located in sever A to a WebSphere Server located in server B. I need to know how to deploy the EAR from ...

19. Gradle - ear task    stackoverflow.com

I was trying to use 'appDirName'in ear task, which has 'META-INF/application.xml' When it is creating ear file, it is creating with 'meta-inf/application.xml'. Ear file is not deployable to Websphere 6.1. application server. Please ...

20. How to override WebSphere "Enhanced EAR" configuration entries?    stackoverflow.com

I am developing WebSphere 6.1 EAR app and I need to override configuration entries specified in META-INF/ibconfig directory. There reside extra configuration files, that describe various server objects - from JDBC ...

21. WebSphere Application Server 8 Enhanced EAR shared library bug?    stackoverflow.com

I have posted this question on the IBM forums but just in case no answer comes from there I thought I would try my luck here. I have just upgraded ...

22. Deploying EAR on WAS 8.0    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to deploy my EAR application which contains a RAR, and couple of JAR modules. The application is working fine on WAS 7.0 but as soon as I start ...

23. WebSphere enhanced EAR cannot be installed    stackoverflow.com

I am using WebSphere Portal 7. A enterprise application was created with WebSphere-enhanced EAR version 1.4, and appropriate Java EE module dependencies added. The following errors are reported when trying to add ...

24. Class cast exceptions with ant/jenkins generated EAR on WebSphere 6.1    stackoverflow.com

I'm having runtime class cast exceptions after deploying an ear generated as part of an ant build script running on Jenkins to Websphere 6.1. The cast class exceptions are in some ...