proxy « weblogic « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Easiest way to front Weblogic 9.2 with apache 2.x

I want to put Apache 2.2.9 in front of a Weblogic 9.2 server on Windows XP. What does it take to do that ?
I probably need mod_proxy on the apache side ...

2. Redirecting https requests to two different weblogic servers using the Weblogic proxy and Apache2

I have a server serverA running a weblogic application App1, with base url /app1/ on port 7001, and another server serverB, running a weblogic application App2, with base url /app2/ on ...

3. Redirecting http request to two different weblogic servers using the Weblogic proxy and Apache2

I've read previous posts like "Redirecting https requests to two different weblogic servers using the Weblogic proxy and Apache2". But I have a different situation and I don't think I'm understanding ...

4. Apache 2.2 ProxyPass with Weblogic - Can't use root

I'm trying to configure an Apache 2.2 proxy server to point to multiple Weblogic instances. I'm doing fairly well with everything but a minor point. I can get this to work: ...

5. Authentication "pop-up" window breaks OHS->WebLogic proxy

I have setup an app on WebLogic (11g) with OHS as the front end. The app is over SSL. Scenario 1 : I deploy the app on WebLogic, setup OHS as ...

6. Dynamic Proxy client to access web service from weblogic

All, I created a dynamic client to access the webservice from the weblogic environment. System.setProperty(ServiceFactory.SERVICEFACTORY_PROPERTY,"weblogic.webservice.core.rpc.ServiceFactoryImpl"); Service service = ServiceFactory.newInstance().createService(new, serviceQName); System.out.println("Port Class = " + service.getPort(SoftRaterSoap.class)); SoftRaterSoap stub = (SoftRaterSoap)service.getPort(new QName(targetNamespace, "SoftRaterSoap"), SoftRaterSoap.class); MappedRateOperators ibRateOper = new MappedRateOperators(); MappedRateRequest ibCustomOper = new MappedRateRequest(); //Getting error. stub.processCustomMessage(inputString, ibRateOper,ibCustomOper); The issue is i am getting error in the last line of above ...

7. Getting error [ Proxy or Server Authentication Required]

GetBasicSubscriberNetworkProfileEsbTransactionBindingQSService serviceLocator = new GetBasicSubscriberNetworkProfileEsbTransactionBindingQSService_Impl("http://#.#.#.#:####/CBS_GetBasicSubscriberNetworkProfileAxisFix?WSDL"); GetBasicSubscriberNetworkProfileEsbTransactionPort esbTransactionPort = serviceLocator.getGetBasicSubscriberNetworkProfileEsbTransactionBindingQSPort(); ((Stub)esbTransactionPort)._setProperty(Stub.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, "http://#.#.#.#:####/CBS_GetBasicSubscriberNetworkProfileAxisFix"); GetBasicSubscriberNetworkProfileRequest subscriberRequest = new GetBasicSubscriberNetworkProfileRequest(); GetBasicSubscriberNetworkProfileRequestElement subscriberRequestElmnt = new GetBasicSubscriberNetworkProfileRequestElement(); subscriberRequest.setTSORequest(subscriberRequestElmnt); subscriberRequestElmnt.setMSISDN(msisdn); ServiceAuth auth = new ServiceAuth(); auth.setUsername("portaldev"); auth.setPassword(""); out.println("Auth: Username [" + auth.getUsername() + "], password [" + auth.getPassword() + "]"); GetBasicSubscriberNetworkProfileResponse subscriberResponse = null; out.println("Before calling the service stub for the service "); subscriberResponse = esbTransactionPort.getBasicSubscriberNetworkProfile(auth, subscriberRequest);