cluster « weblogic « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Deactivating Weblogic Load Balancing Optimization for collocated objects

Is there a way to deactivate the optimization for collocated objects that Weblogic uses by default for a specific EJB ? EDIT: Some context : We have a scheduler service that ...

2. clustering/replicating counter state with application level scope

I need to replicate a sequence/counter across an eight node cluster. This means that each http request receives the next value in the sequence by calling something like getNextIntAndIncrement(), where ...

3. WebLogic load balancing

I'm currently developing a project supported on a WebLogic clustered environment. I've successfully set up the cluster, but now I want a load-balancing solution (currently, only for testing purposes, I'm using ...

4. Customize WebLogic's heartbeat message

I'm currently developing a system to ensure high performance, availability and scalability; fail-over and crash recovery on a WebLogic integration scenario. Does anybody know if it is possible to customize WebLogic's native ...

5. Weblogic Managed Servers Restart On Own

We are running WebLogic and when we attempt to shutdown all managed servers in a cluster some of the managed servers shutdown and start back up prior to us interacting ...

6. WebLogic clustered singleton service

I am currently trying to implement a singleton service over WebLogic, using a WebLogic cluster. I've read some literature about clustered singleton services on WebLogic, and I know I have to implement ...

7. Does it make sense to add more cluster nodes to an underutilized server?

Let's say I'm running a cluster with two Weblogic server nodes on two servers (Solaris, 4 CPUs, 64 GB RAM each). The heap size is maxed out on these nodes and ...

8. In Weblogic (10), how do I access the node name from Java?

I would like to set up some per-node configuration in a weblogic cluster and need to access the node name from Java.

9. How does weblogic clustering work?

I'm new to weblogic. I've read and searched this topic on the internet but still had a hard time understanding some of weblogic's clustering concepts. Can anybody confirm/correct my understandings ...

10. A question on clustered environment on Weblogic server

I am using Weblogic 10g clustered environment to deploy my application. In my application, I have used a class to load some properties from database lazily. This is ...

11. How to troubleshoot issues caused by clustering or load balancing?

Hi I have a application that is deploy on two weblogic app servers recently we have issue that for certain cases the user session returned is null. Developer feedback is that it ...

12. Writing web application code for a Weblogic Cluster

I have a standard web application deployed to an application server. The application uses Struts 1, iBatis, JSP, Servlets, pretty basic stuff. Now the application will be deployed to a Weblogic cluster. Is ...

13. Deploying to a clustered weblogic application server or Red Hat Linux

I am developing an application with following software stack:

  1. XHTML / CSS / ExtJS / DWR / Javascript (Presentation Layer)
  2. EJB 3.0 / Spring MVC
  3. Hibernate / Hibernate Spatial
My application works well in a ...

14. Using Timers in Cluster

I am using WebLogic 11g, Ejb3.0/Ejb3.1. I am under Cluster. I need to use Timers in order to invoke daily task. How would I sync between the timers in the cluster? And avoid duplicate ...

15. Singleton Service in weblogic for cluster timer

I am using Weblogic 11. Ejb3.0 I am trying to set up a timer in a cluster environment. I understood from the net that it possible to do via the Singleton service ...

16. Locking a Java object or a Java method in a WebLogic Cluster

I'm running a JavaEE Weblogic 10 Cluster. I'm looking for a good design to lock an entity accross the differents JVM of my cluster. Is there a kind of synchronized keyword, accross differents ...

17. URL to web clustered application in WebLogic

I have deployed a WebLogic Cluster in WL 10.3, with EJBs and JMS. There are one admin server and two managed nodes. I have a Web Application in a .war file, so ...

18. weblogic server clustered environment

Is it possible to have a singleton stateless session bean in an clustered environment in weblogic? so that my session beans only active only one server. could you please tel me any ...

19. Why do you need the admin server running to fire stopmanagedweblogic

Is there any reason that need admin server running when running the stopManagedWeblogic.cmd? Admin server running is not necessary even for startManagedWeblogic.cmd. The admin server can be stopped if ...

20. Communication between cluster nodes

I am looking for an effective way to communicate between several cluster nodes (for application coordination). As it stands database is not an option. Is it possible to use the unicast ...

21. Checking clustered EJBs in Weblogic

I am testing a J2EE application in a clustered Weblogic 10.3.5 environment. As described in, I have configured the following in weblogic-ejb-jar.xml:

for each EJB (they are all stateless session ...

22. How to load balance url request to a dedicated weblogic node?

For some performance issue, i need to process one kind of request in a dedicated node. For example, I need to process all request like http://hostname/report* on node1. So, I added ...

23. Getting instance ip from weblogic cluster

I have a problem on how to get an instance URL within a cluster with weblogic. Description: We have 2 domains: X and Y. In each domain I have 2 clusters: c01 and ...