classpath « weblogic « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Using external properties files in weblogic

I am working on deploying a J2ee application that I have previously been deploying in JBOSS into Weblogic I am running into an issue with external properties files. ...

2. Weblogic EAR Classloading

I am deploying an EAR in a WebLogic node with many jars defined in the bootstrap (startWeblogicServer.bat) class-path. The problem is that my ear and the bootstrap contain different versions ...

3. Jar placement for Web Apps using WebLogic

This seems like an elementary question, but I want to make sure that we're doing things right. We're making webapps using Spring MVC and serving them using WebLogic. Where should jars be ...

4. Add items to application (WAR) classpath in WebLogic 10?

My shop has been running Oracle's Application Server for several years. As such, before we knew better, we have developed a norm of having application config files stored outside of the ...

5. Weblogic application complains about some classes missing, how to debug?

I have a rather complex J2EE app I don't have any documentation for and I am trying to get it to run. I have gotten the ant build script to compile ...

6. Weblogic 10 shared library not showing up in referencing apps

On WebLogic 10.0 I use the "Shared J2EE Libraries" ( ) feature of WLS to group some jars which would need to be accessible in multiple ear's. These ...

7. classpath and class loading on weblogic

I am trying to create and load dynamically classes in weblogic ( It is ADF application which I deploy to the weblogic server. When I print

I see the path to my directory ...

8. Weblogic WLST classpath

When I run the WLST script .sh script to set the env as follows why can't I see the updated path when I do echo? [linbox2 bin]$ ./ CLASSPATH=/directory/ols_wls/patch_wlss1032/profiles/default/sys_manifest_classpath/weblogic_patch.jar:/directory/ols_wls/patch_wls1032/profiles/default/sys_manifest_classpath/weblogic_patch.jar:/directory/ols_wls/patch_oepe1032/profiles/default/sys_manifest_classpath/weblogic_patch.jar:/directory/ols_wls/patch_ocm1031/profiles/default/sys_manifest_classpath/weblogic_patch.jar:/directory/ols_wls/jrockit_160_14_R27.6.5-32/lib/tools.jar:/directory/ols_wls/utils/config/10.3/config-launch.jar:/directory/ols_wls/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic_sp.jar:/directory/ols_wls/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar:/directory/ols_wls/modules/features/weblogic.server.modules_10.3.2.0.jar:/directory/ols_wls/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/webservices.jar:/directory/ols_wls/modules/org.apache.ant_1.7.0/lib/ant-all.jar:/directory/ols_wls/modules/

9. How can I add domain root to the WebLogic AdminServer classpath?

How can I add the domain root path to the Oracle WebLogic 11g (10.3.2) AdminServer classpath? (Note that I am not running the Node Manager.) Which WebLogic startup script ...

10. How to add Rhino Javascript 1.7 library to classpath in Weblogic 10

Weblogic packages rhino classes inside weblogic.jar. I need newer version of rhino js.jar. If I just distribute the newer rhino js jar like any other third party jar, it does not get loaded, ...

11. Weblogic is using com.bea.core.apache.commons.net_1.0.0.0_1-4-1.jar... I want to use commons-net-2.0.jar from my code

Weblogic is using com.bea.core.apache.commons.net_1.0.0.0_1-4-1.jar... I want to use commons-net-2.0.jar from my code. How can I force it to use the newer JAR in my code only?

12. Java classpath, jar file with no .jar extension in Weblogic over Unix

If I place a file called libA.jar in a classpath folder, and rename the old one to: libA.jar.old Will the classloader load the classes? I'm using weblogic over Solaris 8. Thank you! Udo

13. How to specify a classpath for a module in application.xml for an EAR

So I have an EAR that contains all of my modules. The shared JARs that are used by all the modules are placed in the default ./lib/ folder of the EAR. ...

14. Weblogic appc cannot find class in EAR "lib" directory

I am running weblogic.appc on my EAR file and get the following error:

weblogic.ejb.container.deployer.DeploymentDescriptorException: [EJB:015025]Unable to load a class specified in your ejb-jar.xml:
The class is present in a ...

15. How to properly set a JavaEE project classpath in Eclipse?

I'm developing a JavaEE system with several applications on a Weblogic AS (10.3.5) using Eclipse indigo with OEPE plugin. I turned my computer off, turned it back on, started the eclipse, ...

16. Separating property-files from war-file in WebLogic

I am building a war-application for WebLogic. I have some property files I would like to keep separate from the war-file, so I can deploy the same war in different environments. I tried ...

17. Configuring the WebLogic server classpath

I have recently begun the process of migrating from MyEclipse to NetBeans, and I've run into a roadblock. I can't find a way to configure the classpath for my WebLogic Server ...

18. How to unload a class/jar from the classpath under Weblogic environment

Hi guys, Did some search on the ranch & google & found that inorder for a class to be unloaded, its ClassLoader must be able to be garbage collected. What I'm trying to do is to unload a class that is on my classpath. So I get class's ClassLoader, set it to null & invoke System.gc(). Tried to load the class ...

20. ANT and weblogic classpath