cache « weblogic « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. HTTP caching headers settings weblogic

Does anyone know how to modify weblogic settings to set the HTTP cache header to a far future date? For example in my current setup weblogic sets the http cache headers ...

2. J2EE/EJB + service locator: is it safe to cache EJB Home lookup result?

In a J2EE application, we are using EJB2 in weblogic. To avoid losing time building the initial context and looking up EJB Home interface, I'm considering the Service Locator Pattern. But ...

3. Creating an application instance specific cache for Java/WebLogic Web Services

I'm new to both J2EE and WebLogic. I'd trying to determine the best way to implement a non-distributed cache (one cache per application instance) in a Java Web Services application running ...

4. Forcing no-cache for internet explorer over HTTPS with HTTP response headers?

So, I recently found this little gem. Essentially, IE doesn't haven't Cache-Control: no-cache properly over HTTPs, which breaks the download. However, I need to disable caching for a number ...

5. Caching in JAVA that copes in a weblogic clustered set up

I'm maintaining a Java web application that uses a java.util.Hashtable to cache values. This works fine. However when deployed to weblogic under a clustered envrionment this means that I have cache refresh ...

6. Caching Webservices

I would like to create a wrapper over an existing webservice in order to cache the results. So i will create a client and I would like to expose this new webservice ...

7. Weblogic not clearing cache

We have installed Weblogic on a RHEL (linux) machine.
Recently a new version of an application was uploaded to the Weblogic. Unfortunately the new changes are not reflecting.
I am told by ...

8. Clearing cache of weblogic