validation « soap « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Validating SOAP messages

I can't get any SOAP messages to validate as valid XML. For example, the SOAP message below I took off of Wikipedia and it failed the Validome validator (

2. SOAP UI: Can I add assertion to validate with local XML Schema file?

I have created a Web Service (with Java, Axis). Depending on the content of the request, the response may have a different XSD. So, the WSDL only specifies that the response ...

3. SoapHttpClientProtocol disable ssl certificate validation

I need to tell my C# soap web service consumer to not validate the certificate and just accept it. Is this possible? Why: we publish a https-only web service. A ...

4. Error with XSL validation of Javascript

I am getting validation errors such as: "No processing instruction starts with 'xml...." when I try to validate my code before I put it into the 3rd party app I'm using. ...

5. C# Webservice disable message Validation

We are using a web service from a party who has made changes to it. Those changes cause some of the response messages to give an invalid validation error. The wise ...

6. c# webservice - validate params and throw exception/error via soap

What is the best way to validate WebMethod params .
I guess this not best practice:

        public string HelloWorld(String sayHi)

7. validating SOAP Message along with the contents of SOAP Body

What is the best approach to validate an incoming SOAP message in its entirety in a client? I am more concerned about validating the SOAP Body content and Header entries which are defined in a vendor's namespace by schemas created by Vendor/WebService provider. The WebService provider may not provide an "xsi:schemaLocation" attribute for these user defined nodes in the SOAP message. ...

8. Richard, A Question on validating SOAP messages.

What is the best practice with respect to validating SOAP messages? Should the data content within the SOAP Envelope be extracted and validated separately using the appropriate XMLSchemas? Or can the whole SOAP message be validated as is? To use option 1 - one would have to extract the data content, most likely from a DOM Tree that has the whole ...

9. validating a soap message

11. SOAP Message Validation

12. Strip Out XML From SOAP to Validate

I'm trying to figure out how to properly strip out the XML from a SOAP message so that I can validate it. I guess I have a multi-part question. First, I've parsed the original SOAP message and have it represented as DOM Document because the examples I looked at did it that way, but based on some of the things that ...

13. JAX-WS: when input soap validation fails

I have created a web service with JAX-WS. When the input SOAP message is not well formed or can not be validated, a soap fault is returned automatically to the caller. I dont want the caller to receive this standard SOAP message but i want to create an own custom SOAP fault. So if the call looks like this (note Envelope1, ...

14. SOAP Validation Help Requested

15. how to validate soap with xsd

import; import javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory; import javax.xml.validation.Schema; import javax.xml.XMLConstants; import javax.xml.validation.Validator; class ValidateXML { public static void main(String[ ] args) { if (args.length != 2) { String msg = "\nUsage: java ValidateXML XMLfile XSDfile"; System.err.println(msg); return; } try { // Read and validate the XML Schema (XSD document). final String schema_uri = XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI; SchemaFactory factory = SchemaFactory.newInstance(schema_uri); Schema schema = factory.newSchema(new StreamSource(args[1])); ...