response 1 « soap « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. How do I add a namespace reference to a SOAP response with Apache Axis2 and WSDL2Java

I'm looking at the SOAP output from a web service I'm developing, and I noticed something curious:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
      <ns1:CreateEntityTypesResponse xmlns:ns1="">

2. How can the error 'Client found response content type of 'text/html'.. be interpreted

I'm using C# and connecting to a WebService via an auto-generated C# proxy object. The method I'm calling can be long running, and sometimes times out. I get different errors back, ...

3. Passing Objects as part of SOAP Request and Getting Objects back as Response....using webservices

I have a webservice, which takes java.lang.object objects as parameters (because at runtime only know hte type of object)...after doing process, reply response setting java.lang.Object to it. I am able to send ...

4. How do I get access to SOAP response

(If anything here needs clarification/ more detail please let me know.) I have an application (C#, 2.* framework) that interfaces with a third-party webservice using SOAP. I used thinktecture's WSCF add-in ...

5. How to log XML SOAP messages (Request and Response) to SQL Database?

In my web application, I need to log all the SOAP messages to my SQL 2005 database whenever I make a web service call to my business partners' web service. How ...

6. Using WCF to send a signed Request and receive an unsigned Response

I'm working with a .NET dev team who are trying to interface with a web service that uses WS-Security, and although the service requires signed requests it only returns unsigned responses. The ...

7. how can i leave out fields from an axis2 soap response?

I have an Axis2 Web Service that requests the status of some objects. The objects can either exist on the server, or not exist. The web service is implemented with POJOs, ...

8. XML Parse error while processing the SOAP response

I am using C# .Net 2.0 to write a webservices client. The server's soap implementation is tested and is pretty solid. gSoap/C++ applications had no problem reading the responses. However the ...

9. Null characters in web service response causes XML document error

It seems there is a bug in SQL Server Integration Services 2005 which, in certain circumstances, converts a zero length string into a single character string whose character happens to be ...

10. Parsing a multipart SOAP response in Flex?

I have a Flex application that needs to grab reporting data from a Jasper server, through the JasperReports Web Services API. Flex Builder 3 does a nice job of generating ...

11. adding custom SOAP headers in MEX response for operation contract based WCF services

I'm having a problem consuming WCF service requiring custom SOAP headers for methods marked with [OperationContract] attributes. Custom headers cannot be explicitly declared in the service because interface methods are not ...

12. How to match SOAP responses to the schema

Hi I am trying to evaluate a web service. I am using the Axis API to create the requests. I send requests with some attacks, and then want to validate the ...

13. Detecting missing responses to long running HTTP (SOAP) requests

I need a way to detect a missing response to a long running HTTP POST request. This problem arises when the network infrastructure (firewalls, proxies, unplugged cables, etc.) drops the response ...

14. Using C# and XDocument/XElement to parse a Soap Response

Here is a sample soap response from my SuperDuperService:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
     <MyResponse xmlns="">

15. Need to override Http Response Code from asmx web service

My web sevices support flex/flash clients and, upon unhandeld exceptions, throw custom faults that extend System.ServiceModel.FaultException. I have been informed that flex/flash can't read these custom faults if the the http response ...

16. .NET WCF Can't Decode "Chunked" response

I am calling an axis web service from WCF. The request works just fine but I get back null values. Using Fiddler I was able to determine that the ...

17. Problem with SOAP response structure from Coldfusion webservice

I have a problem with a Coldfusion webservice I've created. The service accepts XML data, BASE64 encoded, and then writes it to disk for archive purposes. This file then undergoes a ...

18. how to save response when saving a SoapUI project

I am using SoapUI 2.5.1 - evaluation version In a testcase, how to save the response messages along with requests in a SoapUI project ? Here is what is happening currently: When I ...

19. Mirth: sharing the SOAP response between Destinations in the same channel

Consider a scenario where a Mirth channel has one or more Destinations. In this scenario, there are 4 Destinations. The channel's Source Type is LLP Listener with incoming datatype as HL7 v2.x. ...

20. .NET client getting "not well formed" XML response from Axis web service

I have a simple .NET app that makes a SOAP call to a third party Axis web service. When I trace the HTTP traffic, I see that the Request looks fine, ...

21. What replaces regexp for XML response assertions in SOAP UI?

My team has switched from J-meter to SoapUI for testing purposes.We are testing regular WSDL-based services. We used this nifty feature in J-meter where you could write assertions in the form ...

22. .NET Log or View Call / Response of a SOAP WebService

What is the best way to inspect the calls & responses from a web service in .NET?
I'm interacting with a Web Service written in Perl and running into issues.
How ...

23. Web service response compression

i'm trying understand what are consequences of enabling compression for web service response. Web service is implemented as IIS hosted WCF service with http binding. I would like to add compression ...

24. Send binary file in web service soap response

I have response stream from a ftp web request that returns binary file. I wanted to get the binary data into byte[] and then encode that array and send it as web ...

25. Specify order of elements in a SOAP response using java

I have a web service that returns a dataset object that contains the current weather forecast along with 0 or more weather alerts for a county/state. The dataset object just ...

26. Bad response (400) with a WCF streaming service configured programmatically

this if my first attempt at using streaming for WCF, and I am struggling with the dreadful "The remote server returned an unexpected response: (400) Bad Request" response. The trace viewer ...

27. How to extract data from a SOAP response in Java?

I have a client set up to send a request to the National Weather Service SOAP server. I am receiving the response that I expect, but I am unsure as to ...

28. empty response from a WCF call even though Soap has values

when im invoking a service from my code and from WCFTestClient, im getting a null response, but when im using another Tool (SoapUI), im getting a valid response back. Anyone has ...

29. WCF service, response in SOAP or plain XML, how?

I am struggling few hours with this and can't find a solution to the communication problem. My service need to communicate with clients via SOAP or plain XML My service will be written ...

30. How to change the response soap message in javax.xml.rpc.handler.Handler.handleFault(MessageContext ctx)

I wrote a handler (javax.xml.rpc.handler.Handler) for a SOAP web service that inspects header data. How can I modify the response message when the method handleFault is invoked?

public class SeguridadHandler implements ...

31. How do you build a website that uses SOAP requests and responses?

Basically, I'm looking to create a simple music playlist platform but in the form of webpages. Users create playlist, add songs to it, and other users can view these playlists. But the ...

32. What is the maximum size limit for SOAP response for JAX-WS?

This is regard to my question On JMeter here i found the SOAP message size can be a problem for the exception. What is the size limit of SOAP response for ...

33. Mocking Web Service Response | Bundle couple of them in a web app

I am working in an enterprise project and my team is responsible for creating front end of the application and there is another team developing webservices and has provided WSDL for ...

34. Preprocessing the server response before passing it on to Axis

I'm in the very peculiar position of trying to access a SOAP service whose answers are wrapped in HTML. This is a bug with the service provider ( SourceForge ) , ...

35. How do I view the full SOAP response (including header) on incoming responses to a Service Reference in c#?

I have a simple c# 3.5 .Net console application that hooks up to a service reference. Everything's working fine - making calls and receiving responses, but now I've been told ...

36. Post soap request and display response in

I'm new to object oriented programming so I just need help on the basics here. I have an xml string that I've tested in a separate program and is able ...

37. Flex HTTPService: SOAP Response cannot be decoded. Raw response:

I am trying to connect my flex app to a CFC I have which calls a method. It's to test a login control, and when i put the correct credentials in, ...

38. Include XML in SOAP response

In my WSDL my reponse I have it setup to be like this:

<message name='getPartsResponse'>
  <part name='Result' type='xsd:string'/>
The problem I am having is that what I am sending in the response ...

39. Calling webservice in C# returns Client found response content type of '', but expected 'text/xml'

I am currently calling a ColdFusion web service in C#. The web service is just a simple query used to search for users. I can search just fine and ...

40. How to save web service response (a byte array) as a file using SOAP UI?

I am using SOAP UI 3.0.1 for testing my web service which returns a byte array. I want to save the byte array as a word file. How do I accomplish ...

41. Is it legal to have different SOAP namespaces/versions between the request and response?

THIRD EDIT: I now believe that this problem is due to a SOAP version mismatch (1.1 request, 1.2 response) masquerading as a namespace problem. Is it illegal to ...

42. Flex 3 and soap response?

I want to insert data into a SQL Server, but I keep getting this error

RPC Fault faultString="SOAP Response cannot be decoded. Raw response:faultCode="DecodingError" faultDetail="null"]
I can get data all day, ...

43. whats the term used to describe sending the same message to a system and reciving the same response

I"m looking for a term here. in messaging systems you send a request, and it processes and sends a response. if that same request is sent it should return the same response, (but ...

44. Is there a proxy server/apache module I can install that will convert an XML SOAP response to JSON?

I'm connecting to a remote web service which I'd prefer to call with ajax and the service (FedEx Services API) doesn't appear to support JSON formatted responses. Is there a ...

45. Using C# to parse a SOAP Response

I am trying to get the values for faultcode, faultstring, and OrderNumber from the SOAP below

<SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP="">

46. WCF client hangs on response

I have a WCF client (running on Win7) pointing to a WebSphere service. All is good from a test harness (a little test fixture outside my web app) but when my calls ...

47. Configuring a WCF Client to Use UserName Credentials On the Request and Check Certificate Credentials On the Response

I'm trying to use WCF to consume a web service provided by a third-party's Oracle Application Server. I pass a username and password in a UsernameToken as part of the request ...

48. How to handle SOAP response in FLEX 3

SOAP Request
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns2:deleteDataView xmlns:ns2="http://ws.$$$$$"> ...

49. SOAP Web services: object aliasing in response?

If a web service returns an object graph where some objects appear multiple times, will the data about these objects necessarily be duplicated in the transport format? Put differently: With Java serialization, ...

50. soap parsing with simplexml_load_string i want to parse it i get response with empty body

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""><soap:Body><SearchHotelsResponse xmlns=""><SearchHotelsResult><xs:schema id="TWS_HotelList" targetNamespace="" xmlns:mstns="" xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata" xmlns:msprop="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msprop" attributeFormDefault="qualified" elementFormDefault="qualified"><xs:element name="TWS_HotelList" msdata:IsDataSet="true" msdata:Locale="en-US" msdata:EnforceConstraints="False"><xs:complexType><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element name="Hotel"> 

51. SOAP Response to Dataset

I'm trying to convert the response I'm getting from Web Service into a DataSet so I can bind it to a GridView. The response is already serialized.

52. How to send OK response to EWS

I am trying to get EWS's push notifications set up in my c# app. After getting the response from the server and reading it using a NetworkStream I need to respond to ...

53. Access the request XML in a SOAP UI mock response script

I have a mock response, which needs to return a value that was in the request. For example, this request can come in:

I already have a mockResponse:
I know how to set ...

54. Use StAX parse RPC style soap response

I have a soap response which is RPC style, so it has 'multiref's. The response was passed to me as a String. Can I use StAX parser to parse it? Can ...

55. xhrPost works differently with Firefox and IE8 - but how do I handle the response?

I really don't understand why I get a different response from xhrPost with Dojo. For IE8 it works fine and the XML can be read - but in Firefox it ...

56. set Response to client from SOAP Envelope

I have a WCF client with a custom behavior that intercepts the SOAP request. In BeforeSendRequest in the client I get the SOAP request and pass it to another WS as parameter. ...

57. Getting the actual response from Soap WebService

im Consuming a Soap webservice and im calling a method , i want to get the actual xml response is there is any way to get that ?

58. Qt Getting Response from SoapRequest

Consider the following in Qt using QtSoap lib:

 QtSoapHttpTransport http;
 connect(&http, SIGNAL(responseReady()), this, SLOT(getResponse()));
now there is a method i want to call which is:
QtSoapMessage request;
http.submitRequest(Request, "/api/soap");
now i want to have ...

59. SOAP Response Schema Validation

Short version:

I'm trying to write an XSD that will validate my SOAP service's responses. I feel compelled to just import http:// instead of redefining the SOAP elements like Envelope, ...

60. Is there a simple eclipse plugin that is free and let me fire soap requests and see soap responses in Eclipse?

would like to know if there is any web service testing tool eclipse plugin. I looked at soap ui eclipse plugin , but its to big to get it installed in ...

61. SOAP Request and Response Read from and to file using libcurl - C

I am trying to send a SOAP request from a xml file and send to a SOAP service and then read the response while saving it into a file, using libcurl. ...

62. how to convert soap response to object

I have an xml file and a matching object definition. How can i fill an instance of the object with the xml data?

I have registered to get ebay notification, and it sent ...

63. How to deserialize soap response with multiref in .net?

I am making a .net wcf client for java ws. But when i make a request, and response contains fault, it also contains multiRef section. So i get this exception:

Server returned ...

64. soap response return nothing in window

hi i'm writing soapprogram to consume webservice using java and i'm using jboss server. In eclipse there is no error in my program while i'm pressing the request button in soapui ...

65. Serialising and Deserialising Requests and Responses exactly as WCF does

I need to deserialise SOAP request XML to .Net request object and to serialise .Net response object to SOAP response XML. I need this to work exactly as WCF does, using ...

66. Web Service returning definition of response with initial value set

So I have a simple webservice that has an input of a userid and gets a flag from a sql database (initially set to '1'). However, when I query a user with ...

67. how can i read SOAP message response?

In the past I've always used class proxy to communicate with WebService. Now I want to use SOAP message. I developed a .ddl that do this, and all goes fine. My question ...

68. How can I capture the SOAP response after executing a webservice in C#? I need to manipulate it in code

It is a foreign AXIS webservice and I am using "add service reference" in VS 2010 using C#. After executing a webmethod I can see the desired string I want to ...

69. soap request / response

Is a soap request used to pass the parameters of the method call to the web-service ? And does a soap reply contain the return value of the function call ? ...

70. Web service response for Null DateTime?

When a web service contains a DateTime datatype and the datatime has not been set, ie its a null value. What is the standard response provided by the web service? 1) ...

71. SOAP Response in Flex 4

I am working with the Pingdom API in a Flex 4 AIR Application, and using the Data/Services builder built into Flash Builder 4. Pingdom's API is built on SOAP (for ...

72. Soap response cannot be decoded

I see this error:

'SOAP Response cannot be decoded. Raw response: ' faultCode:'null'
when i call a webservice, when i try to run that webmethod separately via a small app, it works, also ...

73. How to parse SOAP response in JAX-WS?

How should i parse SOAP response? Do i have to write LogicalHandler (like here to get the payload of response and then use SAX to parse it or ...

74. SOAP: Reading SOAP response's embedded file

In SOAP Client application. I am using javax.xml.soap api. I am getting the soap response. A part of it, shown below.

<ns5:XXX type="Full" format="HTML">
<ns5:EmbeddedFile   MIMEType="text/html" 

75. ColdFusion SOAP response with attachments

I am using Coldfusion9 to interact with a 3rd party SOAP service with which I need to both send and receive SOAP with attachments. I am having no issue in receiving ...

76. SoapHttpClientProtocol: get response as a stream instead of a string?

I'm using a webservice which spits out very large amounts of data in one piece. The response string can be something like 8MB. While not an issue on a desktop PC, ...

77. How to send/receive SOAP request and response using C#

private static string WebServiceCall(string methodName)        
    WebRequest webRequest = WebRequest.Create("http://localhost/AccountSvc/DataInquiry.asmx");
    HttpWebRequest httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)webRequest;     ...

78. how to send response using soap handler

I am using soap header for authentication process, if the authentication success, remaining processes are completed and got the response. But if authentication fails, i don't know how to send the ...

79. SOAP xml response received but not populating response object

I added a "Service Reference" to a vendor's Java based web service which i have no control over. I have this simple client code:

   Client myClient = new Client();

80. Caching SOAP Responses

Our current application has to talk with a SAP PI layer, in the form of SOAP style services. Unfortunately, this services layer, does not implement any form of caching, leading to ...

81. How can I programmatically build a SOAP envelope response in WCF?

Like the title says I would like to know if it is possible to edit the SOAP envelope that is sent back to the client after a WCF operation? Thanks in advance, Tri ...

82. Parsing soap response with LINQ

I'm having trouble parsing the following soap response. This is my first time working with LINQ and must examples I've found use XML and not a SOAP envelope. How do I ...

83. SOAP Response Schema

I am exploring SOAP WS right now and I created a very simple class that I am exposing as a Web Service.

public class StudentWS {   

84. Axis: log SOAP http request and response

I'm working with Axis to build an SOAP client. I'd like to print somewhere complete http request and response. I managed to create handler, which prints SOAP envelopes. How can I ...

85. I keep getting the error "SOAP Response cannot be decoded." when I try to connect to a webservice with my flash application

So I have this application im working on, its a flash application and there is a part where I want to connect to a webservice, this webservice is written in java, ...

86. Exception: Response is not well-formed XML

I am not sure if this question has been answered before, but I could not find a solution. Here's my question: I have converted a couple of Rest API's(as you know, uses Http ...

87. Flex : Soap Response cannot be decoded, Decoding Error

[RPC Fault faultString="SOAP Response cannot be decoded. Raw response: " faultCode="DecodingError" faultDetail="null"] I get this error in flex 3.2 compiled application.

  1. this error is caught by webservice fault handler.
  2. this error ...

88. How can I get the raw XML response from a .NET generated SOAP client rather than serialized objects?

I need to access the raw response XML from a .NET generated SOAP client (using svcutil). I believe that I can do this by intercepting it with a custom behaviour, but ...

89. Looking for advice on handling generic SOAP responses

I am working on the GUI (WPF) of a new app that will be sending various SOAP requests and getting back SOAP responses that will be formed using a generic format. ...

90. Interpretting SOAP / jBoss response - "The endpoint reference (EPR) for the Operation not found"

I send this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:soap=""><soap:Body><ns:getABCFormData xmlns:ns=""><ns:ABCNumber>0811</ns:ABCNumber><ns:requestType>F11</ns:requestType></ns:getABCFormData></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>
I get this:
HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
X-Powered-By: Servlet 2.4; JBoss-4.3.0.GA_CP06 (build: SVNTag=JBPAPP_4_3_0_GA_CP06 date=200907141446)/JBossWeb-2.0
Content-Type: application/xml;charset=UTF-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Fri, 13 May 2011 14:22:18 GMT
Connection: ...

91. What are some useful techniques for optimizing raw SOAP requests and responses?

As a SOAP web services developer, I'm curious about what techniques I can implement to optimize our SOAP responses at the raw xml level. Currently our enterprise web service allows clients ...

92. Specify type names in a SOAP response in .net

I'm new to .net and trying to build the server side of a SOAP web service. The client is already implemented by someone else and I'm not allowed to make ...

93. Extract WebService SOAP Response values

I have implemented Asynchronous webservice that receives response from different Agency. This response will be automatically redirected to my Webservice based on service URL when the request process has been finished ...

94. Getting a response with a VB.NET client from a Java Web Service

Here's the situation. I'm a Java developer. Another developer in our company wrote a web service for our clients. They wrote the service in Java. They also ...

95. How to export all request and response when creating report from soap UI

Consider that I am having 1 Test case which 5 steps for REST Services

  1. Groovy Script.
  2. Login customer
  3. Taking customer id from the login response.
  4. Taking Session from the login response.
  5. Modify password of the consumer.
i ...

96. Returning raw soap response in java using JAX-WS

I have have a program where i am invoking the generated code from jax-ws wsimport function. Here's what it looks like:

HolidayService2 service = new HolidayService2();
HolidayService2Soap proxy = service.getHolidayService2Soap();
ArrayOfCountryCode countries = proxy.GetCountriesAvailable("USA");
the proxy.GetCountriesAvailable ...

97. Possible to send a POX request, but receive a SOAP response from a service?

I want to send something like:

    <Credentials username="test" password="test" />
Once I receive the request, I want to read in the Credentials, verify it. If it is verified, ...

98. ClassCastException SAXParser when parsing my SOAP Response

The error occurs when my web application wants to parse my SOAP Response.

Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser
at com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.util.ParserPool.get(
at com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.EnvelopeFactory.createEnvelope(
... 51 more
I have ...

99. gunzip a soap response

I want to use a soap web service to get some xml gzipped data . The problem is when I got the response message from server , it is zipped using gzip ...

100. SOAP UI -Passing and Testing JSON Response as Request to another JSON

I have 2 json rest services my condition to test them is like, I will give request to one json service which in turn give me the response which I will ...