c  « soap « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. C++ and SOAP    stackoverflow.com

I have a C++ app that needs to connect to a JAVA web app, are there any good, open source SOAP packages for this, or would it be easier to just ...

2. choosing a SOAP library to integrate with ISAPI webapp    stackoverflow.com

The company I work for has a large webapp written in C++ as an ISAPI extension (not a filter). We're currently enhancing our system to integrate with several 3rd party ...

3. A Good C++ Library for SOAP    stackoverflow.com

What are the alternatives for SOAP development in C++? Which one do you prefer and is most supported/modern?

4. Can I have a cross-platform cross-technology solution?    stackoverflow.com

We have an old application which has a FORTRAN API to be called from other applications. After some time they built a ( C ) wrapper for the FORTRAN API.Then I'm ...

5. Is there a way to group a set of soap methods logically in a "class" type entity?    stackoverflow.com

For our large C++ based project we now have a method to automatically generate code to expose our code as SOAP methods. This works really well, and we are planning ...

6. Best approach for small scale distributed C++ apps    stackoverflow.com

I am working on distributing a stand-alone app. Each instance of the app has to be able to send and receive queries. Requirements:

  1. Language - C++
  2. Scale - small. May be 5 instances ...

7. Does anyone know how to use MS SOAP toolkit?    stackoverflow.com

I know that the Microsoft SOAP toolkit has been deprecated for a while now (.NET has all this stuff built in) but I was wondering in anyone has a quick bit ...

8. Qt SOAP install    stackoverflow.com

I've ran into problems installing the LGPL version of the Qt SOAP component: http://qt.nokia.com/products/appdev/add-on-products/catalog/4/Utilities/qtsoap/ I've followed the instructions in INSTALL but can't seem to get it to build the DLL.

Unpacking ...

9. How to return a 500 HTTP status from a C++ CGI program    stackoverflow.com

I have a small "SOAP CGI gatewqay" C++ program that reads an HTTP SOAP request from cin, get the request info from it and sends it to the legacy server. Then ...

10. How to add web-services as a layer on the top of sockets written in C/C++?    stackoverflow.com

Is it possible to exchange web-services over socket programs written in C/C++? The data to exchange are in the from of xml/soap message.

11. Where to find a good tutorial and examples of CSOAP?    stackoverflow.com

I started to work with CSOAP (see http://csoap.sourceforge.net) and when searched on google, I didn't find a good tutorial of CSOAP. Could you plz direct me to anything relevant ...

12. What's the best(easiest) way to transfer data on C/C++    stackoverflow.com

Currently I'm working on a C/C++ cross-platform client/server software. I'm very experienced developer when it comes to low level socket development. The problem with Berkley sockets/Winsock, is that you always have to ...

13. C++ Soap Toolkits    stackoverflow.com

I am looking for a SOAP toolkit which i can use with C++ language on Linux system.I have taken a look at AXIS2C and i find it poorly documented. gSoap unfortunately ...

14. SOAP RMI C++ - Java & C++ communication    stackoverflow.com

Can you please advice with an example of using SoapRMI-C++ to send/receive objects between C++(top) and Java(bottom) layers of an application. Please let me know its feasibility and implementation complexities. Thanks, Gtk

15. Generic WebService (SOAP) client library for C++    stackoverflow.com

I'm looking for a simple C++ WebService Client Library that can be easily linked into my application. Preferably this library:

  • can be used to access any SOAP WebService (so I can pass the ...

16. c++ thread-safe ssl-supported SOAP client    stackoverflow.com

I am in need of a thread-safe SOAP client with SSL support with c++ support. I've used axis2 so far, but memory leaks related to SSL objects cause severe problems which ...

17. Looking for a portable SOAP Client C++ Library    stackoverflow.com

I'am going to have to interact with a SOAP web service, using a C++ application. I am looking for a library that could help me do that, knowing that there's a few ...

18. Is it possible to send/receive data to/from a SOAP web service from unmanaged C++/MFC code?    stackoverflow.com

I have an C++/MFC project that I need to connect to a SOAP web service from to send data and receive a response. Is there any way to do it?

19. Unable to load '@' symbol with loadxml    stackoverflow.com

I tried to execute the following lines

VARIANT_BOOL vBoolTestConnection;

bstrInput has the following XML specifications. loadXML is returning false for the XML specified. bstrInput has '@' in the password tag. If I replace ...