authentication « soap « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Web Services authentication - best practices?

We have SOAP web services in production that are relying on SOAP Headers (containing plain client credentials) for the authentication. The WS are used in heterogeneous environments with .NET/Java/PHP/Python/C++ clients both ...

2. Secure Java SOAP web service - Active Directory authentication Trust

I want to build a secure web-service betweeen a Java producer and a Java consumer. I want to authenticate using Active Directory using the domain accounts that the producer and consumer ...

3. Testing Webservice with SoapUI windows authentication

Is it possible to include the windows domain credentials to test my webservice with soap ui? I found a properties page but the IIS just responses with "wrong credentials". alt ...</p></div></td></tr><tr><td><div class='articleProductElement'><h3 class='articleProductElementTitle'>4. <a href=''>How Configure app.config for HTTP Basic Authentication?</a><span class='articleProductElementHost'></span></h3><p class='articleProductElementParagraph'>I am developing a SOAP client using C#.  The web service requires HTTP Basic Authentication.  Can I configure the username and password in app.config?  Can u provide a ...</p></div></td></tr><tr><td><div class='articleProductElement'><h3 class='articleProductElementTitle'>5. <a href=''>Use JavaScript to call a SOAP web service that requires authentication</a><span class='articleProductElementHost'></span></h3><p class='articleProductElementParagraph'>Can I call a SOAP web service from JavaScript? The SOAP web service in question is a member of the Exchange Web Services platform. I have found the <a href=Exchange ...

6. VB.NET Calling webservice with Authentication key

I'm trying to setup a connection to a webservice from VB.NET I'm totally clueless on how to perform this. I receive an overview of what their Soap can do and i ...

7. How can I build a SOAP client with both client certificate and username/password authenticate on transport using .net 4.0?

I am going to build a .net client to connect a SOAP services. It need to authenticate with both username/password and client certificate on connect. How can I implement this?

8. How to authenticate soap based java web services?

I am developing Soap based web services using Java. Can anyone please let me know how to authenticate the client who is consuming the web services? Thanks.

9. MonoTouch Web Service Request over SSL Gets 'authentication or decryption has failed'

A web service request over SSL raises a WebException on Monotouch v4.0.4.1:

'Error getting response stream (Write: The authentication or decryption has failed)'
Since the server's SSL certificate is self-signed (and btw I ...

10. Java Integrated Windows Authentication - Soap Call - 401 Unauthorized

I have searched around and can't seem to find exactly what I am looking for so forgive me if this is obvious.. I am trying to make a SOAP call to a ...

11. SOAP authentication problems

Im having a bit of a headache with this one. Using NuSOAP. The webservice has a function called LOGIN that accepts the parameters USER and PASSWORD. But all I keep getting ...

12. Web Service Authentication Inside Application

First let me apologize in case I'm repeating a question, it seems I should be since it seems such a fundamental matter, but I can't seem to find an answer... We have ...

13. User authenticate in SOAP - How to?

I made a question about JAX-WS, Authentication and Authorization - How to?; there was a discussion about security levels, and where to store user credentials. Now after some conclusions, I want ...

14. A way to authenticate SOAP clients through digest (java)

I'm on programming a WebService in Java EE and need to secure the connection. For this purpose i will use https. But I need to authenticate the user, who calls the ...

15. Adding support for SOAP with Attachments and WSS-based token authentication

Hi, in Apache OpenEJB we are now supporting several webservice security (WSS) features such as authentication based on the username token profile (using the WSS4J API). I'd appreciate if you could answer the following questions: 1) Does Apache JMeter support the OASIS Web Services Security (WS-Security) stack or parts of it? 2) Does Apache JMeter support SOAP with Attachments ...

16. Authentication Information in SOAP Envelope

Hi, I am using the javax.xml.soap.* package to create SOAP Message and calling the webservice I am continously getting a Error 401 Unauthorized. It seems that the webservices uses basic authentication and so i need to pass the user id and password. My confusion is that neither in the xml created nor in the wsdl can i see any details of ...