Parameter « soap « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. C++ - gsoap : Parameter passing memory management issues

I am writing a web server and client test stub for it. I have questions regarding memory management of the parameters. From my client I am calling a soap function ns1_func1(input * ...

2. Axis2 always receives null parameters even if SOAP request is sent correctly?

UPDATE: I HAVE SOLVED THIS PROBLEM NOW - PLEASE SCROLL TO BOTTOM FOR INFORMATION ABOUT FIX Hi guys, I have a web-service written in Java, hosted on an Axis2 / Tomcat / Apache ...

3. SOAP Message parameters - how to send strings and schemas

I'm quite new to SOAP. I need to understand something failry basic I'm sure. First, the info:

This method returns a list of all items in a database where a field matches ...

4. How do you set SSRS report parameters for a linked report using the SOAP API?

I have a situation where I need my report server to be more-or-less publicly accessible, as we are using the ReportViewer control in an ASP.NET web application and groups of users ...

5. Webservice Response is turned into ref parameter when using MessageContract

I have defined the following Interface

public interface IHealthProducts
    ResponseClass OrderSelfSignedHealthCertificate();
Which returns the following type
public class ResponseClass
    public ...

6. Can a WCF Operation that takes a single array as a parameter use MessageContracts?

I am trying to replace an asmx WebService with a WCF service. My primary goal is to keep the SOAP message the same. The caller is not .NET, and would require ...

7. how to pass parameters through soap header in java

how to pass parameters through soap header in java ...

8. What is the size limit of a SOAP message's input parameter

Is there a size limit on a SOAP message's input parameters? I currently need to get a potentially large-ish string with the request, so I'm trying to decide if I will have ...

9. Sending blank parameters in a soap request through a C# proxy class

I have generated proxy class in C# using VS 2008 for a soap web service. A particular web method in that web service has a few optional parameters and I don't ...

10. Web Service parameters' types when accessing axis2 service from .NET client

I have created a axis2 webservice including a method with multiple parameters:

class Service
   public void method(string a, Enum b) {
When accessing with a .NET client, the ...

11. Web Service: Single String Parameter Or Complex Type Parameters

Is it more or less acceptable (i.e. standard) to create a publicly-exposed web service with these method signatures:

ThisMethodDoesSomething(ComplexType param)

ThisMethodDoesSomethingElse(AnotherComplexType param)
Or this:
ThisMethodDoesSomethingAndSomethingElse(string xml)
Where the operation being performed depends upon the XML string ...

12. WCF Message.CreateMessage, SOAP Faults and the "action" parameter

Greetings! Here's the deal:

public static Message CreateMessage(
    MessageVersion version,
    MessageFault fault,
    string action)
action: A description of how the message should be ...

13. Render SSRS Report with parameters using SOAP in Powershell

I've been toying with this for days with no luck. Essentially I'm trying to build a simple library to render SSRS reports using Powershell. I'm using Powershell in an ...

14. Soap UI startup parameters

I have the free version of Soap UI and several different workspaces. I would like to set up several shortcuts to Soap UI with each shortcut including a start-up parameter indicating ...

15. What is the best way to send multiple parameters to a webservice from a client, which is a scripting language?

I would appreciate if someone can point me the recommended ways of passing multiple (say 10) parameters from client to a webservice. I have the requirements for the server side, so ...

16. web service request call SOAP request missing empty parameters

I'm new to both web services and C# so please forgive me if my question is too simple. I've searched around but cannot find an answer -- at least one based ...

17. The parameter value of webmethod is having null value

I have developed a .net webservice from a wsdl. The expected soap input has soap body (taken from browser) as

    <InsertRequest xmlns="">

18. GroovyWS pass list as parameters

I'm working on a server-side SOAP wrapper that I will call from the client. The scenario is the WSDL has a method helloWorld(first,last). From the client I'm getting a JSONArray with the ...

19. XML parameters in SOAP web service

I'm supposed to be using a web service function which has an XML parameter. Here is the SOAP description of those parameters:

<SendXML xmlns="">

20. Dealing with a SOAP web service that takes a reference parameter

I've got to consume a SOAP web service that takes a parameter by reference. The parameter is a complex type. Hypothetically, let's say I don't have a programming language to work in. ...

21. Error sending a SOAP request to Zimbra: the trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty

I have been looking to find the cause of the problem on the web but could not find the solution or even the cause of this problem. I am doing some testings ...

22. Service parameter always null, but I can see it in the trace

I'm having trouble implementing a service based off of a third-party wsdl. The third-party calls into my service and I can see the data in the trace, but my service ...

23. what would be the simplest possible SOAP request to invoke a function with to parameters?

I want to forward an HTTP-request via SOAP. There's no WSDL involved. The function I "call" is getPage and receives two arguments; a string containing the initial query (query) and a ...

24. Constructing Function in SOAP web service to receive an Array

I have a specific problem that I have not yet found an answer to. Basically I need to pass a list of numbers into a function do some math and ...

25. Pass parameters to a SOAP Service

I can't figure out how to pass parameters coming from a form to a web service. I suppose i have to use an XPATH expression but i don't know how and ...

26. Why is my integer parameter being ignored/converted on this SOAP call?

I am making a call to a .Net WebService using this soap package...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" 

27. Sending Parameters to the SOAP ASMX Service from iOS Application

I want to invoke the .NET ASMX service from iOS application. I created my SOAP messages like this:

       NSURL *url ...

28. Sending custom object as a parameter for a web-service

How can one specify a custom object as a parameter for the web-service's method when invoking through SOAP message? Say I have this code:

SOAPElement operation = body.addChildElement("MyMethod", "", trgNamespace);
SOAPElement value = operation.addChildElement("arg0");
value.addTextNode("i ...

29. WCF XmlSerializerFormat and OperationContract: nested soap parameters serialization

After reading the post XmlSerializer with specified pattern not working I try to implement such a service : OperationContract with the XmlSerializerFormat. But my Soap message contains an additional tag ...

30. Axis Client .NET Web Service: Parameters Null in WebMethod but in SOAP Request

I have a .NET web service being called by an Axis client; however, for some reason all of the parameter values I am receiving are null. The client does not pass ...

31. Null parameters in C# WebService

I was handed the WSDL of a WebService I must implement and generated its basic structure from it (tried with both svcutils.exe from the .NET SDK and the plugin for ...

32. Serialising SOAP parameters in C#

I'm trying to write a .Net client to a vendor's SOAP Service, but I'm having trouble getting the parameters to the SOAP messages to serialise to a form that the service ...

33. actionscript 3 soap webservices call method with parameters

i want to call a function on a soap-webservice using actionscript 3. the function has multiple parameters each of different type (int string). this is the as-code i have so far.


34. Parameters in complex type missing from Soap Request

I am have a very odd bug that I am trying to track down. In my code I am calling a basic web service. The issue that I am seeing certain ...

35. Passing parameters in url of c# soap web service

I am working on a c# soap web service. The web service is used by other C# windows programs as well as PHP web pages. I need to pass a paramater ...

36. SOAP parameter size limit

is there a way to limit the size of a parameter via SOAP? I mean not just the message size so that i can send for exaple a string from a C# ...

37. Changing HTTP parameters for WebServices (SOAP) Requests?

I've been using the WebServices (SOAP) Sampler in jmeter 2.1 with good results but I'd like to figure out how to do a few other things: (1) Change the HTTP Headers I'd like to add a few headers e.g. User-Agent but when I add an HTTP Header Manager to the WebServices (SOAP) Sampler it does not pick up the headers. ...

39. boolean parameter type over SOAP

Ive created a web service with one of the methods requiring a boolean parameter type. i am using Axis2 and Eclipse with Tomcat/Apache as the service backend. I have a standalone application that uses the method and there seems to be no problem. Someone else tries to create a C# main app when building the stub from the WSDL and for ...