Axis 1 « soap « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. How can I get Axis 1.4 to not generate several prefixes for the same XML namespace?

I am receiving SOAP requests from a client that uses the Axis 1.4 libraries. The requests have the following form:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" 

2. Encryption of SOAP message in Axis 2

I need to use encryption (and signature) for a web-service (server side). I use axis2 and successfully added the rampart module (for WS-Security implementation). But rampart page ( is missing ...

3. calling Axis2 web service from ATL C++ client

I have a simple POJO web service published with Axis2 on Tomcat5.5 I try to consume it with ATL C++ client and it fails. Doing the same with a C# client ...

4. What does this Java error message entail? And how can i fix it?

I get this message when trying to communicate with software that communicates with SOAP?

  • Unable to find required classes (javax.activation.DataHandler and javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart). Attachment support is disabled.
I am using a third party API ...

5. C# axis2 client

i am new to c# language.i saw that you wrote the c# client application to the axis2 web service.i also want to know how i write C# client for the axis2 ...

6. How to resolve WSDL2Java creating a static block larger than 64K?

We're currently working with a vendor-provided WSDL schema that is very large. The binding style is RPC. As far as I know, Axis 1.x is the only Java tool supporting RPC ...

7. Construct a SOAP Request to a WebService using Axis2 Library in Java?

I need to be able to construct a SOAP request using Apache Axis2 and provide the IP address and user agent in the SOAP header to the webservice. Is there a ...

8. Use custom Soap Header using Axis 1.4

I'm trying to consume a .Net 2.0 web service using Axis. I generated the web services client using the Eclipse WST Plugin and it seens ok so far. Here the expected soap ...

9. Soap body is utf-8 encoded twice

We use a web service which expects UTF-8. The framework we use on the client is Apache Axis2. We call the web service and the soap body contains strings in UTF-8. ...

10. Is it possible to use Axis 2 wsdl2java to generate client side code that uses HTTPS?

Using the default parameters, the axis 2 wsdl2java tool takes as input a wsdl file and generates a client side Java code that communicates with the SOAP endpoint using the HTTP ...

11. Axis 1.4: cannot get SOAP request to work

I'm really struggling to get my first AXIS SOAP client to work. I'm using Axis v1.4. Our WSDL contains this:

<element name="GetParameters">

12. How to expose Red5's SharedObjects through SOAP

Edit: Obviously my first question was not really easy to understand, I hope the answer is usefull :) I have tried installing Axis2 on the Red5 server and everything went ok, I ...

13. Soap under Java 1.3 with Axis

I am writing a Java web service for legacy SCO machines (which only have Java 1.3 available). I have been able to get more recently-added XML parsing functions integrated by including ...

14. How can I test if my connection pool is working in a correct way?

I'm implementing a SOAP client using Apache Axis 2. Since the SOAP client must handle heavy number of requests I am using a connection pool. To do that I had to set ...

15. Axis2 SOAP Envelope Header Information

I'm consuming a web service that places an authentication token in the SOAP envelope header. It appears (through looking at the samples that came with the WS WSDL) that if ...

16. How to get SOAP message while using a Axis 1.4 wsdl2java-generated client

This is probably an easy question for anyone with any moderate expertise with web services using Apache Axis. I have a web service client that was generated by wsdl2java in Axis 1.4. ...

17. Manipulating namespace prefixes in SAAJ / raw xml access within SAAJ

My SAAJ-based client generates the following XML and sends it to a .NET web service:

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
<AuthenticationHeader xmlns="">
<Password xmlns="">temp123</Password>
<UserName xmlns="">temp321</UserName>
<GetTracks xmlns="">
  <TrackName>baby</TrackName><ArtistID>0</ArtistID><AlbumID>0</AlbumID><Start>0</Start><Count> 20</Count>
The problem I am experiencing is that for the ...

18. Backwards compatibility and Web Services

So I'm a bit new to web services and a situation recently came up where we added an element to a data-type that gets returned to the client. The clients ...

19. Nested complex-type elements never get populated when calling AXIS-based web service from .NET

I've been trying for a couple of days now to get a .NET client working fully with a Web Server provided by my Coldfusion-based web app. I'm not a .NET developer, ...

20. Apache Axis WSDL2Java error - Missing element

We are integrating a third party SOAP web services in our application. The WSDL is used with SOAPUI tool, where sample requests and responses worked fine. When we try to integrate with ...

21. Serious, intermittent problem with CF Web Service

Howdy, CFers! We've got an incredibly frustrating situation with a CF Web Services-based API that we wrote and maintain. We had an API in place for years that was stable and ...

22. Sending Illegal XML Characters in Soap Request

I am trying to send special (&, ' (single quote)) characters in the Soap Request. I am using axis 1.4. The webservice client is in weblogic server and the webservice server ...

23. What Java web services frameworks support RPC/Encoded messages?

I have tried several Java frameworks, but I only found out that Axis 1 supports these messages, but Axis 1 is old and not developed anymore. So I would like to ...

24. Migrating a service from Axis to Axis2 (Java) - Which MessageReceiver should I use?

I'm in the process migrating a service from Axis to Axis2 (Java). The service responds to a simple SOAP request with a bit of "custom" XML in the body like ...

25. Axis2 and WSDL2Java: SOAP header is missing

I've generated the java code from wsdl using WSDL2Java. I create a SOAP requestand I send it to the server, which answers with an AxisFault. If I have a look in ...

26. How to cancel a running AXIS 1.4 SOAP request?

Is it possible to cancel a SOAP request (Axis 1.4, Java 1.6) that's currently executing? I'm using the interfaces generated with WSDL2Java, so the call is something like myProvider.submitMyRequest(request). This is synchronous ...

27. Java reading xml element without prefix but within the scope of a namespace

Functionally, the two blocks should be the same

  <ns1:login xmlns:ns1="">

28. running an axis2 client version 1.5

So I'm running out of ideas to try to actually get a client to connect to the SOAP service I'm running through axis2. I tried two methods, one was to use wsdl2java ...

29. soap action error from AXIS

I m consuming java based web service with app. I m sending soap message in xml format. But Im receving this error message: ns1:Client.NoSOAPAction no SOAPAction header

30. Apache Axis web service clients vs plain SOAP requests

I'm looking for the best way to consume a Java web service that returns rather large and complex objects. I am currently using Apache Axis clients generated from the wsdl, (using eclipse ...

31. How can I create and Apache Axiom element from a E4X object from a script running in Rhino?

I am running a script running in Rhino, which creates an E4X object like this:

var s =     <product id="123">

32. org.w3c.dom.DOMException: WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: A node is used in a different document than the one that created it

I'm getting an error when I try to generate an element that should look like

Using the java client code generated by Axis2. java snippet
HoldPayment hold = new HoldPayment()
but when I fire it ...

33. Connect to Unknown SOAP Web Service

I would like to build an app in C# that connects to an Apache AXIS web service and performs the following operations via SOAP.

  1. Login in to the server.
  2. POST string data to ...

34. How to get the mime data from the DataHandler

I send a soap message using MTOM by Axis2, and i monitor the soap get the message below:

 Content-Type: application/xop+xml; charset=UTF-8; type="text/xml"
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
 Content-ID: <>

 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""><soapenv:Body><ns1:EventMessage xmlns:ns1=""><ns1:Header><ns1:Verb>created</ns1:Verb><ns1:Noun>NetwordDataSet</ns1:Noun></ns1:Header><ns1:Payload><ns1:Compressed><xop:Include ...

35. SOAP 1.2 with Axis 2 is not parsed

I am writing a server that receives SOAP 1.2 messages. The problem I have is that when I am sending via SOAPui a SOAP 1.1 message, the message is correctly handled ...

36. what is the Message Exchange Patterns, in plain english?

Can someone please explain in plain English what the MEP is? I can't grasp the concept. From what I figure, is just a concept for two parties to understand ...

37. WSS4J kills SOAP envelope when used with SSL

I am trying to consume a .NET web service (secured with SSL and WS-Security - UsernameToken) with Axis (in Java). I don't operate the service, I'm just building the client. The operator of ...

38. Custom faultcode using Axis2

I've created a webservice and used Axis2 to generate all "skeleton" java classes. Then I of course implemented the service operations myself. In the implementation, I can throw a MyException which is ...

39. How can I unit test code that sends a SOAP web-service request?

I want to write a unit test for some code that generates a SOAP message with an attachment and sends it:

SOAPConnectionFactory factory = SOAPConnectionFactory.newInstance();
conn = factory.createConnection();, endpoint);
where the factory ...

40. Eclipse and Apache Axis2 plugin Java Soap -- Class not found

I have eclipse 3.5.1 installed along with the apache axis2 plug in... I'm trying to generate my web service by going file -> new-> axis2 service archiver...
I go through the steps ...

41. Need to send custom XML structure over SOAP

I'm using Apache Axis2 and need to send a custom XML structure over SOAP to clients. So basically client will make a request and the client will expect the response ...

42. Axis2/Axiom handling SOAP MTOM/non-MTOM attachments

After looking around and trying different suggested solutions, I’m writing this. The 2 most common solutions suggested to extract binary data from a MTOM/non-MTOM SOAP message are: ...

43. Custom serialization of JDK5 Enum in Axis 1.2 on client-side

I am migrating a SOAP web service to JDK1.5. I have took advantage of native java enums in the new code. For some reasons, I'm stuck with Axis 1.2 and it does not ...

44. parse soap xml using axis 1.2

I am using axis 1.2 for my soap client. I need to write a unit test that takes a soap message response and parse it to java objects that generated by ...

45. Invoking a Handler related to a specific web service call in axis2

I am using Axis2 for my webservices creation. I need to validate the received soap request(is it complain with defined xsd schema). For this I am using Handlers in axis2. Now my problem ...

46. Using DataType as Objects in a operation in axis2 based Web services

I am using Axis2 framework for building my webservices. I have quick question regarding calling operation exposed in a webservice.

    public String enableUserBasedOnSearchCriteria(String attributeName, Object attributeValue)

47. SOAP Attachments using apache axis2

Does anyone know a good beginner's tutorial on how to send attachments with SOAP messages using axis2. Every tutorial I have found so far has been very difficult to follow. Any ...

48. Axis2: Disable MustUnderstand Header Check

I'm writing a web service using the Axis2 framework. The service is going to act as a proxy in a DMZ. It is really just a relay to the real service ...

49. How to call axis apache client in java

I want to connect to the web service with apache axis in java and I have some wrong parameter but I don't know which:

import org.apache.axis.client.Call;
import org.apache.axis.client.Service;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;

 public class Test_Web_Service


50. Trouble with custom RPCMessageReceiver

I wrote CustomRPCMessageReceiver for Axis2 webservice based on original RPCMessageReceiver (use source code of base class).

But now I have some trouble:
When i user original RPCMessageReceiver Axis2 generate right wsdl and all ...

51. Monitor SOAP messages and save it into a file

I am working on Apache Tomcat 6 and Axis2 for web services. I want to monitor SOAP messages which are exchanged with client and server and save the data into a file. How ...

52. IBM, Axis2 EJB exposed as SAAJ low-level Webservice is stripping faultdetails on exceptions

IBM WAS After moving my webservice logic into an EJB my fault details seems to be stripped somehow. I've implemented a wsdl-less service such as Provider. In case of exceptions I throw ...

53. SOAP header missing error - Please help!

I am trying to run the example of signing and encryption described here I am getting the following error when running the client, any help please! Many thanks,

Client log

run: java Connecting ...

54. Must understand check failed in Axis 2 for SOAP 1.2 request

I am trying to send a soap 1.2 request from axis 2 using intellij idea. I need to make a client to consume a service. The thing is soap 1.1 ...

55. How do I send an array or collection of complex objects using web services in Java (e.g. Axis2)?

I'm relatively new to SOAP/web services; while I've done a few smaller web services projects I've incidentally never needed to return (or use as a parameter) an array or collection of ...

56. How can I replace axis.jar?

I wrote a desktop application. It is about 35kb. Engine of the application is a soap service, and I used Apache Axis. The problem is that with used library application becomes ...

57. Getting Exception faultCode: {}Client

I am using axis1. While applying command cryptic for my soap I am getting an exception like below. Below are the details.

[ERROR] 2011-05-06 09:23:56,073 [MyAmeadeusTest] (

 faultCode: {}Client

58. Axis2 service responds to SOAP 1.1 requests with no Envelope/Body

I have an Axis2 web service that uses RawXMLINOutMessageReceiver. The service implementation method takes OMElement as the argument and returns OMElement. That is, I'm parsing the request body and serializing the ...

59. Axis2 soap attachment filename

We've implemented a project by
-first writing the wsdl
-using the wsdl2java to get the skeleton and auto generated code
-wrote our business logic in skeleton

So, the skeleton abstracts everything. However we could get ...

60. Where do I place axis2.xml to be read by a jar with a soap client?

I have a java console application inside of a jar file. It makes calls to a soap service via axis2. I am using this blog as the ...

61. Axis2 1.5.4 Custom HttpMethodRetryHandler doesn't send request body on retries

I'm writing a SOAP client using Axis2. When our request times out after a certain threshold we wish to resend the request. To do this I've created a custom ...

62. axis2 handles self-defined type

I have tried to send and receive a self-defined type in a web service in axis2. The type is easy like the following: class Person { ...

63. Set Soap header child elements in apache axis stubs

Hi I am using apache axis 1.4. I generated the stubs from wsdl using WSDL2JAVA in apache axis1.4. The SOAPAction request has a header part and body. SOAP method request looks like ...

64. axis2 adb client how to see soap envelope from client

I'm using axis2-1.4.1, I've got a client built using adb stubs generated from wsdl2java. I'd like to print the raw soap response evelopes from the client. How do I ...

65. Axis2 Soap envelope not generating required namespaces

I am new to writing web services and have the following issue: I used Axis2 ADB to create a service stub class from a WSDL provided by a company but am having ...

66. WS-AtomicTransaction with Axis2

I have been using Axis2 to genarate my web services. Some of my services are a part of transaction - i.e, either all or none of them have to be executed. To ...

67. Adding custom Soap Header to Webservice Request

i have generated stub for a webserivce using apache axis2 and i want to add custom soap header to the request i want soap header to look like this

<soapenv:Header xmlns:soapenv=""><ns1:soapHeader xmlns:ns1="urn:oasis:names:core" ...

68. Axis sending soap messages with HTTP 1.0 and receiving HTTP 1.1 soap calls

I'm new to web services and soap so I am likely to make newb mistakes. The project I am working on sends and receives soap messages from a server (I ...

69. How to add custom SOAP header for C# Web service client invoke Axis 1.4 Web service

I'm trying to wirte a C# application as Webservice client invoke Java Web servie (use Axis 1.4) in 3 days but it's not work until now. Java WS require a custom SOAP ...

70. Extracting method name from soap message

i have an custom web service hosting application integrated with axis version 1.3.In this as a server, i am trying to parse coming soap requests. To make it clear from the beginnig, ...

71. How to prevent resolving prefixes to namespaces in SOAP Request

I have a request XmlObject(got by calling toString):

<getEntitiesByKeysRequest xmlns="" xmlns:v1="" xmlns:v11="" xmlns:soc="">

72. Incompatible Axis 1 client with Axis 2 Web Service

I have an Axis 1 web service with an Axis 1 client. Everything is working quite well, and the data I'm getting from the web service is correct. Now, there's a ...

73. removing mustUnderstand attribute from soap headers

How to remove mustunderstand attribute from soap header in axis client.even i dont set it especially, when i set soap header info mustundertand and actor attributes are automatically added to soap ...

74. SOAP calls don't return

I am using axis with websphere for my Java web application. I am using wsdl2java generated stubs using axis 1.4. In my application what happens is that one of the SOAP ...

75. Axis POJO clients

I am learning to use Apache Axis Library In the documentation it is shown how to create a web service from a POJO class. But for clients it mentions only Axis2 DataBinding Framework, ...

76. Dealing with SOAP Request with No SoapAction in Header

I have a heck of a problem. I have a .NET SOAP webs ervice that is being called by an Axis client. The problem is there is not SOAP Action in ...

77. Is it possible to change axis2 soap address without compiling the project all over again?

I generate service code using the command wsdl2java -uri AuthenticationService.wsdl [params] then make changes to a few generated files and deploy my war file. But the issue is i have deployed this file ...

78. Adding User/Password to SOAPHeader for WebService client call with AXIS2

Please help: I am trying to call a WebService from SOAPUI and I notice that the service requires username and password which I am providing through the request parameters. I notice ...

79. Setting Timeout for Axis SOAP Webservice

I'm using an Axis 1.4 webservice like this:

FooServiceLocator fooLocator = new FooServiceLocator();
fooLocator.getEngine().setOption("sendMultiRefs", false);
Foo foo = fooLocator.getFooService(new URL(soapServiceUrl));
How can I set a timeout for the connection establishment and for the opened connection? (Similar ...

80. WSDL2Java generated code error

I have a WSDL from which I generated JAVA code using WSDL2Java. When I tried to compile the code, I found that certain classes are missing in code generated whose object is ...

81. Rejected by policy

I'm using SOAPUI & a local Java wriiten client for sending SOAP Envelope to a third party SOAP service. In response to that I'm getting following execption,

**SOAP Envelope:-**


82. Apache Axis and Apache SOAP

> > The WebService(SOAP) sampler currently uses Apache SOAP, which no > longer seems to be maintained. > > Perhaps we should look at creating a new sampler that uses Apache Axis? > > Looks quite simple to use: > >> > It takes a different approach to building the Soap messages - as far > as I can see, ...

84. SOAP Header related configuration in deploy.wsdd of Axis

Hi guys, Since quite some time I have been working in Web services domain. Could anyone tell me how do I include "header" related configuration in deploy.wsdd of Axis. I need a way to describe header related information in wsdl of the service. Using handlers doesn't satisfy the requirement. Any help? regards, - yogesh

85. Problem with Apache Axis Soap Monitor

Java(TM) Plug-in: Version 1.4.2 Using JRE version 1.4.2 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM User home directory = C:\Documents and Settings\rashmi_tambe ---------------------------------------------------- c: clear console window f: finalize objects on finalization queue g: garbage collect h: display this help message l: dump classloader list m: print memory usage o: trigger logging p: reload proxy configuration q: hide console r: reload policy configuration s: ...

86. Web services testing, SOAP, AXIS, .NET

87. Retrieving an SOAP Attachement with Axis

> 6.6mb is really too big for a webservice engines IMHO.... it will really > bug the performance. I agree, but what are the limits? > MIME attachments: I guess you have to give it a try using only Axis > server - Axis client then Perl Server - Axis Client. Axis server <-> client with attachements works fine. But how ...

88. Axis fails to parse soap message

Hi guys, I'm new to web services development and currently stuck with following problem: 1. Got the following WSDL: ... ... ... 2. Generated java classes from WSDL by using WSDL2Java Axis tool. 3. Executed ...

89. what localport number needed for axis soap monitor?

listen port can be anything. say you have deployed an web service out of java bean / ejb on localhost:8080 then you may need change the port (may be in stubs if client is stub based approached or DII approach) in the client to (say) 8090 and all your client requeststo 8090 are routed to 8080 which is your target port. ...

90. Difference between JAX-RPC, Apache Axis, SAAJ, Apache SOAP, Sun Toolkit

Well, I'll try to explain them and see if it helps: 1. JAX-RPC enables Java developers to develop SOAP based interoperable web services. Its provides a way so that u can call services on other machines like RPC does.Its just a specification and an API and doesn't provide any implementation. Vendors are supposed to provide their own implementation. 2. SAAJ provides ...

91. SOAP handler Apaxhe Axis

92. possible to use axis without soap?

try not accept a soap and send back a plain xml(not soap) use one of the four signature Element method(Element elems),but when I monitor the message with tcpmonitor, there still are soap tag in the xml. read some articles, they said if use doc-based style, axis is able to deal with non-soap xml even non-xml, but how. thanks in advance [ ...

93. SOAP Fault with Axis


96. how to disable pretty printing soap messages with AXIS?

Hi All, I was doing some interropability testing between .NET and AXIS. .NET is consumer and AXIS is provider which uses WSS4J for implementing digital signatures. When the consumer signs a soap message and when I try to verify the signature using WSS4J on the provider side I am getting an error like "digest value mismatch". I think the message when ...

97. SOAP with Attachments (SwA) with Axis2, problem.

Hi All, My client is having axis1.x SOAP client, who sends a file, for which I am suppose to write a Webservice. I have decided to use axis 2.0 for this service. To get my axis 1.x SOAP client running with axis 2 SOAP Service, I was using following tutorial. It says. "Axis2 Handles SwA messages at the inflow only. ...

98. SOAP+AXIS Tutorial

100. Does AXIS 1.4 support SOAP 1.2

Hi All, I am developing a Webservice Client and I need to use SOAP 1.2. I am using WSAD 5.1 as the IDE. I am planning to use AXIS 1.4 for development. Can anyone please let me know If AXIS 1.4 supports SOAP 1.2? I need to encrypt the SOAP messages. So manipulation of the SOAP eader is required. How can ...