authentication « security « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Best way to authenticate users in a web application

I was looking at ways to authenticate users in a web app, but in a way where the main web app doesn't need to process the password. Something like OpenId, but ...

2. J2EE Authentication Error Handling

We are currently trying to implement a web application which is using the J2EE authentication mechanism with a FORM-based login, inside the Websphere 6.1 web container. If the authentication is ...

3. How can flash pass J2EE authentication - it can't send a cookie containing jsessionid

We have a web page of a J2EE application, in which the user signs-in to the application. It contains a flash widget that needs to call services in the server, using ...

4. SOAP Authentication is not being sent

We are in the process of moving some software from our test environment into a production test environment. We've ran into a problem where our service can't communicate with another ...

5. Security and authentication in web services

Lets say we have a website that uses a web service for all of its functionality (i.e. retrieving and updating data from/to db), how does the web service authenticate requests? As ...

6. Programmatic authentication in Java EE 6

is it possible to authenticate programmatically a user in Java EE 6? Let me explain with some more details: I've got an existing Java SE project with Servlets and hibernate; where I manage ...

7. How to implement authentication mechanism in Java EE 6

I'm trying to learn Java EE 6 and i'm just wondering how to implement authentication mechanism in Java EE 6. Here is the Java EE 6 authentiction example:


8. Error in WCF client consuming Axis 2 web service with WS-Security UsernameToken PasswordDigest authentication scheme

I have a WCF client connecting to a Java based Axis2 web service (outside my control). It is about to have WS-Security applied to it, and I need to fix the ...

9. WCF WebService Security: How do I use security on a WebService?

I created a simple .NET WebService (it just passes back a string). How do I modify the server side (and possibly the client side) so that it also uses a username/password ...

10. J2EE Security - Which method to use?

Which one is the best approach/method to implement security in J2EE?(JPA/JSPs) I'm working on a personal project so I can learn J2EE and I am a little confuse on how to approach ...

11. Implementing two-factor authentication into a Java web app

I have an existing Java web application running through IBM WebSphere (I'm unsure of the version, but could find out if it helps) that I am looking to implement two factor ...

12. MQJMS2013 invalid security authentication

I am trying to connect to IBM Webshpere MQ Server from IBM Websphere Application Server. I am getting the following error: MQJMS2013: invalid security authentication supplied for MQQueueManager What I understand is, this ...

13. Java Web Application 2nd Level Security for Sensitive Pages

I'm building a web application which features buying and selling, mean i will have to collect the user credit card information. So i want the user to re authenticate himself to ...

14. WCF Authentication Strategies

I have been challenged with the task of coming up with an authentication/authorization strategy for a pretty big WCF API. My task is to implement security on this API from clients ...

15. Java client call to Windows Integated Authentication web service

I am writing a Java 1.5+ client that needs to fetch data from an IIS-hosted web service. I created a new web service client in Eclipse and used the Java ...

16. Sending Authentication information to a web service

We are designing a system where a WPF client will call both WCF services and Java web services. What we are wondering is how we should send the authentication information such that ...

17. Any library for authentication in a java web-app?

Hi I am look for a proven java security web-library which is a bit more low-level and therefore less intrusive than the well known frameworks spring-security and apache shiro. Just something which ...

18. Web service authentication

I have written my web services using apache axis2. Now I want to make my web services secure to avoid unauthorized access.
Is there any way in apache axis by which we ...

19. Web service security and Authentication

hi everyone, i am working on a web services project and we are looking at various authentication technologies for web services and also toolkits for implementing web services security. i looked at the ws-security specs and found some interesting approaches to authenticate users in a web service application. I also read about the IBM and Phaos toolkit for implementing XML encryption ...

21. WSE security authentication problem.

Hi, There is a web service that is hosted on a server. (a .net smart client architecture). I did the following: 1. Created java stubs via wsdl2java axis tool. 2. Compiled and put them in a jar. 3. Used that jar and axis jars to invoke the web services. 4. Got the following error: faultDetail: {}stackTrace:Message did not meet security requirements. ...