WS Security « security « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. java client code to consume webservices setup with WS security standards

I am trying to put together client for Soap based webservices i need some generic code in java to consume webservices, one with Header having Authcode part and another with Header built ...

2. adding ws security

I have written a simple Java app client to access a 3rd party web service, based on the Netbeans tutorials. The tutorials show how WS security can be added to a ...

3. Problem adding WS security to a web service client

I have written a simple Java app client to access a 3rd party web service, based on the Netbeans tutorials. The tutorials show how WS security can be added to a client using the Quality of Service tab options accessed via the client properties. However, the WSDL for the service I am using does not specify the security requirements, so when ...

5. SAAJ and Ws security

We are implementing web service client. We need to implement ws security with username token. I was planning to use wss4j but our client said they want to use SAAJ. I know SAAJ can be used for simple web service but how can it be used in implementing ws security? Any ideas?

6. WS Security questions

I have some (probably basic ones) question about WS Security: I will need to invoke a WS which uses binary token for authentication and authorization. Now, if I understand it correctly (after some reading up) the token is nothing more than a value which is signed using the senders private key (is this correct?). This way the WS provider can verify ...

8. Implementing Security in web services developed using JAX WS approach

Hi , Our Organization has developed a Web service using JAX WS approach exposing EJB as EndPoint .This wsdl file URL is only used by third party companies that register with us (Means i want to say that this wsdl url is not world wide accessable). Now we need to implement security for this service , please tell me what is ...

11. WS Security

12. WS Security example not running