xml « restful « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. SOAP or REST for Web Services?    stackoverflow.com

Is REST a better approach to doing Web Services or is SOAP? Or are they different tools for different problems? Or is it a nuanced issue - that ...

2. What's the best way to serialize a HashTable for SOAP/XML?    stackoverflow.com

What's the best way to serialize a HashTable (or a data best navigated through a string indexer) with SOAP/XML? Let's say I have an Foo that has an property Bar[] Bars. A ...

3. C# webservice needs to convert SOAP to REST on the fly    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to write a translation layer for a test system for which I am writing software. I am using LabVIEW for the test system and that uses a RESTful ...

4. RESTful WCF service that can respond in both JSON(P) and XML and still be used as SOAP web service?    stackoverflow.com

Given a contract such as:

[ServiceContract] public interface IService
    [WebGet(UriTemplate = "GetData/{id}.{format}")]
    ResponseData GetData(string id, string format);
Is there a way to get ...

5. Consume REST service with JME (or J2ME)    stackoverflow.com

I need some help getting started with this. I need to know how to call the REST service and parse the xml. My php script only sends back some xmlcode, nothing else.(no wsdl ...

6. How to use XmlRepresentation with J2EE?    stackoverflow.com

Anyone have a sample of code using XmlRepresentation? I am currently using a StringRepresentation, but need it to return XML instead. It's for a RESTful web service. import org.restlet.resource.XmlRepresentation;

7. Consuming WCF REST service in multiple ways (.Net, plain XML)    stackoverflow.com

I have become quite frustrated of WCF as I just want to use this simple scenario:

  1. Provide a webservice using REST, with a UriTemplate like /method/{param1}/{param2}/ and a 3th parameter that is ...

8. Design an XML Web Service & XML Schema for Compatibility with Various Toolkits    stackoverflow.com

I'm planning an XML web service that takes an XML request and returns an XML response over HTTP. It's not SOAP, and it's not pure REST either - I think ...

9. Using a string inside the DocumentBuilder parse method (need it for parsing XML using XPath)    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to create a RESTful webservice using a Java Servlet. The problem is I have to pass via POST method to a webserver a request. The content of this request ...

10. Javax.xml.ws.Endpoint how does it deal with multiple connections?    stackoverflow.com

When you use javax.xml.ws.Endpoint.publish to handle incoming restful/soap requests, will it generate a thread for each request? or will I have handle threads myself? I've been trying to work this out for ...

11. Whats the best way to offer SOAP/XML + REST/JSON?    stackoverflow.com

I'm creating a general purpose web service that is likely to have a number of different clients, some of which I cannot anticipate at this time. I already have a nice Java ...

12. JAX-RS custom mapping from entities to xml    stackoverflow.com

Here's my problem: Say I have two entities annotated with JAX-RS annotations:

public Person {
  private String firstname;
  private String lastname;

  private Address address;

public Address {
  private String street;

13. Good idea or bad idea, to use non-deterministic ordering of xml elements in the output of a REST service?    stackoverflow.com

Hash.to_xml and other such Railsisms may result in element orderings being different in the output of a REST service. XML Elems are order sensitive, so this would not be a problem ...

14. Best Java XML parser for producing/consuming REST services    stackoverflow.com

Currently using Java's built-in XML DOM libraries for creation/parsing. Ugly, even with lots of helper classes and methods, and performance and memory usage sucks. What's the best Java tool or framework ...

15. What is difference between a stream and the actual data?    stackoverflow.com

In java there are streams for input/output. I am confused that when i create a stream, is it the data that is in the stream or just the pipeline for the data ...

16. how to run web application in Netbean or Eclipse without context-root in sun-web.xml    stackoverflow.com

I have a web application which is created in Eclipse. I have another REST web service application created in Netbean IDE. Usually , the web service should be like ...

17. REST Service PUT , xml payload structure    stackoverflow.com

for a REST PUT service, im trying to use xml as the payload. My question is can I have the whole payload as xml? or should I do something like Data=<mydata>......</mydada>? basically ...

18. Webservice to output multiple formats    stackoverflow.com

First, let me start with some background: I have a web service which accepts XML as input and outputs in XML. The output has 2 different possible schemas (with two more coming). ...

19. Can anyone recommend a REST / SOAP Web Service for VIN Numbers?    stackoverflow.com

I'm developing a website for a small used car dealership with a need for VIN decoding. Given as much, I'm looking for maybe 1,000 - 1,500 requests for VINs per year. ...

20. Proper tool for simple XML interfaces    stackoverflow.com

I need to expose some services of the web application to remote clients via XML interfaces over http. A number of provided services is limited (3-7), both request and response should be ...

21. RESTful Webservice - How to provide custom Classes' .xsd in xml output    stackoverflow.com

I've been searching like one and a half days but I can't find any useful answer... (anyway, know I definetly know how to write webservices :D) Here's my situation: I am triying to setup ...

22. What frameworks to analyze a reponse of a REST service?    stackoverflow.com

I'm using a REST webservice to retrieve some data. As a response I get some long xml or other files. Part of it could look for example like this:


23. Marshalling JavaBeans to several formats    stackoverflow.com

I've got simple JavaBeans objects which represents data in my database. I want to transform this to several formats(XML, JSON) to share it to my clients and I also need reverse ...

24. REST client using both Simple XML and Gson libraries: Use common POJOs or adapter pattern?    stackoverflow.com

In my java app (specifically, Android app), I make a REST call (GET). The response could be either XML or JSON. I use a Strategy Pattern which decides what parser to ...

25. What are the potential issues of using text/plain as the Content Type for XML over HTTP?    stackoverflow.com

I am working on a project where a 3rd party has a .NET environment running that is providing REST style services that send and receive XML over HTTP. My side of ...

26. SOAP/REST Webservices XML case sentivitiy    stackoverflow.com

I just got a doubt whether SOAP/REST based web services the XMLs we are using is case sensitive or insensitive? How it works exactly? Tell me both default soap envelope as well ...

27. REST, XML over HTTP, Web Services?    coderanch.com

Originally posted by ankur rathi: What exactly is REST??? Isn't it sending XML over HTTP? Most definitely not. Though it is a common misconception that "XML over HTTP" is REST. REST requires that you organize your design around "resources", each of which has its own URI. Then you use the standard HTTP methods to obtain or manipulate the "state" of those ...

28. RESTful query query #1: XML representation    coderanch.com

Based upon replies in previous posts (thanks Peer!), I'm setting up a data model query mechanism through a RESTful API. So, to create a query, giving it a name of let's say "My Magic Query", a PUT request would be made to a URL such as: http://localhost/whatever/whichever/query/My+Magic+Query with the representation of the query as XML in the request body. (Stop me ...

30. REST service accepting XML data    coderanch.com

1. The XML document should be written (as text) in the body of the POST request. 2. Not sure what you mean by "safe" - what security problems are you worried about? 3. Since XML documents are text, there appears to be no reason to encode. 4. Just read the request input stream for processing - see getInputStream or getReader Bill ...