soap « restful « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Performance of SOAP vs. XML-RPC or REST

The arguments about the simplicity of solutions using XML-RPC or REST are easy to understand and hard to argue with. I have often also heard arguments that the increased overhead of SOAP ...

2. SOAP or REST based Geotargetting service?

Is anyone aware of a (preferablly free) webservice that would accept a SOAP or REST request. This request would contain an IP address, and the service would return an approximation of that ...

3. REST and SOAP

Can somebody explain what is REST and what is SOAP in plain english? And how Web Services work?

4. WS* vs REST = horses for courses ... or not?

Ok so I've implemented both REST and SOAP services and I like both depending on the context. For me, WS* is great when I want an explicit contract between the server ...

5. SOAP - What's the point?

I mean, really, what is the point of SOAP? Web services have been around for a while, and for a while it seemed that the terms 'SOAP' and 'Web service' were largely ...

6. Is this thinking accurate on ESB vs. REST-styled interfaces?

To tie together various legacy applications, some mainframe-based, I'm trying to compare using an ESB like MQSeries, a WS-* approach, or something more RESTful. Is there much substance to the idea that ...

7. How would you develop and deploy a simple web service?

I am looking for any insight/direction on designing a simple web service. I would love to hear some thoughts on how to quickly get started, and what pitfalls to avoid. To ...

8. Pushing Data to unknown webservices in .NET

Hey guys, here's my requirement: I have one central App which receives requests from other apps, does something, and then returns data to that App. In its simplest form this data would ...

9. Thumb-rules to decide between web service implementations: SOAP / REST?

Are there any thumb-rules to decide between two schools of thought: SOAP and REST?

10. Is REST suitable for document-style web services?

RESTful and document/message-style seem to be two trends to implement web services nowadays in general. By this, I mean REST vs SOAP, and document-style vs RPC-style. My question is how compatible REST ...

11. Why does soap use its envolope messages?

Why does soap use its envolope messages? And why Restful doesn't? They all use HTTP (post,get etc.) , don't they? What is the real difference between soap and restful?

12. SOAP or REST as a Client

I see multiple questions asking which is better, SOAP or REST from the development of the Web Service itself. However, not a lot of discussion of the pros/cons from the client ...

13. Anyone has an example of a "Well Defined" REST Web Service?

I read tons of posts, questions and answers on the REST vs SOAP debate. I read a few REST supporters that claim that "well designed" REST Web Services are self explanatory ...

14. Need Standard Approach to create a SOAP interface for a deployed REST service

We want to allow our enterprise of service providers to deploy REST or SOAP solutions. These services will become candidates as an "authoritative" service endpoint for a specific request made ...

15. SOAP vs. REST: Pragmatic case studies?

I'm not satisfied with the answers given by the SOAP vs REST questions notably here: because it's just general philosophical answers and not pragmatic answers with some study cases. Nobody can ...

16. How to adapt a SOAP Service to REST in java?

I need to integrate some services that are external and that are offered as SOAP Services. I don't like to use SOAP inside our system for a few reasons. I think ...

17. Choosing a method for a webservice

I'm asked to set up a new webservice which should be easily usable in whatever language (php, .NET, Java, etc.) possible. Of course rolling my own can be done, accepting different ...

18. SOAP or REST suitable for non-query-response communication?

We are building a proprietary system involving a client and a server linked over TCP/IP. Occasionally, the server will have some new expected or unexpected information that would be of ...

19. developing: SOAP or REST

I am going to 4th and final year in my university. During this year all of the students must complete FYP (final year project). I am just at the beginning of ...

20. Is is possible to provide REST and SOAP and AMF (BlazeDS) services from the same WAR?

Is there any issues with providing several different formats of web services from the same application server?

21. Who Needs (SOAP) Reliable Messaging?

I spotted a very good argument against protocol-based (viz. SOAP) reliable messaging. Is this a flame-war topic, or is there a fair degree of consensus about this? I think ...

22. Passing pdf data through REST

How to pass the whole pdf content as response in Restful web services using java platform. I tried with converting the responses to String and byte array. First case, got registered expression ...

23. what are the SOA most common techniques?

I'm studiyng the SOA concept and found out the techniques (should i call it like that?) SOAP and REST (only these ones). I want to know if there are any other ...

24. Cost of serialization in web service

My next project involves the creation of a data API within an enterprise framework. The data will be consumed by several applications running on different software platforms. While my ...

25. How to ensure message transfer by pull-/polling from a webserver

This builds on How to send messages between Companies. If I decide that company S(upplier) should poll orders from company (B) in some simple HTTP based Way what is the ...

26. Rest vs. Soap. Has REST a better performance?

I read some questions already posted here regarding Soap and Rest and I didn't find the answer I am looking for. We have a system which has been built using Soap web services. The ...

27. Convert mathematical function to SOAP and REST

I have a mathematical function that takes 3 real arguments and returns 6 real arguments. I want to let people publicly evaluate this function on my Linux server. I could create a webform with ...

28. Why prefer REST over SOAP?

If I need a web service to pass back and forth a complex object, is there a reason I should prefer SOAP over REST? Here is an example of the ...

29. SOAP and REST question

I have been reading up on the differences between SOAP and REST.
I am getting the impression that SOAP would be used for a service that would invoke behavior, provide a contract ...

30. Why aren't there any WS-* standards for REST web services?

I was thinking into digging a little dipper into the REST type of web services and noticed that there aren't any specifications for it as opposed to SOAP web ...

31. C# web services: handling an object and methods in soap vs rest?

My understanding is that a c# based client "prefers" SOAP because when you add a web service reference it creates a proxy class from the wsdl found at the url you ...

32. rest binding instead of soap binding

i used the tool java2ws from apache cxf to convert java to wsdl but it generates soap binding. How can i make it generate rest bindings ?

33. How to : Async Callbacks using SOAP/REST Web Services with Java

We have a Java API that needs to be supplemented/fronted with a SOAP/REST Web service Layer. What does it take to implement Async Calls across process/server boundaries using
a) SOAP Webservices
b) ...

34. REST - Why was this not so obvious earlier?

I have been digging around the web to learn more about the new messiah "REST". It seems like the perfectly normal way for transfers over distributed hypermedia systems - you have ...

35. REST & SOAP within a SOA - Is there a difference

I have a question around SOA. Are SOAP and REST both considered approaches for implementing a service oriented architecture? I know that REST is a style, thus this leads me to ...

36. arguments for choosing rest style web services instead of soap

We are about to decide a common approach for intranet web services. I find rest style web services much elegant and easier to implement. I'd like to have more information about the pros ...

37. Building a Generic Web Service client

I am in the process of developing a product that communicates with another product(s) and that will be a web service communication. Each installation of our product might end up talking ...

38. what is the difference between top down web service and bottom up web service?

I want to understand the difference between top down web service and bottom up web services in java. Also, It would bbe great if someone tells me the the difference between ...

39. How to provide a REST interface to a SOAP web service?

I know very little about web programming but I need to establish a license generation web service to provide licenses to users of my desktop software. I have managed to create ...

40. SOAP or REST? Specific Project

I'm trying to figure out wether I should use SOAP or REST for a specific project. I will explain what the project is or needs to do, and I hope some ...

41. What is simpler? REST or SOAP in 11g?

I've read a little about REST and SOAP technologies and I understand REST is simpler than SOAP, but what about working with REST in Oracle 11g? Oracle 11g uses his framework to ...

42. REST vs SOAP Web Services

I am seeing a lot of new web services are implemented using a REST style architecture these days rather than a SOAP one. what is the difference?

43. Using a mix of REST and SOAP

this idea comes from this old post here - Please refer to sfitts' reply for Bell's answer (the first one). I am looking forward to use REST for Read-only operations and ...

44. Creating a REST wrapper to an existing SOAP web service

I have a .NET web service which is a SOAP service. I want to convert it into a REST service. What options do I have to create that middle ware to:

  • take request ...

45. Converting SOAP to REST?

I have a web app, that also has an iPhone and Android app using the same API. It hasn't yet been made publicly available, so I wanted to look to convert ...

46. About Rest and Soap

How facebook,google provides api in REST, In case in SOAP we have remote procedure call and WSDL stuff to bind the function but how this can be done in REST architecture? ...

47. SOAP to REST Conversion

I have a web service written in C# using SOAP. A client has requested the same service be available as a REST based service. Is there a clever/quick way I can achieve ...

48. SOAP messages in REST based web service

Disclaimer: I am really confused between REST and SOAP based services.
After reading many tutorials (which seems contradictory to each other) on REST based web service I was wondering whether we can/should ...

49. J2EE webservices, which one?

I would like to build a J2EE server, that server many different kind of clients. Most of them are mobile clients, but there also can be a browser application. I would like ...

50. REST with nullable types?

Ive hit a brickwall. My REST implementation wont accept Nullable values.

    [WebInvoke(ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, UriTemplate = "/Transactions?AccNo={AccNo}&CostCentreNo={CostCentreNo}&TransactionType={TransactionType}&Outstanding={Outstanding}&CheckStartDate={CheckStartDate}&CheckEndDate={CheckEndDate}")]
    List<Transactions> GetTransactions(Int32 AccNo, Int32 ...

51. Should I use SOAP or REST to automate external web service searching?

I hope to create an application which will send a barcode serial to this database: which is a universal barcode repository for foods. The food description is then returned to my ...

52. What is good embeddable java application server

I know it may be subjective, but what a recommendation for a good embeddable java application
server that is small, fast, lightweight and supports SOAP/REST and preferebly summat with a
decent ...

53. Do Cloud vendors prefer REST over SOA?

I found the following excerpt in wikipedia. Is it true that REST is being preferred over SOA by Cloud Vendors?

Cloud computing systems typically use ...

54. Options on doing SOAP or REST with C++

I am looking for an alternative to gSoap / Axis C to create a C++ soap client. So far I haven't been able to find anything other then those two projects. ...

55. Can a SQL Server 2008 database support both a REST and SOAP web services within two different endpoints?

Say you have a SQL Server 2008 database. You build a SOAP web service. You then deploy or publish this using Visual Studio 2010 in one website. Now, ...

56. SOAP vs REST

Hello ppl, I am having a hard time deciding which Web Service to implement for my coming project. SOAP or REST Can you people please throw some thoughts and explain the difference between how SOAP and REST APIs work so I can come to some conclusions. I am totall new to Web Services and just started to read about them. Any ...

57. REST vs SOAP

REST is what you used to POST your comment on javaranch, and what you are using now to GET my response. In web terms, SOAP is an protocol designed to be invisible to the web, you can't simply copy/paste a SOAP URL into an IM session or into a mashup. Which is easier to program to depends on what tools you ...

58. SOAP vs REST

59. Limitations of REST over SOAP

60. Implementing a service in SOAP and REST

61. REST vs SOAP

62. technology (JAX-RPC, Axis, SOAP, REST etc.) to implement web services ?

I think the "etc." part is important. They just listed some technologies and implementations to give you an idea of the solution space. So the important points they wanted you to address were most likely a) whether or not to use web services, b) whether to use SOAP or REST, c) the fact that JAX-RPC is obsolete and should no longer ...

63. REST and SOAP based Services

Hi! A basic question to ask is: Can the web service you want to create be modeled as CRUD operations on one or more resources? If the answer is yes, then RESTful web services are (probably) more suitable. There are, of course, additional things to take into consideration, such as: - Security requirements. - Message delivery reliability. - How do you ...

64. SOAP Attachment equivalent in REST

yes the more i am getting close to REST, i am liking it more. I did in a way like...sending pictures from server to client. I read the pictures (say like 20mb file size..i developed using photoshop) into a File and returning the file from Server with a simple logic and catching the file using inputstream (bufferedreader) at the client. But ...


68. Difference between Rest and SOAP?

1. REST is an architectural style based on simple rules for how you use HTTP, SOAP is a much more complex and restrictive architecture with a huge set of (sometimes optional) rules capable of creating high level of security at the cost of complex programming. Any security in REST you will have to invent for your application. 2. True - RESTful ...

69. How to send a SOAP message to a REST service?

I am trying to connect to a REST service using Restlet. The service uses SOAP messages defined by a WSDL as the requests and responses. I have used JAXB to create classes based on the WSDL. What I cannot work out how get at the SOAP XML string. My sample code is below, I can connect to the service as I ...