Request « restful « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Access Request object from REST

Is it possible to access the Request object in a REST method under JAX-RS? I just found out

[@Context][1] Request request;

2. WCF: Destinguish between REST and SOAP requests using the OperationContext

In WCF security, given the current OperationContext, what is the best way to determine whether the request is a SOAP request or a REST request?

3. Get Request Attributes in Restlet 2.0

I'm using Restlet to make a RESTful platform. I haven't used it before, but I decided to use 2.0 because it is better to start with the latest ...

4. Sending SOAP requests using libcurl as XML file

I'm trying to use libcurl to do a SOAP http post to a web service. I have the SOAP requests already formed in XML files which I generate. Now I need ...

5. Java - problems with REST client while sending an HTTP request

I am trying to send a GET request to a REST server using Java. This is the code with some debugging.

  URL url = new URL(request); 

  System.out.println("request url: " ...

6. Is Restlet returning 415 Unsupported Media Type when it should return 400 Bad Request?

I'm using Restlet 2.1 with jackson to build a json REST api. When I make a request with the expected content type but a malformed body, I get back a 415 "Unsuppored ...

7. REST - why we need million urls and different HTTP request?

Possible Duplicate:
I asked this question. But I still don't understand why we need to utilize ...

8. Http request via one network interface

I would like to call http request for rest webservice only on selected network interface.Any advices would be much appriciated.

9. How to distinguish what format a client requests back to my REST webservice?

I have a Java WebService setup which consumes an xml file and want to be able to produce either xml or json based on what the client requests. I know that ...

10. Rest WS request to send byte array

I want to test a rest service which is expecting an arrayofbytes in the request. Something like this:

 @XmlElement(name="fileName", required = false)
    protected String fileName;

    @XmlElement(name="pdf", ...

11. problem with REST requests (in Java) in a non-Firefox browser

I'm having a very annoying problem with a request that supposed to return a wav resource to the client. I'm using an InputRepresentation to do this, and returning something like:

representation ...

12. Converting complex SOAP requests to REST URIs

I am trying to create a REST web service which provides the exact same functionality as an existing SOAP based web service. Some soap requests can be quite complex and I ...

13. How do I setup the request for multipart/form file upload with jax-rs?

I have the below setup but I'm unsure how to test the service. I'm not sure how to setup the request, the request headers, request body, form params, content type...etc. ...

14. get content of http request in REST web service using java

Anyone know how to get content of httprequest in REST webservice using java? thanks

15. Didnt getting request from cappuccino desktop application to jax-ws rest web services

when I am sending request from any browser with json format to web services then I am getting proper response with json format. but when I am doing same thing from ...

16. java restful web service - Customize url to request

Right now I using jersey to serve different type representations through the same URI in my java restful web service. So my client have to add headers in there http request like ...

17. How WCF decides when return SOAP or JSON depending on the request?

I just created my first WCF REST service. I wanted it to return JSON, so i especified the response format. At first, I was frustrated because it was returning SOAP all ...

18. SOAP and REST requests intercepting

Is it possible to intercept binding of XML/JSON data coming through SOAP or REST webservice, to modify/check some of the data ? let's say I have methods like this on my ...

19. HTTP Request Sampler configuration for REST

Hi All, I'm trying to use JMeter 2.3.4 to send a request to a REST application without success. I'm using the HTTP Request Sampler. And I cannot find the good configuration for the request to be consumed by my application. More precisely, I cannot get the request sent by JMeter to have the "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;boundary=Boundary_xyz" I need. ...

20. Processing arguments/Entity body in GET/POST/PUT Request - RESTFul WebServices

Greetings Folks, I have been researching on RESTFul Webservices for a couple of weeks now. I currently work with JAX-RPC(SOAP). I believe I got the basic hang of it and I like how things are simpler in Rest in comparison to RPC. I have looked at all the examples provided in jersey distribution, Doug Kohlers's blog entries(along with other Sun developers ...