RESTful 2 « restful « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Restful Web Services in RAD

I am new in Web Services. I wanted to create a restful web service in RAD IDE. As I am new in this area it would be very helpful to me if I get some examples for step by step development of restful web services in RAD IDE. I would appreciate if someone knows where I can find some useful information ...


Hi all, I was reading an article about user friendly urls. But there i also found people talking about RESTful url. I heard totally new thing. Can you please tell me more about RESTful url. I also went through internet. But i couldn't understand. I want a descent start. Help me guys. Thanks

3. Restful Webservices

The thing is, "RESTful Webservices" is so very very general - just think about the kind of resources your client might be dealing with - anything from plain text to images to complex structures .... etc. Trying to come up with a completely general framework to deal with all these possibilities is what has made SOAP get more and more complicated. ...

4. RESTful service - standard output elements, structure ?

I am a bit confused about what standard restful service call output is ? I mean for example, my current web service, GET http://localhost:8080/myApp/books/ would return - 1 .... 2 .... 3 .... 4 .... 5 .... This looks ...

5. Restful service - object details.

Here is an interesting design problem that I am facing. the following GET request gets me all the books GET http://localhost:8080/myApp/books/ response -

.....other details ........
.....other details
.....other details
.....other details
.....other details
.....other details
which is good, not syntax or any other issues. Now consider a ...

6. Restful java client

Hi! If you have already chosen RESTstyle web service, then one of the few things remaining to decide on is the format of the representation generated by the service. XML and/or JSON. In order to be able to decide, I would examine whether the client platform and server platform (for instance Java or .NET) have some suitable library for efficient marshalling ...

7. creating a restful web service

8. Generating RESTful web services dynamically

Hi ! First, I have to apologize if this post is not in the right forum, but as the final goal is about Web Services, and as someone can give me another way to generate web services dynamically I think that my post should be here. So, as I said, I want to be able to create a web service on ...

9. Restful service URL

We have a rest webservice built on restlets(NOTE). Most of the requests are GET request for URL resources. However,we face a situation where the URL nodes may not be well-defined viz. /book/{book_id}/author/{author_id}/topic/{topic_id} and /book/{book_id}/topic/{topic_id} could both be valid URL. What be the ideal design to handle such a scenario with resource handlers. We wish to avoid query parameters as far as ...

10. RESTful Web service with JAX-RS - pagination and caching

Hi all, I'm planning to develop a REST Web service using JAX-RS. I have a core banking system that gives me a list of entries (I cannot change it). Pagination : I would like to be able to get the list of entries (example 400 entries) and send some of them to the web service client. When I ask the web ...

11. RESTful Authentication

I recently implemented my own authentication for RESTful web services within a grails application I am building. The process is that the user sends some credentials in the HTTP Header that a filter pulls out and then uses that to authenticate the user via Spring Security. Everything goes over HTTPS so I feel pretty safe about the security of that model. ...

12. RESTful webservices

13. RESTful URI naming questions

14. Help needed on restful web services

15. How to write a RESTful web service with Eclipse tutorial that assumes very little?

Hi, I am a greenhorn. I can read, understand, and write java. But not enterprise java. I have been reading up on what an EJB is and JAX-B, JAX-RS, and annotations are. However, I can't seem to put everything together. Is there a good tutorial that explains how to write a RESTful service aimed at newbies? Many of them leave out ...

16. RESTFul webservice with axis2

Hi, I am not much familiar with RESTFul webservices. I need to develop some RESTFul webservice using axis2. But I am not able to find any material on this, even though I found some using Jersey. It would be very helpful if someone could tell any tutorial or a simple example, so I can start. Thanks in Advance

17. REstFul web service UI Approaches.

18. Restful WebService without annatations in eclipse using java

I don't understand what you mean by "which is not going to recognise the annatations as it is IBM specific" - a library like Jersey can be used in any servlet container; it comes with all jar files necessary to develop with it and deploy it. There's nothing IBM-specific about JAX-RS annotations.

19. which is more restful ?

I am using the restlet framework. I have a resource called Person. This person has the following fields : - name - age - job a person could be either a teacher, a programmer, or a doctor. According to the job type, the person will have a set of properties. For example, if a person is a teacher, he will have ...

20. Exposing Methods as RESTFul Services

Hi! I am afraid that the subject of your posting - "exposing methods as RESTful services" shows that it would be good to read a little about the concepts behind RESTful web services before trying to implement one. RESTful web services are not about exposing operations, it is about exposing resources on which you perform a very limited set of operations ...

21. Jax-WS restful web service

Dear members, I'm new to web services development and wanted them to run in below environment. 1) jdk1.6.0_20 2) Jboss5.1.0_GA 3) JAX-WS (not using any other impl like jersey..etc) I've tried to use JAX-WS and implement the restful web service for HTTP post method, having no WSDL or any other xml's. 1) Can you suggest me how to write the ant ...

22. how to make struts1 restful

23. Restful web services in Java

25. how to send user credentials to a protected restful webservice

hello ranchers, i am trying to get the data from a restful webservice which is running using a java client program. I am able to connect to it and get the data, but the limitation in my code is that it can't connect to the restful endpoint which needs authentication. I h've tried search for this over online but couldn't get ...

26. What is the need of Restful services

I didn't get your question. Are you asking how is it possible in principle, or are you asking how to do it using some specific framework? In principle, as already mentioned, a standalone process can bind to some port using sockets, receive RESTful HTTP requests on it, and reply back with HTTP responses. A framework like Jersey already supports this.

27. RESTful Web Service

/* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package jsr311; import javax.jws.WebService; /** * */ @WebService(serviceName = "SearchService", portName = "SearchServiceSoap", endpointInterface = "pdccw1.SearchServiceSoap", targetNamespace = "http://pdcCW1/", wsdlLocation = "WEB-INF/wsdl/NewWebServiceFromWSDL/SearchService.asmx.xml.wsdl") public class NewWebServiceFromWSDL { public pdccw1.Result searchWithStringParamters(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String desc, java.lang.String categ, java.lang.String startDate) { //TODO implement this method } ...

28. Restful websercies + varbinary

29. How to convert a java application to RESTful web service?

Web services, distributed computing in general, always seems to attract these noobs who think they can just ask for a bit of a pointer here, and be away. Distributed computing is difficult by its very nature. There aren't any shortcuts. You might find some Rose India rubbish about how to do some simple thing, with a specific technology, but it won't ...