cluster « rabbitmq « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. RabbitMQ Queue Persistance in a Cluster

I have a question that I cant seem to find an answer on. This is my first time using RabbitMQ in a "big" application and am wondering how the queues work in ...

2. rabbitmq HA cluster

I am wanting to setup RabbitMQ as a two (or more) node cluster with HA. Use case: a client producer app (C#.NET) knows that the cluster has two nodes and ...

3. RabbitMQ management plugin with local cluster

Is there any reason that the rabbitmq-management plugin wouldn't work when I'm using 'rabbitmq-multi' to spin up a cluster of nodes on my desktop? Or, more precisely, that the management ...

4. Master_slave in RabbitMQ

How can we implement Master_slave configuration using RabbitMQ server. I have read at many places and have experienced it myself that "RabbitMQ Nodes under a Cluster can't really share same files except for ...

5. "Unknown delivery tag" from RabbitMQ when ack'ing a message in a cluster with replicated queues

We've been using Rabbit successfully for about a year. Recently have upgraded to v2.6.1, because we want to use clusters with replicated message queues. My testing has hit a puzzling behavior ...

6. How distributed should queues be in a RabbitMQ cluster?

Assume you have a small rabbitmq system of 3 nodes that is supposed to handle 100+ decently high volume queues in the same exchange. Given that queues only exist on the ...