celery « rabbitmq « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Rabbitmq or Gearman - choosing a jobs queue    stackoverflow.com

At work, we need to build a jobs server for things like sending emails, building PDFs, crunching some data, etc. Obviously, we'd like to build on some sort of generic ...

2. Workaround for celery task priority on RabbitMQ?    stackoverflow.com

I am running Django with Celery on top of RabbitMQ as a queue to handle some data processing tasks. I am kicking off celery tasks when a user first signs up, ...

3. Simple queue with Celery and RabbitMQ    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to implement a simple queue that performs one task at a time. Offloading tasks off the main thread using Celery and setting concurrency=1 in the Celery config works fine, ...

4. 'Queueing' tutorials and documentation?    stackoverflow.com

I'm looking for articles and references that give an overview of 'queueing' (I'm probably not even using the right term here). I'm hoping for an introductory styled guide through a world ...

5. How to Guarantee Message delivery with Celery?    stackoverflow.com

I have a python application where I want to start doing more work in the background so that it will scale better as it gets busier. In the past I have ...

6. Is there a way to have celeryd read from queues on different brokers?    stackoverflow.com

I have two sets of applications running celery and a relay between them: APPS_A <----> RELAY <----> APPS_B The relay is, well, a relay, passing messages between APPS_A and APPS_B. Right now, the ...

7. Setting celery concurrency to 1 worker per queue    stackoverflow.com

I am essentially using rabbitmq queues in celery as a poor man's synchronisation. Eg when certain objects are updated (and have a high cost), I round robin them to a ...

8. Finding which task went to which queue    stackoverflow.com

I am using RabbitMQ with Celery and I have set some custom routing settings for the task. A specific type of task goes to one queue and all the other tasks ...

9. How can I recover unacknowledged AMQP messages from other channels than my connection's own?    stackoverflow.com

It seems the longer I keep my rabbitmq server running, the more trouble I have with unacknowledged messages. I would love to requeue them. In fact there seems to be an ...

10. Temporary queue made in Celery    stackoverflow.com

I am using Celery with RabbitMQ. Lately, I have noticed that a large number of temporary queues are getting made. So, I experimented and found that when a task fails (that is ...

11. deleting all pending tasks in celery / rabbitmq    stackoverflow.com

hi im using rabbitmq and celery how can i delete all pending tasks without knowing task_id for each task? i want to drop them all i dont care where they are ... if ...

12. celery+rabbitmq empty queue    stackoverflow.com

I am using celery+rabbitmq. I can't find convenient way to clear queue in celery+rabbitmq. I do it with remove and create vhost.

rabbitmqctl delete_vhost <vhostpath>
rabbitmqctl  add_vhost <vhostpath>
Is it prefer way to ...

13. Celery: abort task on connection error    stackoverflow.com

I have to implement a Task subclass that gracefully fails if the broker is not running - currently I'm using RabbitMQ. I could probably just use a try statement to catch the ...

14. Celery + RabbitMQ, some AMQP temporay queues not expiring    stackoverflow.com

I have a celery + rabbitmq setup with a busy django site, in the celery setting I have this config: CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = "amqp" CELERY_AMQP_TASK_RESULT_EXPIRES = 5 I am monitoring the queues with the "watch" ...

15. Creating queues dynamically with Celery    stackoverflow.com

I am writing a mailing-list manager using Django, Celery, and RabbitMQ. When a message comes in, a task is executed for each recipient. All tasks go to a single queue, and ...

16. RabbitMQ management    stackoverflow.com

In the console pane rabbitmq one day I had accumulated 8000 posts, but I am embarrassed that their status is idle at the counter ready and total equal to 1. What ...