trigger 1 « quartz « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Quartz.NET Trigger Configuration or Roll my own Trigger?

So I've decided to use Quartz.NET to schedule some tasks for me in my application and I'd like to schedule my tasks to run daily from the following 3 pieces of ...

2. Quartz.NET trigger states - what states require administrator attention?

I'm using Quartz.NET in an application I am creating, and also a backup application that will detect when Quartz is 'not working right' - this can be the scheduler being down, ...

3. refactoring Quartz jobdata

I had to refactor a class like this: Class Person in package com.core has a reference to Class Address which is in the same package. I had to move Address to a ...

4. Add multiple triggers to single quartz job

I want to dynamically add triggers to a job, but can't find any helpful methods off of Scheduler I though i would just be able to call the scheduleJob method an repetitively, ...

5. the questions about ' trigger

i know ,in ,change a old trigger like below,

it need have not the same name with old trigger name, but i need to change trigger with the same trigger ...

6. Fire QuartzNet trigger at startup

How to configure trigger in quartz_jobs.xml to fire at startup and repeat again an hour after the start?

7. Possible to fire a weekly trigger immediately then on a weekly basis?

I am wondering if it is possible to use weekly trigger to fire once and then go to a weekly schedule

Trigger trigger = TriggerUtils.MakeWeeklyTrigger(

8. Quartz.NET trigger: run once in a specified interval

I'm using the Quartz.NET library in a Windows service to run a daily job among others. I'm using AdoJobStore. Basically I want my job to be executed once any time between ...

9. Reconfiguring a Trigger

Hello, maybe someone can help. Following situation: I want to use quartz in an web application. So I init quartz with the After this my servlet is started, which creates a job and schedule it with a crontrigger. The job should start every minute. This works fine. So my Job creates some jobs every time, which starts directly. My problem ...

10. delete a trigger in quartz

Is there a way to delete a scheduled trigger with a specific job? I've a job which can potentially have 100+ triggers and I really don't want to delete the job and re-register all the triggers when I just have to delete 1 trigger. I tried doing getTriggersOfJob before and after doing unscheduleJob. It doesn't remove the trigger Thanks

11. Trigger changed suddenly to error state

I am running an application in Tomcat 6 and, to schedule operations, I use Quartz 1.6.0. All triggers are being executed correctly according the scheduled defined to each one. Recently, I added a new job which trigger, suddenly, changes to error state after some executions. Example of row in QRTZ_TRIGGERS table (after changed state) Code: TRIGGER_NAME TRIGGER_GROUP JOB_NAME JOB_GROUP IS_VOLATILE DESCRIPTION ...

12. Triggering a Quartz Job in a specific cluster instance

I have quartz schedulers running in a cluster environment and I have three servers (with same quartz properties file) in my cluster. My requirement is that, when I schedule a job, it should trigger in a specific server in the cluster. Is Quartz API support this requirement? Or is it possible to set some kind of priority for servers in a ...

13. Coupled Triggers

Hi Everyone, I'm trying to figure out how to couple two CronTriggers to perform an operation in-between them. Example: say I have a service that is supposed to start a process based on one CronTrigger (e.g. 3 AM on Monday), and to terminate that process based on another CronTrigger (e.g. 6 AM on Monday). If the service is started in-between this ...

14. given trigger will never fire

Hi, we are using Quartz v 1.6.5 and have a cron_interval defined as: "0 0/1 12 * 1 ? 2010" and no matter what hour I use, I always get the same message and the application fails to deploy: "Based on configured schedule, the given trigger will never fire." the cron interval (in my mind) translates to: fire every min starting ...

15. Quartz triggers consistently missing fire times

2010-01-15 17:22:24,818 INFO [LocalDataSourceJobStore] : Handling 2 trigger(s) that missed their scheduled fire-time. 2010-01-15 17:23:24,819 INFO [LocalDataSourceJobStore] : Handling 3 trigger(s) that missed their scheduled fire-time. 2010-01-15 17:24:24,822 INFO [LocalDataSourceJobStore] : Handling 2 trigger(s) that missed their scheduled fire-time. 2010-01-15 17:25:24,822 INFO [LocalDataSourceJobStore] : Handling 3 trigger(s) that missed their scheduled fire-time. 2010-01-15 17:26:24,825 INFO [LocalDataSourceJobStore] : Handling 2 trigger(s) that ...

16. Persisting a trigger's repeat interval

I've configured a repeat interval for a trigger but I'm not seeing where that interval is stored in the database. The QRTZ_TRIGGER table has NEXT_FIRE_TIME, PREV_FIRE_TIME, START_TIME, END_TIME, but I don't see how it determines the NEXT_FIRE_TIME when the trigger fires. Is this stored in the QRTZ_BLOB_TRIGGERS table as more information about the trigger or something? What are the differences between ...

17. Quartz scheduler and trigger issue

This is working exactly as designed. All scheduler nodes pointing at the same data store share the same set of data, and the cluster nodes will fire any trigger they get to before the other nodes. You must have a separate set of db tables for each scheduler if you don't want them to share the scheduling data. Also note that ...

18. Removing trigger from XML file does not remove trigger from Scheduler

PrintDailySchedule maintenance Maintenance job to write the schedule to the log. com.whatever.batch.scheduler.ScheduleLoggerTask DailySkedPrintTrigger maintenance PrintDailySchedule maintenance 30 0 0 * * ? TestSkedPrintTrigger maintenance PrintDailySchedule maintenance 5 * * * * ...

19. Quartz trigger stuck in ACQUIRED state

Recently we had an OutOfMemory error on one of our test servers. Somehow a quart worker thread executing a periodic job got stuck. After restart of the server the periodic (10s) job did not execute. The state of the trigger at that time was 'ACQUIRED'. Updating the trigger state to 'WAITING' from a sql client started the job firing again. To ...

20. Global vs Local Job Triggers

Yes, it gives the scheduler a handle to the listener, so that it can invoke it when the job runs. The job only identifies the name of the non-global listener(s) that it explicitly wants to have invoked. The scheduler then needs to have a handle to the listeners created by your application, so that it can invoke them.

21. How to add programatically a second trigger to the same job

Hello. I have a job that is periodically triggered with a simple trigger. I'd like also to start manually the same job using the Web application. In order to avoid concurency execution of this job, I 1) made this job as STATEFUL 2) create a new onetime trigger using "TriggerUtils.makeImmediateTrigger(...)" wenn manually started. Unfortunately, I get for point 2) the following ...

22. Multiple triggers with one JobDetail

Hi, in my application I need to have many job instances which all do the same thing, just with different parameters and different time intervals. So, I thought it would be nice to have singleton JobDetail configured via Spring and many Triggers which would feed the Job with jobDataMap. Problem is, that I get ObjectAlreadyExistsException, because in scheduler, there can't be ...

23. Can we create a special Weekly Trigger with repeatcount

Is it possible to create a Trigger that allows the following weekly trigger Start on a certain date, possibly end on a certain date Run on certain days of week repeat after so many weeks Using CronTrigger I can create a weekly trigger with the expression "0 0 0 ? * MWF" and then set the start date to 02/22/2010 Then ...

24. Trigger waiting in acquired state

I have few Triggers firing at the same time and sometimes I have noticed that one of the trigger is in acquired state and other trigger are waiting for the earlier Trigger to release it. After sometime, app server is not responding and eventually it is running into Out Of Memory on weblogic 10.1 with JVM@check_alloc error. I am not sure ...

25. triggers stay in "ACQUIRED" state for ever

Hi, I searched for this issue in Google but didn't find a definite answer. We are sometime noticing that our Quartz Trigger states are in "ACQUIRED" state for ever. Right now i see 8 Triggers that are in "ACQUIRED" state and they are not getting changed from that state. We are using SimpleTriggers with no repeat count and start delay. This ...

26. Monthly Trigger with repeat count issue

Am trying to create a Monthly trigger to fire every month on the 31st and another one to run every 2 months onthe 31st. -------- Case 1- run every month Using a CronTrigger to do that and the results are as expected. For e.g. fire every 31st starting on 3/1/2010 and ending 3/30/2011 shows the fire times to be: 3/31/2010, 5/31/2010, ...

27. Triggers converted to Simple Triggers on upgrade from 1.6.0 to 1.7.2 but not fetchable

I've mentioned this previously but we use Spring's support for Quartz. Upon a recent upgrade from Quartz 1.6.0 to 1.7.2, we noticed an unintended side effect: all of our triggers were converted to "SIMPLE" triggers in the database. (They previously BLOB triggers due to some weirdness with Spring). However, despite the fact that the trigger was marked as SIMPLE, the re ...

28. Quartz trigger is sometime removed for no reason

Hi, We are using Quartz version 1.5.2 with JBoss 1.4.2. We are using both simple and cron triggers, but for no reason, after sometime (not consistent) some of the triggers are removed. These triggers (both cron and simple) are defined to run indefinitely. We are using RAMStore. Our scheduler is being initialized using the Quartz API's. We also put the Quartz ...

29. unscheulde Trigger without deleting underlying record?

Hi there. We've recently decided to move from using RAMJobStore to using JobStoreCMT (we're running inside an appserver). One motivation for this move was that we would have a persistent "history" of trigger firings etc. We're using Quartz 1.6.5 For various reasons, I would like to cancel any triggers that would be recovered & reactivated at Scheduler startup, and then resubmit ...

30. Reschedule Triggers in ERROR

After a bad restart, a job couldn't be created by Spring and all my triggers associate with this job are now in ERROR state. I would like to put them on track so they could be executed. Is there a simple way to do this ? SQL, use reschedule method, ... ? Thanks a lot, Sylvain

31. Finishing triggers "manually"

You have to create your own history table if you want a listing of triggers that have fired. Quartz does not automatically do so. This would be insane on setup where hundreds of triggers fire per minute all day long. Most people do not care to have such a history, and would be bothered with having to empty the table every ...

32. Is there a maximum allowed frequency for repeating triggers

I have a Simple Trigger with a priority of 8 that runs a Stateful Job every 2s. However, in watching the scheduler activity in QRTZ_TRIGGERS and the times fired QRTZ_SIMPLE_TRIGGERS, I'm seeing that frequently Quartz will wait for 30 or more seconds, fire the trigger a number of times in a row and then increment the # of times fired by ...

33. Quartz Deadlocks on Triggers

We are using Quartz with Spring and our configuration is throwing deadlocks when quartz has more than 1 thread configured. I'm starting to believe that it's because we don't have our quartz configured correctly with Spring, but I can't find enough documentation on how to configure the two to play nicely. I'm also starting to believe that Quartz is not going ...

34. Problem creating a monthly trigger that fires in a specific day.

Hi, I need a trigger that fires every month in a specific day. The user can choose between day 1 and 31. Ok it's easy, just use TriggerUtils.makeMonthlyTrigger(int dayOfMonth, int hour, int minute) method, but according javadoc: "If the day of the month specified does not occur in a given month, a firing will not occur that month. (i.e. if dayOfMonth ...

35. What are different QRTZ_TRIGGERS.TRIGGER_STATE ?

We have requirenment in project where we want to reflect the QRTZ_TRIGGERS.TRIGGER_STATE for schedule manager. Lets say i have follwoing status to show on UI: Completed(Y),Scheduled(N),Running(I),Error(E),Suspended(S) How should these status be mapped with the QRTZ_TRIGGERS.TRIGGER_STATE? Can anyone help to define/map QRTZ_TRIGGERS.TRIGGER_STATE with businesss logic? Also please suggest when shoul i update the status from QRTZ_TRIGGERS.TRIGGER_STATE to any othe table say XYZ ...

36. JOB disappears from QRTZ_TRIGGERS table after few seconds

hi, I have a set up where a job is scheduled within App. server, but executed by a separate instance outside the app. server. So, I don't start the scheduler which is run within app. server. However, when I schedule a job, I can see the job in QRTZ_TRIGGERS table, but it disappears after about a minute. I tried to see ...

37. Trigger is PAUSED

Sometimes, when the trigger is created, it just goes into PAUSED state. Could not figure out the reason for this. Any help would be appreciated. I tried resuming the trigger as soon as it is created, but seems even its group was in PAUSED state. Not sure, how the group was paused automatically? So, Under what all circumstances the TRIGGER would ...


Hi, I am using DB JobStore with MySQL. I create three dummy jobs that do the following: 1. RootJob - schedule a number of ModeratorJob back into Quartz DB 2. ModeratorJob - schedule a number of SlaveJob back into Quartz DB 3. SlaveJob - sleep randomly for no more than 10 sec. and finish. So I test performance with 1 RootJob ...

39. Custom Triggers

40. Trigger fires immediately on scheduler start

I'm setting up triggers to fire in the future, but they always fire immediately when the scheduler starts (or if the scheduler is started, right when they are added). I believe there is something I'm doing wrong, but I'm not sure what it is. When I create the trigger (I'm using both SimpleTrigger and CronTrigger), it always says 'null' for nextFireTime. ...

42. How to skip a trigger?

43. Is it possible to update the repeatCount and repeatInterval of a simple trigger in its job.

I am using Quartz 1.8.0. I have created a simpleTrigger, in its respective job.execute() method, based on certain conditions, I wish to modify the repeatCount and its respective repeatInterval. But I learnt that the simple trigger expires immediately after the execution of the job. While creating the above simple trigger I initialized it with repeatCount 0. For testing I tried to ...

44. Determine number of fired triggers in a 24 hour period

Hi - Can anyone point me in the right direction to research how to use the Quartz tables to determine how many times a trigger_NAME has been fired in a 24 hour window? Basically, I need to know when a predetermined maximum number of 4 schedules in a given day has been reached to then prevent any further job scheduling in ...

45. special trigger

46. Trigger not firing

48. Monitoring state of a Trigger

Hi I have list of triggers that user creates. I wish to display the current trigger's state based on users choice. That is, if user chooses TriggerX, status of TriggerX needs to be displayed. Status includes, its current state, last fired time, next firing time and so on. I am not able to understand how to retrieve this based on Users ...

49. ignore missed triggers between scheduler restarts

I am able to ignore crontriggers by setting the misfire policy to MISFIRE_INSTRUCTION_DO_NOTHING, but how do i ignore the simple triggers? I end up have several triggers fired during scheduler restarts. If i delete the missed triggers at the startup time, i end up deleteing all of them from the database, so my jobs dont fire the next time scheduler restarts. ...


What's the purpose of the QRTZ_FIRED_TRIGGERS table? I never see any entries being created in that table. My jobs are execting fine when using simple trigger but i'm having trouble with Crontriggers. When using crontrigger, the nextfiretime in QRTZ_TRIGGERS table is getting updated but the job does not execute. I do not get any log messages from the gloabl trigger listener ...

51. Quartz deadlocks working with triggers in a cluster

Hi, we are using quartz in a standalone Java application with clustering. Configuration is through spring and database is mysql, innodb engine. We actually have three different applications in production and they all encounter the same issue. Spring configuration is attached. I can replicate this issue when using an application which I made just for that purpose. I run multiple instances ...

52. Quartz Runtime error in main trigger firing loop

53. node configuration base job triggering

We are using Quartz for scheduling jobs in our application. Recently we are facing an issue where in 'categoryA' jobs need to processed by nodeA(tomcat) and 'categotyB' jobs need to be processed by nodeB (Weblogic). Quartz is running in both the servers in clustered mode. Currently, categotyA jobs are being picked by nodeB and viceversa and the jobs are not handled ...

54. Rollout using simple trigger

Hi, I am using quartz job to run a scheduler which in turn schedules jobs using quartz job. I create a simple trigger to run my scheduler as well as jobs in this scheduler. The scheduler starts successfully but when its jobs execute, the job which runs my scheduler is not available (may be because it is using a simple trigger). ...

56. org.quartz.JobPersistenceException: Couldn't acquire next trigger: ORA-01461

org.quartz.JobPersistenceException: Couldn't acquire next trigger: ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column [See nested exception: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column ] at org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreSupport.acquireNextTrigger( at org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreSupport$36.execute( at org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreSupport.executeInNonManagedTXLock( at org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreSupport.acquireNextTrigger( at Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG ...


hi all, I try to find an answer to my problem but gave up so this is my last resort. I created a cron trigger using spring. My trigger run every second and work find until some point that it's stop and the trigger state (column in DB) change to ERROR, so the trigger wont run again until I am change ...

58. Job is not triggering instantly when i call trigger job

I can think of following reasons: 1. There is no thread available for the scheduler to schedule the job 2. The CPU utilization is too high on your machine 3. The scheduler thread is starved as there are other high priority application threads that are being scheduled by the OS For the job not getting deleted there could be two reasons: ...

60. Job in my test program doesn't trigger

Ok, I feel like a total idiot asking, but obviously, I must be overlooking something. Just started using Quartz 1.8.3 for a project and going through the tutorial to just get a simple job to trigger. However, after running the program, my job, which is scheduled to run immediately, never gets fired. I looked through the docs and further tutorials and ...

61. Trigger priority

Hi, Is there a mechanism, or pattern, to priorities multiple simultaneous triggers? I have a situation where I need one type of trigger to always be fired before another type of trigger when they occur at the same time, and I can't adjust the trigger times when they're scheduled. The solution has to work in a clustered environment. Cheers, MB

62. Getting trigger information for displaying and editting

Thanks buddy, I've worked this out now- just had to make new CronTrigger's/SimpleTriggers based on the trigger. I do have another issue now, and didn't want to start another thread. I need the administrators to be able to edit a jobs trigger information and jobdatamap after the job has been scheduled. I've put the page together and it *seems* to work, ...

63. How do I put my triggers in an external file?


64. setting trigger priority in xml-file ???

65. Error starting the server in a cluster: Could not store trigger

hi, I'm using spring 2.5.6, quartz 1.6.6, oracle 10, cluster 6 nodes I have a linux cron stop and start the server every night but when each node is starting at the same time, 3 nodes fail the exception is thrown org.quartz.JobPersistenceException exception is thrown: Could not store trigger 'cronTrigger' for 'jobDetailBean' job: ORA-00001: unique constraint (MYDB.SYS_C00861601) cron launches the 6 ...

66. calling scheduler.TriggerJob(jobname, groupName) made other paused triggers resumed

I have a scheduler setup and running in cluster environment. The scheduler has a job JobA, which has trig1, trig2. Step1, I paused the two triggers (state changed to PAUSED) Step2, call the Scheduler's triggerJob(jobName, grpName) to make the job run and run only once right away. The job is indeed run only once right away. However, the two old triggers ...

67. JobExecutionException not unscheduling my trigger anymore

I have a Job that does the following... JobExecutionException jex = new JobExecutionException("some error") jex.setUnscheduleFiringTrigger(true) throw jex (I've tried this with 1.7.3 and 1.8.4 versions) After I throw this exception the trigger still exists in the triggers and cron table. It's status is COMPLETE. but... The quartz API see's it still existing too. Isn't this trigger supposed to be deleted e.g. ...

68. How to refactor classes in jobdata map of a trigger

Hi, I moved a class Person to a new package. Unfortunately there are instances of the old Person class persisted in the DB by Quartz as part of trigger's jobdata map. When I start the scheduler everything fails as the old class file is not present but is needed to load objects from the persisted jobdata map. Can you please help ...

69. Trigger State -1 or NONE

Hi, What should I infer from the trigger state of NONE, the docs says it means 'it does not exist'. It does not however elaborate on the meaning, I ask this because a trigger exists in my DB with a state of -1 / NONE. For the same trigger Quartz returns the mayFireAgain boolean as true, which is a concern for ...

70. What is best approach to quartz trigger management?

We have a quartz application running in a clustered environment. We would like to be able to administer the triggers for the jobs in a web app which runs outside the cluster. We would like to delete triggers, pause/resume them and update their schedule. We do not need to manipulate the jobs themselves. We have put together a simple app in ...


I have a mere 13 jobs in my quartz data xml but when I start the app hangs. The trigger table is showing everything in WAITING status. After another restart I have some in BLOCKING and the rest in waiting. Is this maybe do the way I shut down? anyway to resolve this?

72. How to prevent Quartz to change trigger(s) state, in case of job instantiation error

Is there a way to instruct/configure Quartz what to do in case of problem with job instance (NoClassDefFoundError or similar)? The problem with instance of job class is rare, but in some deployment scenarios can happen (and there is no way to predict a reason). But, in such a case thousands of triggers change state to 'ERROR' and it will be ...

73. Quartz scheduler not firing triggers

I have a web application running on JBoss 4.2, using Quartz 1.5.2 with JobStoreTX, to schedule some batch jobs. About 15-20 of these batch jobs are configured to be run very frequently (at least once every minute). I'm seeing cases where the quartz scheduler is only firing some triggers (or jobs, since we have one trigger per job and vice versa) ...

74. misfired trigger in COMPLETED state

Hi, All Normally, when a trigger reaches its end time, quartz automatically deletes the entry from the qrtz_triggers table. However, when I set the misfire instruction to MISFIRE_INSTRUCTION_RESCHEDULE_NEXT_WITH_REMAINING_COUNT, the entry in the qrtz_triggers table is marked with COMPLETED state with next_fire_time=-1. The entry is not removed from the table by quartz. Question: 1. Why is the trigger in the above misfired ...

75. quartz trigger firing early

marcia99 neo Joined: 02/22/2011 09:09:27 Messages: 1 Offline We have a production environment with a single server instance. Our quartz job is configured to fire every 5 minutes. However, it appears to be firing again after 2 or 3 minutes sometimes, instead of 5 minutes. In some cases, there is an extra job. We are using java 1.6, tomcat 6.0.18 and ...

77. Quartz - Trigger

Hi, We have Quartz Clustered Scheduling set with 8 instances running. C1...C8. Each instance has threadPool.threadcount = 2 There are 16 jobs which are of Simple Trigger type. We do not want all 16 simple trigger jobs to run at once during start up.. We basically want them to spread across all instances. We would start C1 first and start all ...

78. setMisfireInstruction SimpleTrigger.INSTRUCTION_SET_TRIGGER_ERROR not working as expected

Hi guys, I think I may have stumbled across a potential bug in the 1.8.4 release. First, the javadoc on the Trigger constants is incorrect for INSTRUCTION_SET_TRIGGER_ERROR and INSTRUCTION_SET_ALL_JOB_TRIGGERS_ERROR. Second, I have the following simple test case. Code: @Test(timeout=30000) public void triggerErrorToFailureQueue() throws SchedulerException, InterruptedException, ParseException { Scheduler scheduler = ServiceContextSinglton.INSTANCE .getBean(Scheduler.class); JobDetail job = new JobDetail(); job.setDescription("error job"); ...

80. Removing trigger from XML file does not cancel next fire

I vaguely remember reading somewhere that this is expected behavior. If the XMLSchedulingDataProcessorPlugin is set to do scanning for changes and if a new schedule file is saved that removes a trigger that was in the previous file, the next invocation of that trigger is not cancelled. However, I can't find that documentation now. Yet, I experienced this today. I had ...

81. Quartz Trigger State set to ERROR

Hi, I am using Quartz 1.6.2 to run a job that reads my Oracle database and processes some records and writes back to the database. I am using a cron trigger to run the job every minute. The first run of the job is successful, but the next run automatically changes the trigger state to ERROR in the qrtz_triggers table. There ...

82. Couldn't clean volatile data: ERROR: relation "qrtz_triggers" does not exist

I am integrating quartz scheduler1.8 with postgresql 8.4 database for jobstore. I have created tables using sql scrpt provided by quartz, for testing i have created a job with simpletrigger which simply prints Hello World. But while running i am getting following exception :- org.quartz.SchedulerConfigException: Failure occured during job recovery. [See nested exception: org.quartz.JobPersistenceException: Couldn't clean volatile data: ERROR: relation "qrtz_triggers" ...

83. Trigger fires, but no job is run

We have this strange problem. Using Quartz 1.7 and storing the quartz jobs in database. This was working for a long time and suddenly stopped working. We have a SimpleTrigger that runs each 5 minutes and fires a job. Running with Spring. What happens is that it suddenly stopped running, and when we restart the Jetty server, it only runs at ...

84. "Run Now" trigger executes a job two times concurrently.

package eswf.zk.scheduler; import static org.quartz.CronScheduleBuilder.cronSchedule; import static org.quartz.JobBuilder.newJob; import static org.quartz.TriggerBuilder.newTrigger; import java.text.ParseException; import org.quartz.JobDetail; import org.quartz.Scheduler; import org.quartz.SchedulerException; import org.quartz.Trigger; import org.quartz.impl.DirectSchedulerFactory; public class JobTriggeredTwice { public static void main(final String[] args) throws SchedulerException, ParseException, InterruptedException { final DirectSchedulerFactory instance = DirectSchedulerFactory.getInstance(); instance.createVolatileScheduler(3); final Scheduler scheduler = instance.getScheduler(); scheduler.start(); final JobDetail jD = newJob(TestJob.class).withIdentity("TestJob").storeDurably().build(); scheduler.addJob(jD, true); final Trigger trigger = ...

85. Controlling the job triggers based on custom constraints

I have scenario where my jobs has to be executed based on custom constraints Example : Consider I have job1, job2, job3 etc.My scenario is if job2 is running, that same time i should not run job3 or job1. After completion of job2 job1 or job3 can be run. Is it possible to do this? If yes how to do? Thanks ...

86. Getting a ClassNotFoundException related to a Job class, when trigger is fired

Hi, I'm using Quartz 1.8.4, and BEA WebLogic server (11g). I have 2 distinct applications, each in its own EAR file, using Quartz, and deployed on the WLS. Each configure the scheduler differently, and each EAR file contains the Quartz JAR file, in its "/lib" folder. Note that I have more EAR files deployed on that WLS, but the others ...

87. JobStoreTX : Unknown column 'TRIGGER_TYPE' in 'field list'

#============================================================================ # Configure Main Scheduler Properties #============================================================================ org.quartz.scheduler.instanceName = QrtzClusteredScheduler org.quartz.scheduler.instanceId = AUTO #============================================================================ # Configure ThreadPool #============================================================================ org.quartz.threadPool.class = org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool org.quartz.threadPool.threadCount = 2 org.quartz.threadPool.threadPriority = 5 #=================================================== # Configure the Job Initialization Plugin #=================================================== org.quartz.plugin.jobInitializer.class = org.quartz.plugins.xml.XMLSchedulingDataProcessorPlugin org.quartz.plugin.jobInitializer.fileNames = jobs.xml org.quartz.plugin.jobInitializer.failOnFileNotFound = true org.quartz.plugin.jobInitializer.scanInterval = 0 org.quartz.plugin.jobInitializer.wrapInUserTransaction = false #============================================================================ # Configure JobStore #============================================================================ org.quartz.jobStore.misfireThreshold = 30000 org.quartz.jobStore.class = org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreTX ...

88. Quartz Skip trigger firing

89. Triggers deleted, job not fired

I'm betting you had more than one quartz instance running and pointed at the same tables. The records seemed to disappear without anything running, but in fact it ran in a different instance. This same question comes up fairly often, particularly with teams that are building an app that uses quartz, and the config they've checked in for all to share ...

90. Pause Trigger Group

I Guess you are not clear with my question.. I have requirement like my future trigger group has to be paused.. Consider in my application there is change to get trigger groups like MyGroup1,MyGroup2,MyGroup4,MyGroup1 and MyGroup5. Currently i dont have trigger MyGroup4 in quartz trigger(not scheduled)..But i want to pause MyGroup4..Its not doing it.. I know all the trigger group from ...

91. Useful loggings for Trigger misfires

Hi, Every time there are misfires my logs don't show anything other than Handling 1 trigger(s) that missed their scheduled fire-time. While I know that there are misfires when there are no available worker threads..but why makes a job to go into misfired state continuously.. We restart the app to make sure it triggers once..but then the trigger is repeatedly going ...

92. Quartz triggers are not firing some times

Hi The Quartz triggers are not firing some times. When a quartz trigger is about to fire, I am seeing a "Connection closed" exception in Quartz logs and that trigger is going into ACQUIRED state in the QuartzTriggers table and that trigger never fired and returned back to COMPLETE state(As its a simple trigger that fires only once). Our application created ...

93. why job class needed while removing trigger ?

The best solution is let the scheduler to properly remove the objects for you. If you setup XML to remove triggers and jobs, ensure it's read by scheduler again, and they are removed before you remove the job class to avoid these problems. Turn on the logging and you should see these actions.

94. Does anyone know why the following trigger doesn't fire?

Hi all, I'm trying to create a cron job. It should start from June 15th, 2011 and end at June 16th, 2011. It should start every Wednesday. That means it will only trigger on June 15th, 2011. My cron string is "0 0 10 ? * 3". But when submitting the job, I always get the following error: org.quartz.SchedulerException: Based on ...

95. How to ensure a trigger executes a job, even if late?

Edit: Knowing a little more now how Quartz works, I realise my initial question doesn't make a lot of sense, please see this post for a better question. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In the execute() method of a job, is there any way to tell if the trigger that caused the execution was a misfire? I'm currently unable to find a way to tell. ...

96. Trigger fired several times in the same second

#============================================================================ # Configure Main Scheduler Properties #============================================================================ org.quartz.scheduler.instanceName = ${name} org.quartz.scheduler.instanceId = AUTO #============================================================================ # Configure ThreadPool #============================================================================ org.quartz.threadPool.class = org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool org.quartz.threadPool.threadCount = 2 org.quartz.threadPool.threadPriority = 5 #=================================================== # Configure the Job Initialization Plugin #=================================================== org.quartz.plugin.jobInitializer.class = org.quartz.plugins.xml.XMLSchedulingDataProcessorPlugin org.quartz.plugin.jobInitializer.fileNames = jobs.xml org.quartz.plugin.jobInitializer.failOnFileNotFound = true org.quartz.plugin.jobInitializer.scanInterval = 0 org.quartz.plugin.jobInitializer.wrapInUserTransaction = false #============================================================================ # Configure JobStore #============================================================================ org.quartz.jobStore.misfireThreshold = 30000 org.quartz.jobStore.class = org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreTX ...

97. Why does JobStoreSupport.acquireNextTriggers only return 1 trigger?

The signature of the function indicates it returns type List but the code is written to only return a list with only one trigger. If this is by design, then why not just return type OperableTrigger? Background: I'm writing an implementation of JobStore to support MongoDB for persistence of Quartz state. I referenced JobStoreSupport and StdJDBCDelegate while writing it. This is ...

99. Calling unscheduleJob on Last Trigger Deletes Job

If there is only one registered trigger for a job, and I delete that trigger via scheduler.unscheduleJob("triggerName", "jobName"), it deletes the trigger as well as the job. If there are many triggers registered for that job, then the job doesn't get deleted. Is there any way so that the job doesn't get deleted if I delete the last trigger?

100. Evaluating orphaned trigger