jobs 2 « quartz « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Recovery mode: recovered jobs are never fired

Hi all, Just a quick question on recovery mode: I have a server with a quart job store and a client that gets the jobs from there. I enabled setRequetsRecovery(true). The jobstore has 140 jobs, the client gets those 140 jobs and then it goes down. Then I restart the client and it seems that gets all 140 orphaned triggers but ...

2. How to invoke jobs in Sequential order or set dependency between Jobs

Hi, Anyone please help me to solve this. I checked online help but unlucky to get the solution. I need my scheduler to call jobs configured in quartz-jobs.xml in sequential order or else set dependency for a job on other to complete. BatchJobListener SetupBatch DEFAULT my.mimos.sdl.immf.batch.SetupBatch false false false BatchJobListener ...

3. Jobs aren't executing when using JobStoreCMT

Hello, When I define storage as JobStoreTX I see jobs executed. When I use JobStoreCMT storage I see jobs registered, entered into DB but none of them executed. Anyone can advise what/where to look for a solution? My DB is MySQL. See below content: #==============================================# Configure Main Scheduler Properties #============================================== org.quartz.scheduler.instanceName = OGScheduler org.quartz.scheduler.instanceId = AUTO #==============================================# Configure ThreadPool #============================================== ...

4. Quartz 2.0 Help skipping/cancelling long Jobs

I'm new to Quartz and I need help with what seems a simple problem. I have set up a SimpleTrigger which fires every 3 seconds. Code: SimpleTrigger trigger = newTrigger() .withIdentity("trigger2", "group1") .withDescription("my description") .startAt(startTime) .withSchedule(simpleSchedule() .withIntervalInSeconds(3) .repeatForever() ) .build(); Sometimes the associated job takes over 3 seconds (it can actually take a lot longer). I emulate this with the following ...

5. using jobs.xml to configure but I cant call NativeJOB to call shell script .sh file

here is a snippet of xml TestJob2 This is the description of TestJob2 false false false /export/home/aur/TestPrg1/ this is the error: 131117 [IRDMCM_Scheduler_Worker-1] WARN org.quartz.plugins.history.LoggingJobHistoryPlugin - Job DEFAULT.TestJob2 execution failed at 16:39:21 04/25/2011 and reports: Error launching native command: org.quartz.JobExecutionException: Error launching native command: [See nested exception: java.lang.NullPointerException] ...

6. Jobs running over scheduler causes a pile-up

Hi I am setting up a clustered environment where jobs run on a regular schedule (eg every 5 minutes). I noticed that if a job runs lets say 15 minutes then onc is finished the two jobs that missed their interval execute in quick succession. Some info, I am using an implementation of StatefulJob to prevent the sam job from running ...

7. Quartz jobs not fired in 1.8

8. multiple concurrent jobs

multiple current jobs for the same group. Currently we are using group name to distribute jobs for different clients. The problem with this approach is that each client can have only one job being executed at the same time. My question is whether we can configure quartz to run different numbers of concurrent jobs for different clients. E.G. client 1: 1 ...

9. Running Jobs only on one node

Hi, I'm using Terracotta to cluster my Jobs. I would like my jobs to run on only 1 node of the cluster and if that node fails the jobs to start on any of the other nodes. How can this be achieved ? Currently I'm using Terracotta 3.5.1 and I'm clustering my jobs(I can see them in the dev-console) but they ...

10. Prevent jobs from concurrent execution

Hi, I'm quite new to Quartz and may be asking something stupid right now. But I cannot find any information about preventing concurrent execution of different jobs. I do have several jobs including group1.job1 (Job1.class) and group1.job2 (Job2.class) that must not run concurrent. Can I tell Quartz somehow to wait with triggering one of these Jobs until the end of the ...

11. How to add/remove jobs dynamically at runtime

Hello, I am looking for documentation or examples on adding/removing a job during runtime (while the scheduler is running). I searched the site, the forums, even irc channels and could not find anything specifically covering this topic. Specifically, I am looking to be able to schedule jobs "dynamically" via adding/removing entries to a sql tables. My understanding of the jdbcjobstore is ...

12. Best practice to refresh scheduled jobs in a quartz schedule

First of all, we are on version 2.0.1 in a clustered quartz environment using JobStoreCMT. We have a set of application tables where we define our scheduled jobs that ties into our application. We then have a scheduled quartz job that runs a couple of times a day and creates and schedules these jobs in quartz. We've been doing this for ...

13. Problem with jobs when reinstall EAR in WAS

14. Create initial jobs in a load balancing set up

When I have to processes on two servers running in load balancing mode, they need to create a set of jobs at start up. As two processes are equal and running with the same code, how can I make sure a job is created once and only once by the two processes?

15. Quartz scheduled jobs not able to recover after misfire using Quartz 2.0.2

Hi, I am using the following : Quartz Version 2.0.2 JBoss 4.0.5.GA In our development project we have about 8 to 10 applications(EARs) deployed on one JBoss instance. Hence i thought that the best way to implement Quartz would be to put the quartz jar in the $JBOSS_HOME\server\default\lib and then put quartz-service.xml in the deploy.last folder(in $JBOSS_HOME\server\default\deploy) so that the quartz ...

16. What are the drawbacks of having singleton quartz jobs?

Quartz assumes that all job executions will happen in a new instance of the job class. But why is that needed? What will happen if I plug a JobFactory that returns the same instance everytime it is called? Apart from the fact that jobs won't be able to use instance fields safely.

17. stopping concurrent jobs to run

We want to use StatefulJob interface to not to allow a job to run concurrently.But we are worried on how much the queue size will be ? For example : We have scheduled a job,say JOB1 to run for every 1 minute.But sometimes the job may run for 15 minutes also. Assumed the JOB1 has finished after 15 minutes,now i want ...

18. Quartz jobs concurrency issue

Hi All, I am using quarz 2.0 for running jobs. The job is scheduled to run every 30 seconds and I don't want to run it concurrently. I am using @DisallowConcurrentExecution annotation to avoid it but it seems like it's not working for me because some logic in execute function of job is getting executed multiple times. The logic in execute ...

19. How to synchronize two different jobs

Hi All, I have two jobs, one is CRON job and the other is one-time job. I need to make sure that while CRON job is ruinning, one-time job should not be picked up. While one-time job is running, CRON job should not be picked up to process. Is there any API in quartz framework will helps me to fulfill this ...

20. after server restart, Jobs are executed although fire date was past

I have defined job and trigger like below code.Job with no requestRecovery attribute //configure the scheduler time // define the job and tie it to our HelloJob class jobDetail = newJob(SimulationExecution.class) .withIdentity(Long.toString(simulationJob.getId()), Long.toString(simulationJob.getVariant().getId())) .storeDurably(true) .build(); // Trigger the job to run now, and then repeat every 40 seconds jobTrigger= newTrigger() .withIdentity(Long.toString(simulationJob.getId()), Long.toString(simulationJob.getVariant().getId())) .startAt(simulationJob.getStartDateTime()) .withPriority(4) .withSchedule(simpleSchedule() ) .build(); scheduler.getListenerManager().addJobListener(new ScheduledJobListener(simulationJobService)); scheduler.scheduleJob(jobDetail, jobTrigger); ...

21. Problem with rerunning jobs

It's unclear as what you want to do as "re-running" job. Trigger will fire a job in a regular patter as you define it, so by definition, it is "re-running". It doesn't make sense if you already have a trigger, and then "re-run" by adding another trigger. If you mean you already have a trigger for a job that scheduled to ...

22. Quartz with Multiple Jobs and persistence configuration

Unfortunately I am getting one of the triggers with error condition while I am trying to use Quartz 1.8.7 with two jobs pointing to two different triggers using cron expressions. Job Simply discontinues executing with no errors or exceptions AT the same if I change configuration to work with RAMJOBStore -- it works fine!!!. I Also tried to execute one jobs ...

23. Long running jobs

Hi, In my application, I am using Quartz.NET to run jobs on a frequent basis. There are number of jobs, most take a minute or two to finish, and these work great - I never have any issues. However one of my jobs takes around 5-6 hours, and runs overnight. For some reason, when this job finishes, nothing is written to ...

24. Anonymous Jobs

Hello Bos42, No you can not do that in Quartz because the job instance is created by quartz at the time the trigger fired. So typically you have to create a Job class to schedule it. Creating the class should not be hard to do. With that said. Quartz do have way for you to control how those job instances are ...

25. Quartz :- Run indivisual jobs using XML job configuration

Hi, Currently I am working on Job Scheduling application which uses Quartz 1.8.4 There are multiple job running configurable in different times. We have requirement of starting and stopping any particular job.Using XML job configuration. Also We have to provide GUI for all jobs with following functiionality. Start Stop Pause Please let me the best of way to implement. Let me ...

26. Restart abruptly killed jobs

Hi All, I am using quartz plugin with JobStoreTX. Here Job,Trigger and scheduling information are described on XML file and any changes on these could be scanned and propagated to current scheduling instance. Here JobStoreTX tracks informations about Job, Trigger and schedulers. Consider a use case, where the current quartz scheduler instance got killed and currently running jobs got terminated . ...

27. How to create a Daylight Savings (DST) environment in JBoss for testing Quartz Jobs?

Hello everyone, I want to create a Daylight Savings environment in my JBoss Server. I have designed some Quartz Jobs. I am using Simple Triggers to fire my jobs after reading Daylight Savings topic at My TimeZone is PST till Sunday March 11, 2012 1:59:59 AM, no DST (UTC -8h). DST starts on Sunday March 11, 2012 at 2:00:00 AM ...

28. URGENT PLEASE: Quartz execute jobs only once or stops before jobs reached their endTime!

Why would Quartz executes all my jobs one time and stops executing anything afterwards??! Here's how I created my jobs and passed the required parameters inside the job Code: scheduler.start(); JobDetail job = newJob(Task.class) .withIdentity("job" + scheduleId, "Group1") .build(); job.getJobDataMap().put(Task.DATA_SOURCE_NAME, this.dataSourceSysDSN); job.getJobDataMap().put(Task.DSN_USERNAME, this.userName); job.getJobDataMap().put(Task.DSN_PASSWORD, this.password); job.getJobDataMap().put(Task.DMZ_USERNAME, this.portalUserName); job.getJobDataMap().put(Task.DMZ_PASSWORD, this.portalPassword); job.getJobDataMap().put(Task.DMZ_HOST, this.portalServerURL); job.getJobDataMap().put(Task.DMZ_PORT, this.portalPortNumber); job.getJobDataMap().put(Task.QUERIES, this.queries); Here's how I set up my ...

29. Large number of jobs

Hi I am currently in the process of migrating an area of an application that has until now used a home brewed thread pooling solution over to quartz. The jobs are fairly long running, averaging around 60 - 120 seconds. At present the jobs are batched so say 200 run at 15:00, 200 at 20:00 etc the current pool is limited ...

30. Quartz is not picking few jobs to trigger

hi, we have daily reports scheduled thru quartz.. Now we can find everyday few of the jobs are not getting trigger even there is no error in the log for this issue with error or exception in the log i.e. these jobs are being picked up.. please suggest what could be the possible root cause.

31. Starting Quartz jobs in a web container