job 1 « quartz « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. How to handle a recurrent job with a reminder in Quartz.NET

I'm using Quartz.NET and am facing the following task: Schedule a job to be fired every 10 minutes, with a reminder 1 minute before each occurrence. Do you know if it's possible to ...

2. Quartz.Net and dependancy injection or calling a job from external dll at runtime

I am trying to evaluate Quartz.Net. I tested it with adding a class which implemented IJob in the executing assembly and it worked. Now I want to develop an Job Scheduler in which ...

3. Update Quartz.NET Job DLL without Service Restart

I just started with and I have it running as a service. I created a Job and moved the resulting .dll to the Quartz folder and added a new entry ...

4. Wait for Quartz job to finish before re-running

I have a repeating quartz job that takes a variable amount of time to run. I don't want to have multiple executions of the job running simultaneously. Is there a quartz way ...

5. How to create a reference to an instantiated object within a Quartz.Net job?

I have a windows service with embedded Quartz.Net but can't seem to find a way to create a reference to an instantiated object within a Quartz.Net job... When the windows service is ...

6. In Quartz.NET is there a way to set a property that will only allow one instance of a Job to run?

I have a service that will run every X minutes. If that job takes longer than X minutes for some unforeseen reason I want to make sure that the trigger doesn't ...

7. - "Job's key cannot be null"

I'm trying to schedule a job on a remote scheduler using the following code:

NameValueCollection properties = new NameValueCollection();
properties["quartz.scheduler.instanceName"] = "RemoteClient";

// set thread pool info
properties["quartz.threadPool.type"] = "Quartz.Simpl.SimpleThreadPool, Quartz";
properties["quartz.threadPool.threadCount"] = "5";
properties["quartz.threadPool.threadPriority"] = "Normal";

// ...

8. Could not load job assembly error in Quartz.NET

I'm using Quartz.NET scheduler as a stand-alone windows service while from an ASP.NET app I sechedule jobs. I've a separate job assembly and i'm getting the following error Could not load ...

9. Quartz net Scheduler -Schedule Job

I have what should be a simple task. I create a new job, make if durable and add add using the IScheduler.AddJob method. The job is registered ...

10. Get all the job group names from Quartz.NET scheduler

How can I get all the job group names in the Quartz.NET scheduler? I tried the GetJobGroupNames() but it is returning an empty list. Code is as follows: StdSchedulerFactory _schedulerFactory = new ...

11. Retrieving all job incredibly slow

We have an application that has around 60-70 quartz jobs defined and executing, many concurrently. The problem is we have an administration ui for the quartz job and when we attempt to retrieve all the jobs, via the prescribed way: 1. get all job groups names 2. get job names for group 3. get all job details for each name in ...

12. OutOfMemory error during long run with Quartz Stateful shceduled job

weltall neo Joined: 12/04/2009 02:15:09 Messages: 3 Offline Hi all. I've the following environment. Two Oracle WLS in clustered mode with quartz 1.6.5 scheduler running on it. Oracle WLS servers run with JRockit. Quartz is configured as clustered too and jobs, triggers and all other stuff are stored on Oracle Data Base, according to Quartz Data Model. During the startup of ...

13. Reschedule Job -> How to change isRecoverable

14. Resuming a job excecutes it many times.

For my application i create jobs and schedule them with CronTriggers. Each job has only one trigger and both the job name and the trigger names are the same. No jobs share a trigger. Now when i create a cron trigger like this "0/1 * * * * ?" which instructs the job to execute every second, it works just fine. ...

15. Can I Ask Quartz "Should this job run now?"

Hello, I have a unique requirement where I don't need to run a job when it is time, but rather, I need to know if a job SHOULD be run given the start date and the schedule type. The details (if you need them): I have written a scheduler that is currently not using Quartz. It runs on a delayed while ...

16. doubt Quartz job scheduling ?

in my application we have web pages where we can schedule a job. i like to use quartz , but job should not run until user click a start schedule button. he may click the button after some days . please let me know is it possible to implement this kind of feature using quartz ? any idea is appreciated . ...

17. Can a Job Fire now ?

sita_ram neo Joined: 01/10/2010 22:44:38 Messages: 2 Offline Hi, I have a quartz job which I configured using jobs.xml file to execute every 3 minutes.Apart from this I want to execute to same job in a particular situation to fire immediately after a set of transcation. I am using jboss-3.2.7 app server to deploy my EAR file and put quartz-1.6.6 jar ...

18. kill job after 6 in morning if it is still running

19. Job does not fire

Hello, I had a look in your forum without finding anything really relate to my question so I put a new topic. This is my configuration: AS: JBOSS 4.2.2 GA JAVA: 1.5.17 and 1.6.13 (the problem raise in both environments) Quarts 1.6 with persistence (Oracle 10) Hibernate 3 In an environment that is working I get: .... 2010-01-21 11:20:14,120 DEBUG [org.quartz.simpl.SimpleJobFactory] ...

20. How to schedule previous day job using scheduleJob API?

I can schedule a job using the following code, this work fine if the job is scheduled for future date and time. In case if am trying to execute previous day job or now job then control is not coming out from this function scheduleJob until the job finished by the Quartz scheduler. public void scheduleJob(String jobReference, Date timeStamp ) ...

21. job.xml not read from jar

22. Changing Job to Stateful

Hi, I have a repeating SimpleTrigger that executes a non-volatile Job in a jdbc job store. I'm realizing that the Job is ocassionally long-running and sometimes fails to finish before it's next fire times causing multiple worker threads to be occupied. In short, it needs to be Stateful to avoid having multiple instances running at once. I know I can just ...

24. How to place a job on hold

We are designing an interface into our application that will allow users to schedule job execution. They will need to be able to place a job on hold. I can use a Calendar to implement this for all jobs, but I don't see any way to place a hold on a single job. Any suggestions? Bill

25. Cannot get a Quartz Job to work right. Please help.

2010 Mar 03 / 11:08:00 ERROR - [org.quartz.core.JobRunShell] : Job DEFAULT.documentIndexerJob threw an unhandled Exception: org.springframework.transaction.CannotCreateTransactionException: Could not open JDBC Connection for transaction; nested exception is org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Cannot create JDBC driver of class '' for connect URL 'null' at org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceTransactionManager.doBegin( at at org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionAspectSupport.createTransactionIfNecessary( at org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionInterceptor.invoke( at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed( at org.springframework.aop.interceptor.ExposeInvocationInterceptor.invoke( at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed( at org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke( at $Proxy41.getReviewedDocuments(Unknown Source) at trestlewood.service.DocumentManagerImpl.getReviewedDocuments( at job.DocumentIndexer.index( ...

26. Running a job every N seconds only if the previous job completed its work

There's no "free" way to achieve this. But you could do one of the following: 1- use a trigger than repeats every N seconds, have the job unschedule itself if it "fails" (whatever that means to it). 2- use a single-fire simple trigger to fire the job the first time. have the job schedule itself with a new (single-fire) trigger if ...

27. Synchronise operations on job

Are clustering quartz? If not I don't know why you couldn't just use a synchronized list implementation in the job data map (eg. Vector, Collections.synchronizedList(), etc). If you're clustering (with DB or terrracotta), then I can understand there is a dilemma in racing to persist the job data. Off the cuff I'd think you'd want to move that data out to ...

28. How to kill job

I'd probably solve this by performing the calls that might end up blocking in another thread (perhaps via an ExecutorService.submit()). Then you can timeout waiting for the task to finish in the other thread and let the stateful job finish. Of course I don't know the details of this call/library so I don't know if it is "safe" to just let ...

29. Disable a job in jobInitializationPlugin xml?

Is there a way to mark a job as "disabled" or "do not initialize" in the xml file used for the jobInitializationPlugin? I need to have the ability to disable a job for a period of unknown time, but don't want to delete all its info from the file as it will be used again at some point. If this isn't ...

30. 2 different scheduler for 2 different JOB_GROUP

No, that issue (QUARTZ-722) is a request for the feature, not anything documenting that the feature exists. It's on the Quartz 2.0 road map. Currently, If you want to have particular jobs run in a particular scheduler, then it needs to be a distinct scheduler (with its own set of db tables if using JDBC-JobStore). Create two schedulers (each pointed to ...

31. Schedule Job based on Job Group

We are using Quartz scheduler for Scheduling in J2EE Web application. We have a Web application (Admin Application) which is used to create jobs in DB (JDBC Job Store). We don't start jobs with this application. It's just used for creating jobs. We group job based on Job Group Name (E.g. Data Manipulation, Reporting etc). The jobs created by Web app ...

32. rescheduleJob appears successful, but job isnt rescheduled

I have a stateful job with durability false. If it fails during execution, Im trying to reschedule it to run again in two hours. I call rescheduleJob, and the next fire time that is returned to me is indeed in two hours. However, when I query QRTZ_JOB_DETAILS and QRTZ_TRIGGERS, the job and trigger are gone. Here is a snippet of code. ...

33. Removal of job at runtime

Hi, I am using job initialization plugin to configure jobs.When i add a new job to the jobs.xml , automatically the job is adding to the scheduler.But , when i remove a job from jobs.xml , this job is not removed from the scheduler.The scheduler is still running the removed job even though the job is removed from the jobs.xml.Is there ...

34. Stateful job without queuing the next job when the current is running

Hi all, I have a stateful job that is scheduled - let's say every 15 minutes. According the documentation, Quartz will block the next job if the current is not finished. Is there any way to tell Quartz not to put the job in the queue. Thanks a lot for your help. Rgds Vu

35. Can we reschedule Job at will?

36. Job Sequence or Chaining

Hi All, Can you any one guide me to do sequence job sechulding. I have scenario like having 10 jobs one group. Here I have to start the first job using cron scheduling. Once it has been successfully complicated then only it need to start the next job. And also I have keep record all the job information in database. 1. ...

37. a problem with "unschedule, and delete" a job

In my web applcation at startup I schedule a job with the following Trigger Trigger trigger = TriggerUtils.makeMinutelyTrigger(5); so the scheduler load this information in the memory and every five minute the job works. I would like to unschedule or delete this job by pressing a specific button from my web application. I tried to unschedule the trigger and to delete ...

38. [solved] Job does not fire

39. Clustered Job Not Running in Isolation


40. About job status


42. Updating quartz job

43. Clustered Job

Hi, I have a requirement where i need a Job to be triggered once by any one node over the cluster. Any ideas For example i deployed my quartz application onto a cluster with 5 nodes. i have a job that is suppose to run every 5 seconds. So starting my job at 12:00:00. At 12:00:05 i want only one of ...

44. How to get job state?

public class AListener implements JobListener { @Override public void jobToBeExecuted(JobExecutionContext context) { logger.debug("ProducerListener: job is about to be executed."); try { JobDetail worker1 = new JobDetail("worker1","MyGroup",MyWorker.class); MyWorkerListener custList = new MyWorkerListener(); try { context.getScheduler().addJobListener(custList); } catch (SchedulerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } worker1 .addJobListener(custList.getName()); SimpleTrigger trigger = new SimpleTrigger("worker1Trigger","MyGroup",new Date(),null,0,0L); context.getScheduler().scheduleJob(worker1, trigger); } } catch (SchedulerException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } } ...

45. Web application to monitor quartz job

Hi, I already build my quartz jobs with CronTrigger. I'm using Java 6, Spring 3.0 & Maven. Now I would like to integrate my application to monitor when the job started and finished. As for the web container, I'm planning to use Glassfish. I've been looking for example, but with no luck. I probably don't use the right word to google. ...

46. Singleton Quartz Job in Cluster

48. Job State

I have scheduled a job in Quartz Scheduler with SimpleTrigger wihtout repeat count. I have set the durability to true on JobDetail. After scheduling the job, I saw the records in the job details and triggers table. Once the job execution is over, the trigger was deleted and jobDetail remained in the table. How do I get the state of the ...

49. Job Rescheduling

50. XML scheduler plugin / job state data

I am using Quartz in a web application and have a job defined (via the XML scheduler plugin) with multiple triggers that run the job at different times (via cron). I need to maintain state from one invocation to the next. Basically, I'm using this technique to split up a larger amount of work into smaller chunks, spread out over the ...

51. Is job running?

52. Job created but doesn't run

try { StdSchedulerFactory factory = new StdSchedulerFactory(); File propFile = new File(""); log.fine("found file:"+ propFile.getName()); factory.initialize(new FileInputStream(propFile)); scheduler = factory.getScheduler(); // I have also triied with //scheduler = factory.getScheduler("TestScheduler"); log.fine("created scheduler:"+ scheduler); // and start it off scheduler.start(); log.fine("started schedule"); // Define job instance JobDetail job = new JobDetail("job1", "group1", MyJobClass.class); log.fine("Created job"); // Define a Trigger that will fire "now" ...

53. Persisted job throws NPE on server restart

2010-07-23 00:07:55,038 ERROR [org.quartz.core.JobRunShell] (Sched1_Worker-4) Job abcd.12 threw an unhandled Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException at com.scheduler.QuratzJobImpl.execute( at at org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool$ 2010-07-23 00:07:55,038 ERROR [org.quartz.core.ErrorLogger] (Sched1_Worker-4) Job (abcd.12 threw an exception. org.quartz.SchedulerException: Job threw an unhandled exception. [See nested exception: java.lang.NullPointerException] at at org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool$ Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException at com.scheduler.SCQuratzJobImpl.execute( at ... 1 more

55. what's the purpose of table: qrtz_job_details

56. Quartz force interrupt job

Forcibly killing a thread in java isn't really possible, at least not without using the [dangerous] Thread.stop() method. It might be useful to know a little bit more about what you're doing in your quartz job. If nothing else you could spawn the actual work of quartz job in yet another thread and then simply abandon that thread when your job ...

57. Quartz job monitoirng user interface

Can somebody tell me is there any latest version of quartz job monitoring through web interface is available? Currently I am having Jboss 5.1 Quatz 1.6.6 and I want schedule cron jobs which will be running daily.But I need an interface with which I can schedule/reschedule or stop and delete those jobs. Your help will be highly appreciated. Thanks, Sandy

58. Passing object to Quartz Job

I think you can just call put(Object, Object) on the JobDataMap (which is a subclass of java.util.Map). I think this usage can be problematic if you're clustering and your non-primitive objects are not serializable. Alternatively I think you could also implement org.quartz.spi.JobFactory yourself and pass whatever you wanted to your job instances at construction time.

59. Job class must implement the Job interface

I am using Jetty as my servlet container and I have a servlet that takes trigger information. I have a hardcoded job class that I pass values to via the JobDataMap obejct. The problem I am running into is that my class that implements the Job interface is located in the classpath in my application but not the exact location of ...

61. Scheduler has not triggered the job on endTime

Here is the simple program that i am trying followed with the output and my query ================================================================ program ======================================================= import java.util.Date; import org.quartz.Job; import org.quartz.JobDetail; import org.quartz.JobExecutionContext; import org.quartz.JobExecutionException; import org.quartz.Scheduler; import org.quartz.SchedulerException; import org.quartz.SchedulerFactory; import org.quartz.SimpleTrigger; import org.quartz.impl.StdSchedulerFactory; public class QuartzDemo implements Job { /** * @param args * @throws SchedulerException */ public static void main(String[] args) throws SchedulerException { ...

62. How do i know a job has completed?

It might be silly question but i am not able to figure out how do i know when a job has completed its execution. I wanted to perform some operation after the job has completed execution. Suppose i have a job which is to run for n times. After the job completes its nth execution, i need to do some operation, ...

63. job guid

I need a globally unique identifier for each job. I assume this is already a feature but I need someone to tell me how to get this info. In any case the string would have to be unique not only for the unique job and trigger but also for each triggered run. Here is an example. I have 2 jobs (MySimpleJob ...

64. stop job immediately

65. Firing a job only once and then interrupting on a schedule

I have an interesting requirement and I'd appreciate your feedback on whether this is possible (or easy) to do in Quartz. I need to run a single, long-running task that listens and waits for data, that needs to start within specific times that change daily, and then needs to stop a specific time (again, changes daily). This task should not repeat ...

66. difference between Stateful job & non stateful job

Hi All, Can anyone explain me the difference between Stateful job & non stateful job with a nice example? Now, some additional notes about a job's state data (aka JobDataMap): A Job instance can be defined as "stateful" or "non-stateful". Non-stateful jobs only have their JobDataMap stored at the time they are added to the scheduler. This means that any changes ...

68. Scheduled job running multiple times in clustered Quartz environment

Our environment is JBoss 4.2.3 running on a 32-bit Windows 2003 Server. We are using Quartz 1.7.3. Our database is SQL Server 2005. Our problem is that we fairly frequently have scheduled jobs that will run multiple times. One of the things I've noticed is that we get the following message in the logs: This scheduler instance (server081288142483453) is still active ...

69. Reading quartz job definition from custom config

Hi All, Currently; I have a separate quartz_jobs.xml where the jobs have been defined. I like it being in an xml file. But our application is very huge and contains many configuration files. We would like it be incorporated into 1. Is it possible in Quartz to read from tags within a tag? If so how to read it? ...

70. [SOLVED]unschedule and remove job

Hello, Im unscheduling a job and it works like a charm, but I need to reschedule that job again later, with a different trigger and a different jobdetail. Because I need a different jobdetail, the only way I know til now is to create a new job, not reschedule one which exists, however, I cant do it because in this case ...


72. How to display scheduled Job??

Scheduler scheduler = StdSchedulerFactory.getDefaultScheduler(); String[] triggerGrps = scheduler.getTriggerGroupNames(); for (String triggerGrp : triggerGrps) { String[] triggers = scheduler.getTriggerNames(triggerGrp); for (String triggerName : triggers) { Trigger trig = scheduler .getTrigger(triggerName, triggerGrp); System.out.println("Job Name: " + trig.getJobName() + ", Job Group: " + trig.getJobGroup() + ", last fire time: " + trig.getPreviousFireTime() + ", next fire time: " + trig.getNextFireTime()); } }

73. Program job once, run on all nodes (no clustering)

Hi, I have two Tomcat instances with session clustering. Each of them has a Quartz scheduler. I would like to be able to schedule a job from one those instance (from the web interface), but have the job run on both instances. Is there any way to do that? Note I do not want clustering, as I want the jobs to ...

74. About Quatrz change job.xml problem

76. Keep previous data from job

* false