Calendar « quartz « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Quartz.Net multple calendars

Using Quartz.Net and have a need for the same trigger to have mutiple Calendars, whilst this isnt possible I'm looking for suggestions of how to achieve similar functionality. For example I want ...

2. how to use java quartz weekly calendar for finding last working day

Can anyone tell me how to use quartz weekly calendar. I am trying to find the last working day from the current day for which i am trying to exclude weekends and ...

3. Quartz calendars - including, rather than excluding, dates

Is there a way in Quartz/Quartz.NET (using the latter but I'm assuming the answer would be the same) to have a type of HolidayCalendar where rather than picking dates to exclude, ...

4. Quartz.NET Updating a Calendar after creating Job

I've searched online, but cant find the answer. I'd like to know if I create a Job, JobDetail, and Trigger with a Holiday Calendar (for excluding dates), how can I maintain ...

5. Holiday Calendar issue

Hello, I have a cron trigger that only executes one time. This trigger has asociated a holiday calendar. If the execution time is on a holiday, then the trigger is not fired... but this is not a misfired event, is it?... I would like that if the trigger is not fired because it is a calendar holiday, it could be fired ...

6. paused cron trigger gets automatically reenabled when calendar is set

Hi, my paused cron triggers get automatically reenabled (TRIGGER_STATE goes PAUSED -> WAITING) after scheduler restart when they have calendar set via trigger#setCalendarName(). When trigger have no calendar associated it behaves correctly (stays paused after restart) Looks like a bug to me. I am on version 1.7.2 and use MSSQL database for persistance. thanks for any info.

7. Exclusion Calendar for end of month

8. Recover a job/trigger after it has been blocked by a Calendar

Hi, I have searched for this but can't seem to find info anywhere. If I have a trigger that should run at 12:00 the first weekday each month and it uses a Calendar that block the timer all firts weekdays that are holidays. When the Calendar block the timer (that is the first weekday is a holiday) I would like the ...

9. Persian CronExpression for Quartz ( Shamsi or Jalali CronExpression) which uses Persian Calendar

Hello, I've implemented a PersianCronExpression parser for quartz-1.6.5 which is exactly like "org.quartz.CronExpression" class but it works with jalali fields. I mean you can use the jalali year, month, day, day-of-week and day-of-month fields(I've attached the source files to this post). For example these are the samples of cron expression in jalali: "0 0 0 1 1/1 ? 1387-1389" "0/15 41 ...

10. How to use calendars

Just a few questions: 1: Is there any in depth tutorials online how to use calendars in Quartz? I'm using Quartz.NET but Quartz tutorials would be vastly helpful of course. 2: More importantly, my application needs 2 configuration options. One configuration option is default - every job added runs, but when the scheduler is switched to a different config, only jobs ...

11. "Hot" add excluded days on calendar?

Mostly. How's that for an answer? Yes, the new form of the calendar (after it is re-stored in the scheduler) will be considered when calculating the future fire times of the trigger. But if you don't pass "true" for the updateTriggers parameter when re-storing the calendar in the scheduler then the computed *first* fire time will be unaltered, and only future ...

12. Quartz calendars - including, rather than excluding, dates

Hi all, Is there a way in Quartz/Quartz.NET (using the latter but I'm assuming the answer would be the same) to have a type of HolidayCalendar where rather than picking dates to exclude, dates have to be picked to be _included_? So if say 08/02/2012 was added to the calendar, any triggers assigned to this calendar would only execute on this ...

13. How to trigger related to a number of calendar

14. calendar and enable/disable trigger

I failed to see how the calendar is related to the trigger "paused" state. You can verify in your DB table for QRTZ_TRIGGER.TRIGGER_STATE, if it's says "PAUSED", then it should survive scheduler restart. You might want to check how you create your calendar dates that does the date exclusion, as the quartz does not log any trigger firing when it's excluded ...