Image « portlet « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. WSRP Portlets in Oracle WebCenter : Images referenced from CSS files aren't loaded

If a WSRP portlet displays a jsp page that references a css file which references an image, the image can't be loaded because the url in the css can't be found. The ...

2. image url in portlet

I had the same problem with liferay earlier. While I didnt find a perfect solution, I found a temporary one. You can place your images in the liferay folder (under tomcat) and then use the "/" in your image. I thik this is a known problem with liferay, I dont know if they have solved it yet or not.

3. adding image in a portlet

4. storing images or image file names

It depends on your overall design . but we usually store images into database as using this mechanism you will have some advantages like: - backup recovery would be a single task , although it will cause you to back up a bigger storage . -your data integrity will be held easier as you can simple delete the recoed and its ...

5. Image URLs in CSS

Hi there - I'm trying to develop a .jsp fragment for fora portlet. In the jsp I'm including some inline css. The css needs to include some images, for example: .dialog_nw { background: transparent url(default/top_left.gif) no-repeat 0 0; } My question is how to I supply the correct URL to this image? I tried the /default/top_left.gif tag, but that did ...

7. How to display images in a portlet

Thank you very much; it looks you are answering my two questions. It appears the solution in both case is to map the paths with renderResponse.ecodeURL and renderRequest.getContextPath. I am trying that, but unfortunately in thisw code: <%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> JSP Page <% ...

8. images are not displayed in the portlet ... Please help

Hi, Is your final image tag showing src attribute like < img src='/your servlet?param=value' /> If so , are you able to access the image servlet directly in the browser (outside portal) and able to see the image ? If you are not able to see the image by hitting the servlet directly, it can be an issue with setitng the ...