search « playframework « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Searching in multiple classes using playframework's search-module

As described at playframework - search module, I've installed the search-module. Of course my model consists of multiple classes. I'd now like to search for entries whose attributes consist ...

2. How does siena query search work?

I'm looking for a documentation on how to do a query in siena that returns all the elements which contains a string. I tried something like

return all().search("nome", query).fetch();
but it returns ...

3. Customizing search feature in Play's CRUD module

Edit: searching appears to work in a very basic manner, searching for whatever text is entered in all the String member fields of the relevant model, with no special search operators. If ...

4. code for search in CRUD area in playframework

I recently finished the play tutorial..In the CRUD Admin area,there is a search facility ,where you can search for a keyword in title of Posts.Where do I find the code ...

5. Playframework: Dynamic Search Fields

I need to implement a search dialog within play but don't know to solve this. I have 3 integer fields in my database and want to search each of them with min ...

6. using search module in playframework,proper

I have a model Item that has a name and description.I need to allow the user to search for a part of string in name or description.Instead of doing this using ...