playframework 2 « playframework « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Is there a good way to mavenify a play! framework application?

I am using play as web app framework and I love it, but I would like to know if there is a good way to declare the pom for a play! ...

2. How to achieve some kind of Play cluster manager?

Play is a real "Share nothing" system, Stateless model like PHP. When it comes to clustering, Zend delivered a solution called Zend Cluster Manager.

3. [PlayFramework]Blob with @Required saves File twice

Model like :

    public class Doc extends Model {
        public Blob tpl;
Controller like:

4. Play! Framework with JBoss AOP?

Was anybody succesfull in using Play! together with JBoss AOP? Is it generally possible?

5. UUID with the Play Framework

I'd like to use UUID instead of the regular id on my models. Can this be done with the play framework?

6. Javamelody and Play Framework

Is it possible to monitor Play Framework application performance with Javamelody? I'm using Javamelody with Spring apps. I find it much better than free version of AppDynamics or Dyna Trace. You can't ...

7. Are there any side effect of using to many static function?

Currently i`m interesting in play framework because this framework promise faster development. When i see the code, there are so many static code. even the controller declared as static function. Thus all ...

8. How to expose a method using GSon?

Using Play Framework, I serialize my models via GSON. I specify which fields are exposed and which aren't. This works great but I'd also like to @expose method too. Of course, this ...

9. Capistrano and PlayFramework

I'm working on getting capistrano to publish my PlayFramework app, but I'm having some troubles with the run command. What happens is that cap runs the play start command and it's seems ...

10. How to submit a list of Objects in Play Framework

Here my test setup: The Model:

package models;

    import javax.persistence.Entity;
    import play.db.jpa.Model;

    public class Item extends Model {


11. Running Play from cygwin - only play.bat is runnable?

I'm trying to run Play from within cygwin, and when I run play dependencies, I get the following error:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: play/deps/DependenciesManager
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: play.deps.DependenciesManager...
play.bat dependencies succeeds, ...

12. How do i check a class is instantiated in JAVA

I'm trying to implement singleton concept in my play application. But before going into singleton concept can we find a class is instantiated, how many times it is instantiated

13. @Check (and its associated method) is never run

I have a Security class that looks like this:

package controllers;

import play.Logger;

public class Security extends Secure.Security {
  static boolean authenticate(String username, String password) {
    return password.equals("banan");

14. Use ID of Play Server in a conf file included in application.conf

Let's say I have a conf file called extra.conf. I add it to the Play Server's application.conf like this:

@include.extra = extra.conf
And extra.conf looks like this:
The following code returns bar as ...

15. Playframework evolutions files compatible with both postgres and h2

I've been developing a web site with the Play framework (scala) using H2 as a backend. Testing is nicely integrated, especially with the ability to run tests against an in-memory H2 ...

16. InvocationTargetException occured : null in Play framework

I'm using play framework for my application In my application.conf i have given

jvm.memory=-Xmx512M -Xms512M -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit
I have a function which will be executed for every Customer and for customers each ...

17. setting up play framework with additional repositories

as per the documentation the following should work, but it does not look in my repo, only in central. What is missing ? The artifact and group ids are correct, as ...

18. @OnApplicationStart not working in Play framework

I have a class

public class OnStartManager extends Job{
    private DataGridServiceManager  dataGridServiceManager = null;
        public void doJob() ...

19. How can I require a library newer than the one required by the Play! Framework?

I need a newer version than 1.5 of the oval framework, so I try to add it to the dependencies but play requires 1.5 which overrides my dependency. How do ...

20. connect to different type of DBs

Is it possible for a playframework app to connect to different types of database systems, for example, MySQL and also MongoDB, and decide on the fly based on the traffic which ...

21. My Play app is very slow

I'm a begginer with PlayFramework and I have a few questions about how to put the server to work properly. I have been reading a few tutorials on how to deploy a ...

22. Play! - End Job dynamically

So, let's say I start a job from a controller asynchronously and then render some template.

MyJob job = new MyJob();

MyJob looks like: import*;
public class MyJob extends Job ...

23. Ebean and playframework

In play 2.0 Ebean should become the default persistence layer. And after a few days of hibernate frustration I started a look on Ebean. I found the yabe example really impressive. However ...

24. Continuations usage in play framework example needed

Can you give me some links with good examples how to use continuations in play framework?(beside source of play framework, their 'samples-and-tests' and on-site doc, already were there) Any documentation and theory ...

25. How to use commons-DBCP with Play! Framework

How can I set up my Play! app to use a commons-dbcp connection pool instead of the native one provided by C3P0?

UPDATE I got some feedback from the Play! Framework forum ...

26. Can't export Play! app as war

I'm trying to package a Play! app built against Java 7. I'm getting this error. Also, I cannot launch the app from the command line, but from Eclipse it works.

D:\Dropbox\eclipseProjectsClassic>play war ...

27. Return from await() from other method

I’m newbie in Play! and I have one question about asynchronous programming in HTTP. I have a piece of code like this:

public void someMethod() {
    for (int i = ...

28. Prevent escaping of slashes in reverse routes

In my Play app when I use reverse routing to generate links, forward slashes in parameters are being escaped, and I'd rather they weren't. For example:

<a href="@{'about/contact')}">Contact Us</a>
generates a working link, but ...

29. Packaging a Play! application straight into a WAR

I am using Play's war command to package up my application into a WAR file for deployment, like so: play war mydir -o myapp --zip (Discovering --zip has sure saved me a ...

30. How can I write multi line text in messages as simple?

I'm new for playframework. and I read this tutorial. but I didn't understand how do I write multi line text to messages for i18n.

31. How I can use Xuggler with Play! Framework

I was trying to use Xuggler ( ) with play! framework. I'm using Mac OSX and also created the ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist file with xuggler path. I also set these ...

32. play framework dependecies

I am frequently getting below error when I do the 'play dependencies'. I am using play 1.2.2 and morphia 1.2.3d It is able to resolve morphia dependency, ...

33. Postgresql with Play Framework

Im trying to use Postgresql with Play for their Yabe tutorial and get this error: Cannot connected to the database, Driver not found (org.postgresql.Driver) Here is my connection string:

# If you need a ...

34. Connection between Playframework and ExtJs

I am doing a project were I am trying to make the backend with playframework and the frontend with Extjs. I can retrieve the data from the server with Json and show ...

35. How to Stop running singleton class multiple times in play framework

I have a singleton class in my play app. This singleton class is a long process which will generate reports from DB which consumes huge amount of memory. When i run ...

36. Play Framework: await-like functionality in Jobs

I am trying to run a long-running task (without blocking the HTTP request execution pool) using the Asynchronous Jobs in Play. Jobs in Play are fully managed by the framework so Play ...

37. Play frame work first use

I have downloaded the file, and could not find an exe file to run it, I'm using this framework for the first time, how can I run it. I want to ...

38. After what time gc is called

I'm using the play framework. I want to keep alive one of my object everytime whether it is been used now or not because it will be used later. Creating the ...

39. profiling canonical play framework webapp best practices

Can anyone advise on best practices for monitoring and profiling apps written using play framework running as standalone (throught reverse proxy) app with mysql db in backend. May be there are ...

40. How can I make more than one item as selected in play framework multi select

In multiple select if I give the value, its not getting as selected for all the values, Instead it selected only the first value. For Ex,

#{select 'roles', items:roleList, id:'roles',multiple:'multiple',
In this, ...

41. Play framework suitability for websites and web apps

In my opinion, there are 2 types of web applications: Websites and web applications (with more forms and tables than text and images... ) . I find it easier to create ...

42. extracting data from CustomerOrder to display as total sales data

In an admin page of my play framework app,I need to list the Products sold between two dates and display the Product name,quantity sold and total price.I have modelled this info ...

43. Play framework Twitter4J library

I tried to use the Twitter4J library with the Play! framework using the following dependency in dependencies.yml:

    - org.twitter4j -> twitter4j-core [2.2,)
After that I let Play! framework resolve ...

44. JHAML and play framework?

Does anyone have any experience combining these two together? JHAML is a Java implementation of HAML. I'm starting to like HAML a lot and it would be great if it ...

45. Play inexplicably reports class "already defined"

I basically started with the tutorial and the hello world example. Now I'm stuck where when I try to run the BasicTest (right click the test and run style), it ...

46. Mapping a specific file route using Play! Framework

I'd like to setup Google Webmasters on my Play! website via an HTML page. Google game me a specific html page, which they ask I put at I put the file in ...

47. Play framework onetoone delete referential integrity

I get a referential integrity constraint violation for a JUnit Test. Using playframework and my two entities are as follows.

public class User extends Model{

public String email;
public String password;

public Patent patent;


public ...

48. Play-Framework: Causing a 'IllegalArgumentException occured

The error I get is 'IllegalArgumentException occured' Can not set java.util.ArrayList field mi.types.ListOfObjects.objects to java.util.LinkedList I'm doing the following...

 ListOfObjects objects = li.getUsersObjects();
which works perfectly fine normally, however when I do the ...

49. How do I make a typebinder only valid for a specific content type?

I am writing a json typebinder to convert json to a Java object of class Foo. But I only want it to be used when the content type is application/json, ...

50. Play Framework Greenscript, NullPointerException

playframework 1.2.3 , greenscript 1.2.6k When accessing a page I get a NullPointerException on line 174 of Line 174 is the last line in the example below (JobsPlugin.executor ...) :


51. play not work on Debian 5

I have a problems with running play on Debian 5. Debian 5 installed on VPS (openVZ) with 256 mb memory. I start my application, and all looks good, no errors in logs, play appears ...

52. Is it possible to load/import all scripts from folder in playframework?

Namely i want to do this kind of stuff: #{script 'tests/*.js'/}. Do i have to write custom tag or there are some workarounds?

53. How to use kyotocabinet(JNI) in playframework?

I'm tackling to use kyotocabinet in Playframework. and following error occurred. I'm using Eclipse and playframework-1.2.3. and kyotocabinet is native library so I'm using its Java-Binding. the reproduce code is simple. in controller:

public static void somePage() ...

54. What are the major differences between Play Framework 1.0 and 2.0?

With the recent release of Play Framework 2.0, I would like to know if anyone could summarize ,from a high level standpoint, the major differences between Play Framework 1 & 2. I ...

55. How do I change the default port (9000) that Play uses when I execute the "run" command?

How can I change the default port used by the play framework in development mode when issueing the "run" command on the play console. This is for playframework 2.0 beta. Using the http.port ...

56. Getting FileSystemException "A required privilege is not held by the client" using Files.createSymbolicLink in Play Framework

I'm trying to use the new Java 7 Files.createSymbolicLink() method within Play! Framework, and I got the following exception:

RuntimeException occured : java.nio.file.FileSystemException: c:\work\foo\bar:
A required privilege is not held by ...

57. Playframework Guice 1.2 depencency

I'm trying to use Guice 1.2 as dependency in a Play 1.2.3 application. My dependencies.yml looks like:

    - play
    - play -> secure

58. Is there a way to not expose the content of my play! app routes file

I have a play! app providing web service (set of APIs) to my app running on iPhone. If I access the web service from inside browser by intentionally provide a wrong ...

59. play! application.conf content that's bit of confusing

I am using play 1.2.3, in the application.conf, it has the following settings. What does each setting mean? It seems both are turned on, which one will take the priority? And ...

60. playframework webdrive 0.2

I use PlayFrmework and webdrive 2.0 play-module for testing with webdriver. Everything was fine until I update firebox in my Ubuntu. After this my tests open empty firefox-browser and nothing happens. I ...

61. Is Play Framework good enough for next big app?

I have been recently introduced to play and i must admit that it was almost like sliced bread for me. Without doubt Play is the best thing to happen in the ...

62. Project Jobs stop suddenly

I'm trying to put in production an app that contains a Job that exceutes every second but after a while it gets stopped whitout an exception that only happens when a ...

63. How to connect to another VM in play framework using netty

I'm using play framework for my application. There will a datagrid in another 5 Virtual machines on same port number. I want to access the datagrid in my play application. My ...

64. Play framework 2.0 sample app doesn't change when I edit source

I'm playing with play framework 2.0. I've copied the 'computer-database' application, run it with 'play run' and viewed it in my browser at http://localhost:9000. I run the evolution and ...

65. Use Xuggler to quicky segment file without decoding/encoding

Writing a Java application using the Play framework and need some HTTP-Live streaming. I intent to segment the mp4 files on the fly, on-demand. I tried a c-segmenter for that (from ...

66. SocketIO support in playframework

Im working on a project where i need to use at client end and play framework at server. Is there any built in support for in play frame work. ...

67. Server stops suddenly

I got some jobs executing with the play framework but suddenly get stopped, I used the TRACE and in the end I get this =>

20:07:08,999 TRACE ~ connection already null ...

68. Mail server for a webmail application in play framework

I'm planning to write a webmail service(sth like a basic Gmail!) in play as a student project.unfortunately I'm new to play and know little about mail servers. I wondered if there is ...

69. Play! Framework Markdown

First: I never used Markdown and I am new to the play! framework. I want to use markdown in a project and I found a play! markdown module. But I don't ...