1. User not detected as being logged in until '/login' url is hit stackoverflow.comI'm using the Play! Framwork with the standard Secure module. What i am seeing, is when a user logs in, and checks remember me, everything works fine. If they close the ... |
2. Playframework Secure module: how do you "log in" to test a secured controller in a FunctionalTest? stackoverflow.comEDIT: I'm using Play! version 1.2 (production release) I want to test controller actions that are secured by Secure module class, so I need to log in prior to testing my controller ... |
3. Verify Log Messages written by Play!'s Logger class stackoverflow.comWhen writing tests, is it possible to verify messages that have been written by Play!'s logger class? So for example, if the production code below is executed:
In my test, am I ... |
4. Play Framework: How to log in using POST? stackoverflow.comI'm developing a web service using Play Framework. My next step is to log in using module secure. However, Im getting a nullpointer exception as the following:
5. Log stack traces in prod mode with Play applications stackoverflow.comWhen a Play application encounters a 500 error while running in Production mode, it will log the error like so:
6. Where do Play! logs end up? stackoverflow.comSorry if this is a totally noobish question, but where do Play! logs go? e.g. if I'm trying to find a full stack trace and Play! tells me something like ... |
7. storing a shopping cart when no user is logged in(playframework doubt) stackoverflow.comI was browsing through posts about |
8. Toggle Login/Logout based on if user is already logged in stackoverflow.comI have a Play! web application. If the user is logged in, I would like to show a "Logout" link in the top menu. If the user is not logged in, ... |
9. play! framework logging capabilities stackoverflow.comI want to do sufficient logging for all the incoming http requests from client side - including the http headers, parameters etc. Does Play! framework support that today? Or can I ... |
10. Where to find 'application.log'? stackoverflow.comI've enabled production mode logging in Play! and I'm using this configuration from here http://www.playframework.org/documentation/1.2.3/production log4j.rootLogger=ERROR, Rolling log4j.logger.play=INFO # Rolling files log4j.appender.Rolling=org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender log4j.appender.Rolling.File=application.log log4j.appender.Rolling.MaxFileSize=1MB log4j.appender.Rolling.MaxBackupIndex=100 log4j.appender.Rolling.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.Rolling.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ABSOLUTE} %-5p ~ %m%nWhen I run the app with play run where ... |
11. Setting of the DEBUG level for development in the play framework stackoverflow.comIs there something specific which can prevent debug messages from appearing in the console? Or what settings should make sure they do appear? I had debug messages showing for the last two days, ... |