error « playframework « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. play! bundle for textmate is giving me errors

I'm trying to configure textmate with Play! and I keep getting this error when I use the model shortcut /Users/bennett/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Pristine Copy/Bundles/Play!.tmbundle/Support/bin/ Permission denied Can anyone make heads or tails of this? some ...

2. play framework routing error

Apparently I don't understand Play's routing as well as I thought. I was trying to get the url for a form looking the way I want, and I'm getting StackOverflowError ...

3. play framework error

I am getting this error when I am simply trying to run play command from command prompt in windows.

 Traceback (most recent call last):   File "E:\andrew\structure\play-1.2\play", line 13, ...

4. Form Validaton Errors : Render or Redirect?

In the play framework documentation, there are two different ways to handle an action with validation errors :

  • Redirect to the index (validation section of the documentation) :

5. Mysql Connection Error from 1.1.1 to 1.2.1

I upgraded from 1.1.1 to 1.2.1 and I seem to be getting the following exception when it attempts to connect to MySQL:

The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 ...

6. Play MongoDB Morphia plugin throws error

I have really simply domain model in scala:

package models
import org.joda.time.DateTime


import play.modules.morphia.Model;

class User(@Required val cid: String, val isAdmin: Boolean = false, @Required val dateJoined: DateTime = new DateTime() ) extends ...

7. Use Aliases for Validation to show gramatically correct error messages - play framework

My question refers to validation in a Model class. I know how to basically do validation, but I've though got a question about it. I'd like to now if it is possible to ...

8. JAVA_HOME error while 'play run' on Windows -- play framework

I am getting error while doing 'play run' "Could not execute the Java executable, please make sure the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set properly (the Java executable should reside at JAVA_HOME/bin/java)." ...

9. morphia module ObjectIdBinder already defined error

I am new to morphia, mongoDB and playframework. I am trying to use these for production. My code was working just fine the last time i run it last week. This ...

10. Yabe Initial-Data.yml found character '\t' error

I'm working with tags in the Yabe tutorial and am running into an issue with my initial-data.yml I already confirmed it's likeness to the samples version stopping just short of a copy ...

11. Play Framework error during run command

I am tying to get started with "Play Framework" on Unix . I tried the Yabe example on play web site. That says use play new yabe to create a play ...

12. Database error - Connection timed out

I'm using Play framework and phpmyadmin. When I run my application it crashes with this error: Database error A database error occured : Cannot connect to the database, An attempt by a ...

13. ClassCastException error when casting back to original class

I have the following code:

public void doJob() {
    MyObj s;

    for ( Object o : MyObj.all().fetch()) {
        s ...

14. Returning validation errors as JSON with Play! framework

I want to build an application where forms are submitted via Ajax without a complete page reload. To display server-side validation errors the server should return validation errors as JSON and ...

15. play framework initial-data.yml parsing error

Getting below error while starting the application. *Cannot parse the /conf/initial-data.yml file: mapping values are not allowed here* Can anyone please tell me wht exactly this error mean ? I am not able ...

16. Play framework test error

While trying to execute the tests on my project in play framework ? getting error : Not found GET /@tests

*These routes have been tried, in this order :
GET      ...

17. Load data in renderArgs for 404 & 500 errors

Using Play Framework, I was wondering if it was possible to load some vars in the template like I do in other controllers. I mainly think about my "STATIC_URL" var that contains ...

18. Play Framework error and changes are useless

i just playing java with Play Framework tonight, it is easy and then i get this error: i have changed the script and refreshing the website but there's ...

19. Playframework Greenscript error: The type Configurator is already defined

So I installed the greenscript-1.2.6k module for my Play 1.2.3 server according to the documentation. When I startup the server and hit one of the pages this is the error I get:


20. Play framework test mode error

I'm having a little problem with command "play test" or "play auto-test"...The first command gives me something like this:

My-heaven:jobboard Droid$ play test
~        _  ...

21. Why aren't my Play! validation errors displayed?

I'm trying to follow Play!'s documentation for validation. I have a controller with 3 actions:

  1. add() - an "add website" form
  2. added() - called when the add form is submitted, does ...