compile « playframework « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Play! Java web framework. How does their development server compile automatically?

After looking at the Play! framework I find it really productive that the development server that it comes with automatically is able to compile .java files and show the changes, immediately. ...

2. Play Framework cannot compile my class, showing me strange character in my stacktrace

I am developing a web application with Play! Framework using Notepad++ on windows xp. whenever I create new class, save and refresh the browser to see the changes, I get the ...

3. Compiling Play! framework on Mac OS Leopard with pre-installed "ant"

When I start "ant" Play! framework I get this errors: What am I doing wrong?

iMac-ale:framework alliku$ ant
Buildfile: /Users/alliku/Documents/temp/play/play/framework/build.xml



     [echo] Version master-61d6b44

    [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/alliku/Documents/temp/play/play/framework/classes

4. Play!framework; Compile on server only instead on client

Is it possible to compile my Play!framework application only serverside? Since I connect a samba share to my client from the server hosting Play!, the paths differ between client and server ...

5. Play!Framework Compilation error

Sorry for my poor English. I use command "play run appName" to start Play server and I get no errors. But when I navigate to "localhost:9000", it shows a Compilation Error:

The file {module:docviewer}/app/controllers/ ...

6. What classloader does Play use when compiling classes with the JDT compiler?

I'm trying to write a Play plugin that adds jar files to the Play classpath at runtime. When onLoad is called it needs to load up a set of jars so ...

7. Where is the 2.0 play binary when compiling from source?

I compiled playframework 2.0 from the latest git commit, but can't find the play binary. Where is it? Thanks