build « playframework « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Writing a Build Script for a Play! Framework application

How are people writing builds for their Play applications? I understand that you can run play auto-test on the command-line, however, I would like to do a bit more than just execute ...

2. How to build JSON array line by line(iterate through list). FlexJSON

Hey guys. I'm using FlexJSON(but I'm open to other libraries) and I want to manually build a json array. I have certain things that I need to add that ...

3. Performing code coverage using Clover on a Play! Framework Application using Ant

I'm writing an Ant script to do some additional checks on my Play! Framework Application. Currently, I am executing my tests from my Ant script by simply making an exec call ...

4. Playframework - build play application on build server

At the moment I am searching for a possibility to build web applications written with the Play framework with maven. In the end I would like to have the following process ...