authentication « playframework « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Using Active Directory and Open ID to authenticate a Play Framework based application

I have an application I am building using the Play Framework. I would like this application to authenticate users using Open ID and Active Directory. Is this possible? Please ...

2. Play framework: How to require login for some actions, but not all

Adding @With(Secure.class) to a controller blocks all unauthenticated access. Is there a way to enabled it only for certain actions, or to except certain actions after it's enabled on a ...

3. Play Framework User Authentication/Membership

I want to support user authentication in a Play Application. It is Web App and I think that the built-in "Secure" module is too simple for my needs. In fact, the ...

4. Java Play Framework Global Variables

I am currently "Playing" With the Java Play Framework and would like to know a simple solution to having an online status on the main.html page (this page will be consistent ...

5. Serving static files with authentication in the playframework

Is there an easy/build-in way to have a controller check if a connection is authorized to access a static file not the server (with the use of a DB lookup) and ...

6. user authentication on heroku with play framework

What is the best way to create user authentication with play framework on heroku? Because both are stateless.

7. Is it possible to call one controller from another controller without redirecting as means to augment Secure.login()?

I'm using the Play Secure module and I would like to set the flash param 'url' to the value of the http referer header, if url is not already set, before ...

8. Play framework - custom authentication

I have tried the tutorial about Security module for Play! 1.2.3. The authentication mechanism is pretty straightforward and simple. I have a question. If i want to implement a custom authentication, is it ...