environment « osgi « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. How do I configure an OSGi environment so that it is possible to use it from the EclipseStarter class?    stackoverflow.com

Currently I'm trying to execute some bundles using the capabilities of the EclipseStarter class. If I run my program directly from Eclipse the OSGi service bundle is loaded and I'm able ...

2. Migration solution for singletons in an OSGI environment    stackoverflow.com

I'm working in a JEE Environment in which each application is in a war file of its own. In the WEB-INF/lib of each application war file there is a common jar that ...

3. Resteasy client in an OSGi / Eclipse RCP environment    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to build a client for a Resteasy service in Eclipse. I thought this would be simple - but a lot of the magic that Resteasy does (e.g. looking up ...

4. Looking for a good dev environment for OSGi bundles    stackoverflow.com

I'm currently investigating in the field of dev environment for OSGi bundles. My goal is to find a way to develop, test and debug with ease the bundles I'll be coding. Besides, ...

5. What are the best practices to migrate to new version of libraries in OSGi environment?    stackoverflow.com

I have the following case: There are some OSGi applications in our environment, which consists of apache-karaf 2.0 and apache-camel 2.4.0. Now we would like to switch our production environment to ...

6. How to make Axis2 run in an OSGi environment?    stackoverflow.com

I need to access an webservice in an OSGi-Environment (Equinox). I do already have the code for using the webservice as a stand-alone application. The sample code uses Axis2 this seems ...

7. how to install BND environment to use bnd in commandline?    stackoverflow.com

I need to use bnd in a command line environment to develop OSGI project. I searched the following site: http://www.aqute.biz/Bnd/Download But there are no instructions for how to ...

8. this.getClass().getResource("xyz.class") not returning DIR PATH in OSGi environment    stackoverflow.com

My app is dependent on some SDK jars. This SDK makes extensive use of this.getClass().getResource("xyz.class") method in its APIs. Now, i developed bundles based on these jars and running them in OSGi ...

9. Quartz in an OSGI environment    forums.terracotta.org

Hello, I'm trying to use Quartz 1.8.0 with Apache Felix, but I have run into a problem with Quartz configured to use a database to store the jobs. I'm using Derby 10.5.3 and the relevant section in quartz.properties is Code: org.quartz.jobStore.class = org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreTX org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass = org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.StdJDBCDelegate org.quartz.jobStore.useProperties = false org.quartz.jobStore.dataSource = myDS org.quartz.jobStore.tablePrefix = QRTZ_ org.quartz.jobStore.isClustered = false #============================================================================ # Configure ...