declarative « osgi « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. How do you communicate between eclipse declarative services and Views (ContentProviders)

Say you have an eclipse plugin with various views, these views should display data from some OSGi bundle that pushes data to the Views. Rather than have every view communicate ...

2. OSGi/Felix Declarative Services: How to filter the services to be bound?

I am using Apache Felix and its Declarative Services (SCR) to wire the service dependencies between bundles. For example, if I need access to a java.util.Dictionary I can say the following to ...

3. Eclipse Extensions and Declarative Services

I'm a little confused on the approach to extensions/services in the Eclipse architecture. There are two options available to a developer:

  1. The use of Eclipse plugin extensions -
  2. The use of ...

4. OSGI Declarative Services (DS): What is a good way of using service component instances

I am just getting started with OSGI and Declarative Services (DS) using Equinox and Eclipse PDE. I have 2 Bundles, A and B. Bundle A exposes a component which is consumed by ...

5. OSGi: Does Blueprint replace Declarative Services?

The new R4.2 spec for OSGi describes the Blueprint service, for dependency injection and service wiring. Does Blueprint replace Declarative Services (which is still part of the spec, as well), or are they ...

6. Declarative Vs Bluprint Services in OSGi

What is the difference between Declarative and Bluprint Services in OSGi? as both are aim to achieve Dependency injection in osgi. Is blueprint services is alternative to declarative services? or bluprint services fills ...

7. JAVA OSGi: InstantiationException with Declarative Services

I'm new to OSGi and am building a first DS-implementation. Everything is coded according to "the book" but when running I get this error:

java.lang.InstantiationException: com.mine.logger.internal.udp.UdpListener
at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.equinox.internal.ds.model.ServiceComponent.createInstance(
at org.eclipse.equinox.internal.ds.model.ServiceComponentProp.createInstance(
at ...

8. can I provide and reference services in the same component when use declarative services for osgi?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <scr:component xmlns:scr="" name="sensor_test"> <implementation class="test.sensor.version1.serviceImpl.SensorServiceImpl"/> <service> <provide interface="test.sensor.version1.serviceInterface.SensorServiceInterface"/> </service> <reference bind="setOntologyService" cardinality="0..1" interface="test.ontology.version1.serviceinterface.OntologyServiceInterface" name="OntologyServiceInterface" policy="dynamic" unbind="unsetOntologyService"/> </scr:component> For ...

9. OSGi: Is it valid to register services within a declarative service component activation method?

This is a duplicate of another question, but copying from the other one: I've run into an issue with Felix SCR where I get the message: ServiceFactory.getService() resulted in a cycle The reason ...

10. How to choose in runtime among several OSGi services in an intelligent way?

I've in mind an intelligent system which can choose among available OSGi services dynamically. That is, choose an implementation or another depending of some runtime parameter. For example, notify to a ...

11. OSGi Declarative Services - NullPointer Exception

I have a problem with my Declarative Services. I have 2 bundles, one is a server provider and another the user interface that consumes the service. On server side, the implementation is:

public ...

12. Osgi Declarative service conditional binding

I have this scenario, I have three declarative services that provide the same interface (say a reader interface and I have readerimpl1-database- readerimpl2-flat file- readerimpl3-memory). I want to have a consumer ...

13. OSGi Declarative Service - obtain ServiceReference in bind method

I'm using Eclipse 3.7 with Eclipse Gemini JPA / DBAccess. I implemented a declarative ServiceComponent which references EntityManagerBuilderFactory. The bind method looks like this:

public void bindEntityManagerFactoryBuilder(EntityManagerFactoryBuilder emfBuilder) {

14. get list of services implementations with OSGi declarative services

I have a very simple example of declarative services. I'm following this tutorial Every thing is working as expected. However, I cannot figure out how I can make ...