ant « osgi « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. executing eclipse.buildscript task on a feature misses the fragment

I have a feature called foo, plugin called foo, and a single fragment foo.win32.x86. I should be able to execute a call to eclipse.buildscript within an ant file on a feature and ...

2. How can I sign an OSGi bundle with Ant without overwriting the MANIFEST.MF contents?

I have an Eclipse plugin for which I create the OSGi bundle JARs with Ant. I would like to sign them with the Ant task, but that overwrites the MANIFEST.MF ...

3. eclipse.buildscript building a platform specific feature on the wrong platform

I have a feature and plugin called foo, and both are win32 platform specific; however, when I call the following in my ANT script on a linux, gtk, x86 system, the ...

4. What is a reasonable OSGi development workflow?

I'm using OSGi for my latest project at work, and it's pretty beautiful as far as modularity and functionality. But I'm not happy with the development workflow. Eventually, I plan to have ...

5. Deploy a bundle to Apache Felix via Ant?

Let's suppose I have a valid Ant build script which packs up and prepares my OSGi bundle. Now, I would like to make the build process install/update the bundle to my local ...

6. how to write a portable build.xml?

I am using an OSGi framework to do my development, and my develop machine's jar lib path is different from my production machine's. How can a write my build.xml so that it ...

7. Is there an easy way to use an OSGi bundle in a classpath for Ant junit or java tasks?

I have a bunch of OSGi bundles that are basically jars that contain other jars and a manifest.

bundle xyz.jar:
I want to run ...

8. Editing the ant build.xml file for an OSGi example - not understanding the instruction

I am tackling the monolith of knowledge that is OSGi and have run into a problem where the instructions in an example are insufficient for someone completely unfamiliar with Ant. I am ...

9. deploying OSGi project as Webstart using command line tools

How do I create a modular OSGi project that can be distributed with Java Webstart, using command line tools? I've found instructions to export a set of OSGi plugins from ...

10. Ant BND task does not produce bundle containing any items

I'm having trouble producing a bundle after converting a maven project to an ant project. The bnd ant task creates test.jar but the file only includes a META-INF. The ...

11. Ant Fileset to Comma Separated List

I'm trying to pass a fileset to a macrodef, and have the macro generate a comma separated list of the classes. More over, I also need to change the list ...

12. Embed thirdparty JAR using BND

I have an OSGi bundle that is built using ANT and the classic BND tool. My bundle uses a library (JAR) internally, which is not available as a bundle within my ...

13. BND Ant task - wrap non-OSGi jars

I'm trying to use Ant bndwrap task to wrap non-OSGi jars in a directory. My current Ant configuration for this is:

<target name="wrap-jars" description="Wrap non-OSGi jars">
    <taskdef resource="aQute/bnd/ant/" classpath="${biz.aQute:bnd:jar}"/>