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1. Netbeans webservice client works only when running from IDE

Using Netbeans 6.8 and metro 2.0 I have written a simple application that makes calls to a webservice and displays the results in java swing components. When I run the ...

2. Adding a Java Web Service Client in Netbeans that supports streaming with a WCF Streaming Service?

I have a C# WCF basicHttpBinding Streaming WebService. The signature of the method that I want to access is:

    void SendStream(Stream stream);
However, when I try to add it ...

3. Start enterprise application client outside Netbeans

I've created simple Enterprise Application. I have ejb, war and app-client. I'm able to deploy and run this using Netbeans. However I need to deploy and start it outside Netbeans. I'm also ...

4. Java web service client generated in Netbeans - getting Http Status Code 307

I use Netbeans to generate web service client code, client-style JAX-WS, so i can invoke a web service API. However, when I invoke the web service API, I get the exception: The ...

5. NetBeans: How to create a web service client that consumes a SSL protected Metro service?

I am trying to add a web service reference to my application in NetBeans 7.0.1. The Metro webservice is protected with SSL and is hosted on the same computer that I ...

6. JAX-RPC Acces with a JAVA Desktop Client.HTTP transport error:

Hi all, I have to access a JAX-RPC web service(Hosted on Websphere Server).I developed the Swing application with net beans and when I run the application through NetBeans, it runs nicely ...

7. How to use ObjectFactory in a WebServices Client

Hi, I'm struggeling with setting the part of the SOAP message which is not the operation. I found out that the Objectfactory creates these objects but I don't see how I ...

8. Problem creating a secure web service client

I created a web service and enabled message security. I then created a separate web project and using new web service client generated the web services reference node. In the source ...

9. Question concerning Client Web Browser's Locale.

Within the JSP object model, there is an implicit object called pageContext. Within Java, there is an object called java.util.Locale. There is also an java.util.TimeZone. From within a JSP, how do ...

10. Question regarding Enterprise Application Clients in NB 6.5

I'm trying to create a new Enterprise Application Client in NB 6.5 to access some EJB's and WS from other Project. The core classes to access them are working perfectly, even ...

11. JAX-RPC Web Service Client - Missing port information

Hello can someone help me, I use jdk-1.6 I created a Web Service Client JAX-RPC usind a wsdl file Example: Express_Impl service = new Express_Impl(); ExpressP port = service.getExpressPort(); System.out.println("res: " ...

12. Running the application on client machine

Hi all I do not know whether this is the right section for my question or not but any help is appriciate. I have developed a web application in NetBeans using ...

13. Noclassdeffound when generating web service client

Jamz_2010 Joined: 22 Jun 2009 Posts: 1 Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 3:45 pm Post subject: Noclassdeffound when generating web service client Hi all, I am having some ...

14. web service client won't build with 6.7 6.5.1 is fine

netbeans 6.7 Target "wsimport-client-compile" does not exist in the project "myproject" It is used from target "-do-compile". This project was created totally by netbeans wizards using the add new web service ...

15. WebService Client unsuccessful 6.7.1

Hello, Hopefully this is a quick and easy one for this forum (certainly quick and easy to duplicate).... I am Trying to create a WebService client using 6.7.1 for the service... ...

16. customizing web service client code generation

Hi, I am wondering if there is a way to tell Netbeans to generate equals and hashcode methods for all classes it generates when creating a web service client. Thanks, Vaibhav ...

17. Webservices and WS clients in netbeans

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 12:28 pm Post subject: Webservices and WS clients in netbeans Hello, I've recently started experimenting with WS in netbeans. Having very little idea ...

18. New to J2ee NullPointerException in remote client

Hi All Trying to learn J2ee, I picked up Hello world example from eb3 in action code. I created HelloUserRemote interface as follows package ejb3inaction.example; import javax.ejb.Remote; @Remote public interface HelloUserRemote ...

19. unable to create the webservice client

Hi i created one webservice using annotation and deployed in glassfish. Up to now everything is working is fine. When i try to create a webserive client in another project(called HelloWebserviceClient)it ...

20. Web Service Client problem

Hi. I'm trying to create a MIDlet that connects to a web service client. So I create a Mobile Application (Java ME -> Mobile Application) and in this project i'll create ...

21. building secured web-service server and client

Please I need help on securing of web-service server and host, I built the web-service server as a web-application while I built the client as a servlet, I have run them ...

22. web service client- did not generate a method

humayunsm10 Joined: 16 Sep 2009 Posts: 1 Location: USA Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 5:33 pm Post subject: web service client- did not generate a method Hi, I ...

23. webservice client in J2SE

Hi, I followed the link 'Invoking Web services with Java clients' and installed the JAX-RPC plugin and added a new webservice client in JAX-RPC client style.With the WSDL generated the ...

24. How to debug a webservice client?

Hi, using the projects helloservice and simpleclient from the Java EE Tutorial 5 in GF2.1, I try to debug the simple client. I can build and deploy everything, I can run ...

25. Client Handler

dan1768 Joined: 08 Oct 2009 Posts: 1 Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 7:45 pm Post subject: Client Handler Hi, I am trying to create a client handler using ...

26. How to identify web services clients ?

I'm developing a web service that will need to identify the clients. I thought in session variables but the clients are not necessarily a web client. They may be desktop, midlet ...

27. How to add a WebService Client to a Module?

Hi! Does anyone know how to add a WebService Client to an existing NetBeans module using the Netbeans IDE? If I select my Module and want to add a WebService I ...

28. java.lang.ClassCastException when run mobile web service clients [Bug?]

Hello !! I wrote a web service in Netbeans 6.7, and two clients for it, one web client, and a mobile client. The web client works fine, but the mobile clients ...

29. java.lang.ClassCastException when run mobile web service clients [Bug?]

Hello !! I wrote a web service in Netbeans 6.7, and two clients for it, one web client, and a mobile client. The web client works fine, but the mobile clients ...

30. web service client in netbeans plugin

ymajoros Posted via mailing list. Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 1:46 pm Post subject: web service client in netbeans plugin Hello, I wrote a netbeans module talking to ...

31. Web services client rebuild on every compile

Is there a way without hacking up the build scripts to make Netbeans not rebuild a web services client on every compile? The web service isn't changing, so it really only ...

33. webservice client with netbeans 6.7.1

HI, I want to write a webservice client for a desktop application. pls fwd me some tutorial available online. There are a lot of examples for webapplication I could not find ...

34. webservice client for a Java Desktop Application NetBeans 6.7.1

I have a Java Desktop Application project created in NetBeans 6.7 and I created a simple Java application and wrote a webservice client. and it works fine. Now I right click ...

35. Setting web service client timeouts

(Asking here because the web service client code was generated by NB) I used NB to set up a web service client that works perfectly under normal conditions. However, lately the ...

36. Error when running enterprise application client on Netbeans 6.7.1

obinnahenree Joined: 17 Mar 2009 Posts: 6 Location: Nigeria Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 1:13 pm Post subject: Error when running enterprise application client on Netbeans 6.7.1 hi, ...

37. Error when running enterprise application client on Netbeans 6.7.1

obinnahenree Joined: 17 Mar 2009 Posts: 6 Location: Nigeria Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 1:14 pm Post subject: Error when running enterprise application client on Netbeans 6.7.1 hi, ...

38. Generated JAX-RS server and client code-generation - feedback, plus guidance required

View previous topic :: View next topic Author Message Joined: 03 Sep 2008 Posts: 11 Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 8:55 pm Post subject: Generated ...

39. If in a chat I have 1 server and 5 clients talk then server has 5 Sockets objs (Socket object)

when method run() executes in this case ? script is from multithreaded server-client(s) chat... if you need more info tell me , just I am curious hence I do not see ...

40. Application Client Enity Manager cannot find Persistence Unit with Java Web Start

I have an Enterprise Application Project in Netbeans 6.7.1. The enterprise application client module has the business code and the persistence unit (TopLink) defined in the app-client.jar. I can run this ...

41. Problem consuming web service/creating client

I'm trying to consume a third-party web service which uses https (SSL). I know very little about web services in general, other than the few tutorials I've followed to get started. ...

42. Web service client failing to create proxy classes

Hello I'm new to Java and web service clients. The service that I'm trying to use is a WCF service. I was able to use wsdl2java from a command prompt to ...

43. Application Client in Netbeans 6.8

TeamMc Joined: 11 Dec 2009 Posts: 6 Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 8:41 pm Post subject: Application Client in Netbeans 6.8 Windows 64bit Glassfish v3 Trying to run ...

44. Use jdesktop application framework within JEE Application Client

Hi JEE folks, I want to develop a JEE Application Client based on Swing using NetBeans 6.7 or 6.8. Although this is generally possible - even using the GUI Builder of ...

45. Trouble adding webservice client

Hello I'm using NetBeans 6.8. I need to add a web service reference which is over SSL. The wsdl url is https://somehost:8071/Service.svc?wsdl, I can browse it via Internet Exploer, I can ...

46. Java Web Start and Enterprise Application Client

Hi, I've got a simple question - how can I set Java Web Start for Enterprise Application Client? My project runs on Glassfish v2.1, has EJB module and swing client. At ...

47. Netbeans 6.8 cannot generate stub for mobile web service client

Hello, I want to generate a web service client on my mobile app but the wsdl file is not accepted, this is the error: Parameter type contains cyclical references - cannot ...

48. Webstart client outside netbeans is slow

Hello, I have an enterprise application with rich client. The client has web start enabled. When I run it from netbeans, loading entities into JList takes about 2 seconds. When I ...

49. Creating Web Service Client with Client Certificates

Hello: I am trying to create a new web service client within Netbeans by using the "wizard" provided. I choose to enter the WSDL URL and client style set to JAX-WS ...

50. client handler is invoking for every request.

Hi EveryOne i am new to JAXWS welogic. i have a web consumer/client, while sending the request from client the handler is invoking for every request. I could not able to ...

51. Netbeans Platform on top of GFv3 enterprise application client no way!

Hi, I love the idea of a Netbean Platform application as client of Glassfish and executing on top a enterprise application client with webstart. But I have now 3 days fighting ...

52. Re: Netbeans Platform on top of GFv3 enterprise application client no way!

what is your lookup exception? always works for me -- but i have had lots of problems at time; but dont do exactly what you say u are doing. gary ----- ...

53. JEE6 application client

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 3:41 pm Post subject: JEE6 application client I'm trying to learn how to write an "Enterprise Application Client" for our new Java EE ...

54. NB 6.8 test web service calling ws client fails - SOLVED

Hi All, I'm new to Java. I'm using JDK 6 update 18, Netbeans 6.8 and Glassfish v3 to try to create a project that calls a web service. My intention is ...

55. web service client bug in netbeans

Hello, While developing a web service in netbeans, I'd like to test it. In the "test web service method" dialog, from "services" tab where I added the web service, it seems ...

56. InputStream Problem at Client Side

Hi all once again, one more question from me. But this one stands between me and my final work. I am doing a REST Webservice, in which I have to send ...

57. InputStream Problem at Client Side

Hi all once again, one more question from me. But this one stands between me and my final work. I am doing a REST Webservice, in which I have to send ...

58. client authentication in sunone 7.0 webserver

hi, I am using sunone 7.0 webserver. The webserver instance is configured for https and i want to do client authentication for specific resources. I dont want to do any client ...

59. NetBeans 6.5 weird build error for WS client

MikePhoenix Posted via mailing list. Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 9:25 pm Post subject: NetBeans 6.5 weird build error for WS client I am getting a very ambiguous ...

60. wsimport client - out of date file while compiling webservice client

Hi, Iam new to webservices and trying to do a POC. So i developed a webservice client which invokes a free webservice available on the internet. Iam using JAX-WS method to ...

61. Java server application and client allication for chat room slash instant messaging

I am creating a server and client messaging program in java with netbeans. Wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction to a tutorial on the basics. I know ...

62. Autocreating a Web Service Client

Hallo, i want to create a Web Service Cleint with Netbeans 6.8. I have created a new project called "WCF_Client". After selecting the wsdl-file (client style: jax-ws style) and finishing the ...

63. Help me with a client web service using netbeans.

mobzam Joined: 05 May 2010 Posts: 11 Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 8:28 am Post subject: Help me with a client web service using netbeans. Hello People, I ...

64. what do you do when webservice client varies his server at runtime?

Hi everybody About Netbeans, web service client, Jaxb-ws, binding authomaticaly generated.. what pattern do you follow when the host (webservice server) address will change on production? or when the client will ...

65. J2EE client running problem

Hey, guys! I've got a problem when trying to run a J2EE client for it's EJB on GlassFish server. So... Server side (EJB):

66. File Path in application client

Hi everyone, I really need your help. I created a JEE Project in which there are app-client and ejb. We call MyProject + MyProject-app-client + MyProject-ejb We forget ejb and I ...

67. problem dreating 2 web service clients with same namespace

OK I am using NB 6.1 and am trying to use 2 different Web services that have the same namespace. I used the web service client wizard to create a client ...

68. [SOLVED] Server Side Message to client

yeah. I think so. If that is what you want to achieve , then its better u try using the page alert component with Ajax. I can send an example when ...

69. wsimport always rebuilds web service clients

I have a NetBeans (6.8) project which consumes a number of different web services. The client code is auto-generated by NetBeans through the Ant wsimport task. Every time I build, all ...

70. web service client generated code by 6.9 does not compile

Hi, i just upgraded to 6.9 and i decided to rebuild a web service client i had made with 6.8. Since it's all generated stuff i decided to recreate the client ...

71. Latest update breaks web service clients (502 response)

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 3:48 am Post subject: Latest update breaks web service clients (502 response) Today I updated my NetBeans 6.9 install (via the little notification ...

72. Problem with Enterprise Application Client

Hi I developed simple web service: Code: package service.endpoint; import javax.jws.WebMethod; import javax.jws.WebService; @WebService public class Service1 { @WebMethod public String getName(){ ...

73. Problem while launching the client Application via JNLP with JRE 1.6 update 20

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 3:37 am Post subject: Problem while launching the client Application via JNLP with JRE 1.6 update 20 Hi Everyone, I have an Enterprise ...

74. Standalone client runs only inside NetBeans

package eeclient; import hw.sBeanRemote; import java.util.Properties; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) throws NamingException { // TODO code application logic here Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("java.naming.factory.initial", ...

75. Web Services Client inside web Application

Hello all, I tried to generate Java code from WSDL_UR, and its work good. but I trouble regard some issue. when I generate java code from WSDL URL inside desktop application or java class library, the code generated come with many constructors one of them with URL arguments. But when generate code inside web application the code generated come with two ...

76. WebStart for J2EE Client

Hello, I tried to create an Enterprise App Client. So far so good. But I want the gui being an applet instead of a frame. My problem is I don't know how to add a "web start enabled" function to my EJB Client App. In the run configurations there is no Application->WebStart Item like in normal java projects with an Applet... ...

77. WSCOMPILE fails in Web Service Client generation for secure web service with mutual certification

Hi, I'm having wscompile error (Fatal Alert, bad certificate) when I try to add a web service client in my project for an existing WSDL file corresponding to an existing secure web service which requires mutual certification. The error comes out when I create a new web service client in my project, I specify the local WSDL file (I downloaded it ...

78. SOAPFaultException from web service client

Hi all, I've been trying to consume a SOAP web service. I created the web service client from WSDL and Netbeans nicely generated the stub files using JAX-WS. However; when I call port.runTranscation() I get a SOAPFaultException with the message "No WS-Security headers". I can tell that I'm missing some security adjustments but I cannot find a place to configure WS-Security ...

79. SOAPFaultException from web service client

Hi all, I've been trying to consume a SOAP web service. I created the web service client from WSDL and Netbeans nicely generated the stub files using JAX-WS. However; when I call port.runTranscation() I get a SOAPFaultException with the message "No WS-Security headers". I can tell that I'm missing some security adjustments but I cannot find a place to configure WS-Security ...

80. Web Service Client

Hi All, I need help on the issue below: I created a web service client in netbeans ide 6.9.1. I call one of the functions in the stub created in thread, my problem is i can stop the thread but can't cancel the network connect once i cancel the thread. Anybody know how to terminate the connection once terminate the thread??? ...

81. styles not getting applied for the Facelets template client

I am trying to use Facelets wizards of Netbeans. Here are the steps that I followed. 1. Created new Facelets Template using Wizard. From the available types of templates, I choose one with Header, SideBar, Content. I choose CSS as layout method. 2. Created a new Template Client for the template created in step 1 above. I tried to run the ...

82. [Need Help] Applet client in J2EE proyect.

Hello:D . I have a problem with my J2EE proyect. I have a simple ejb, and my war proyect with my applet. But i cannot make it work 'cuz my applet class it's packaged in /WEB-INF/classes/ and i cannot include my applet from there because web-inf it's not for public. I'm including my applet in the index.jsp like this:

83. Java Web Start and Entreprise Application client. (Netbeans 7)

Dear all, I need to add some custom behaviour to the web start settings of my entreprise application client. With Netbeans 7, an Entreprise application client comes already with web start (and I don't even know how to desactivate it, if one day I will need it). Anyways, my problem is I am using a library called Comfyj and I am ...


View previous topic :: View next topic Author Message andrew.asche Posted via mailing list. Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:07 pm Post subject: Dec 7, 2010 11:33:29 AM com.sun.enterprise.glassfish.bootstrap.ASMain main INFO: Launching GlassFish on Felix platform Welcome to Felix ================ INFO: Perform lazy SSL initialization for the listener 'http-listener-2' INFO: Starting ...

85. Need simple workaround for cert failure in web service client

I created a secure web service client for my customers to use with a state agency web service. This client worked fine for quite a while. The state recently installed a new certificate and did so improperly (according to Verisign) so that the certificate works with a browser but not a web service. My client blows up when I try to ...

86. Clients for webservices

87. Web Service Client

89. Puzzle - 'client not authorised for this invocation'

Tony Posted via mailing list. Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 2:06 pm Post subject: Puzzle - 'client not authorised for this invocation' OK, help. NB6.9.1, Glassfish 3.0, Windows environment, EclipseLink (JPA 2.0) using Java Transaction APIs persistence. I have an EAR which includes both a WAR and a EAR. The EAR contains (among others) two ejbs, called userBean ...

91. TCP/IP java client, c++ server

Code: //descriptor for listening for new connections int listenDesc; //socket information struct sockaddr_in myAddr; //client connection object clientConnection newClient; //connectionDesc int connectionDesc; //set iterator to ...

92. [SOLVED] NB 7 RC1 - cannot run client outside NB

Dear all, today I have tested the new NB7 release candidate and have some troubles. I've created a simple EE application with one EJB module, one swing client module and one library for session interfaces. My first question: Why is the option "Create application client module" missing? When creating new Enterprise Application project... I had to create is separately... Inside NB ...

93. Web service Client Authentication/Security Issue

I was trying to find out the cause of this error and i find out that if i use METRO library it runs successfully but when i use JAX-WS 2.1 i got the same error on local machine also. I have also uploaded METRO library to server under WEB-INF/lib folder. Any Idea? how to solve this error? Thanks

94. Help running a Application Client with Remote Application server

I'm still running in the same problem with NB 6.5.1 & Java 6. If in the properties is my local GF, I've run and deploy in the popup and the menu. If I choose a remote server, only debug is available. I've found the workaround with the error about 'wa.copy.client.jar.from' during the build process, together with a remote server. But a ...

96. Web Application and Web Service Client

97. Web Application and Web Service Client

If I do the exact same process again in a plain java application using the identical code it works fine? I have tried creating a JAR and class library to use in the web application but that also fails, also including the project in which it works fails. This has also been tried on different computers, as well as re-creating the ...

98. Could not generate application client with asadmin in GF3.1

Hi All, I am having difficulty generating an application client JAR for a working Java EE 6 ear with the following command: C:\Users\jack\FundsConsumerGF31>asadmin deploy --retrieve c:\Temp C:\Users\jack\FundsConsumerGF31\dist\FundsConsumer.ear Application deployed with name FundsConsumer. Error while downloading generated files C:\glassfish3\glassfish\domains\domain1\config\lib\jaxen-jdom.jar Command deploy executed successfully. C:\Users\jack\FundsConsumerGF31>asadmin list-application-refs __admingui FundsConsumer Command list-application-refs executed successfully. C:\Users\jack\FundsConsumerGF31>asadmin get-client-stubs --appname FundsConsumer c:\Tmp remote failure: Error while downloading generated ...

99. Re: Could not generate application client with asadmin in GF3.1

Jack, Beginning with GlassFish 3.0 the retrieved client files have changed, for several reasons including performance. Functionally, though, things that used to work should continue to work. Are there any errors on the server side written to domains\domain1\logs \server.log? I do not know if this would explain what you are seeing, but officially it is NetBeans 7.0 which supports GlassFish 3.1. ...

100. "Upgrade" JDK 5 web service client to JDK 6?

See Thread at: Posted on behalf of a User Hai i have generated a proxy classes using wsimport command,while running my Application i got a error like this.. My web service is in .NET and i called that web service in server. ERROR server comment - invoke(onAppStart): class: helloclient.Insert could not be found: class: helloclient.Insert could not be found ...