path « log4j « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Log4j, configuring a Web App to use a relative path

I have a java webapp that has to be deployed on either Win or Linux machines. I now want to add log4j for logging and I'd like to use a relative ...

2. How to give dynamic filepath in appender tag in log4j_config.xml?

Hi I am using log4j api to log the informations. I have used log4j_conffig.xml file for creating the log files. I have given the absolute path for each log file in ...

3. log4j relative file path

I'd like my web app to log into files with this path: webapp/logs/ I can set the absolute path in the file, but the production environment's directory structure will be different. Is ...

4. referring to log4j configuration file from a log4j configuration file on class path

I have a common jar that multiple web applications are using. All the web applications are using log4j. Each has their own log4j xml configuration file that are basically the same. ...

5. Best Practice on Configuring Log4j Properties Path

I am using Log4j in my applications. Properties file for the same ( is configured and is placed in a Jar which is in classpath. This configuration file is getting used and ...

6. how to insert the path of my java pocket

this is my directory structure:


7. Changing the log path on fly

I am using log4j for logging activities in my application.I want to take the log path from data base. now I need to configure my log4j properties dynamically. can we ...

8. How to provide a default path for Log4j file inside Linux Environment?

a very good day to all . I am asking a question , out of curisioty , may be this seem to be a foolish question also . This is my file ...

9. log4j: right path for the log file

One thing to consider, whether you use an absolute path or if you use getRealPath is that writing anything inside your webapp's file structure will make your application non-portable and may limit how it can be deployed. JEE web applications can, but aren't required to, be deployed from an operating system's file structure. Containers can also deploy a war file without ...

10. Configuring directory path for fileappender in

I want to write log data to a file where the directory path of the file should be picked from a unix environmental variable. How can you configure this in ******************************************************* log4j.rootLogger=INFO, A # A is set to be a FileAppender. log4j.appender.A=org.apache.log4j.FileAppender # A uses PatternLayout. log4j.appender.A.File=$UNIX_ENV_VARIABLE/A.log <= This is what I want. The dir path should be picked from ...

11. how to use log4j jar in a path with space using java 1.3

Hello, I am using java 1.3. My program using log4j jar. When i put the log4j.jar in a path that include spaces like "c:\Program files\", The application succes loading the jar, but then it try to find the log4j.dtd file, and thorw the exception The system cannot find the file specified. When i put the jar in a path without any ...

12. remote path for log4j logging

I don't see why your original idea shouldn't work. Provided, of course, that the user which is running the code is also configured as a user on the target machine and has full authority to do whatever log4j needs to do. It's possible to spend (waste) hours trying to make this sort of thing work, especially when the code is running ...

13. How to set the path of backup file for log4j

14. Log4j relative path of log file