log4net « log4j « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Setting a log file name to include current date in Log4j    stackoverflow.com

I would like to set the log file name for a log4j and log4net appender to have the current date. We are doing Daily rollovers but the current log file ...

2. When logging when is an error fatal?    stackoverflow.com

In logging frameworks like log4j & log4net you have the ability to log various levels of information. Most of the levels have obvious intentions (such as what a "Debug" log is ...

3. What is the best practice for debug statements which have string operations in them?    stackoverflow.com

I often find myself adding either concatonated strings or using a string formatter in my debug statements in log4net and log4j should I surround these debug statements with an "if debug" ...

4. Logger.DebugFormat in log4j    stackoverflow.com

I'm used to working with the excellent log4net, and I assumed log4j is a direct port or ancestor. I'm looking for an equivalent to the useful Logger.DebugFormat() family of methods, and I ...

5. allowing a logger to override a specific appender's parameter?    stackoverflow.com

Using log4net, can I configure a logger so that it can override a single parameter of one of the appenders? Some examples:

  <appender name="A1" type="log4net.Appender.FileAppender">
    <file value="log4net.log">

6. How to make colorful outputs using log4net/log4j?    stackoverflow.com

is there a way to display error or warning in color?

7. Can Log4Net Delete Log Files Automatically?    stackoverflow.com

I am using log4net RollingFileAppender in a windows service program written in C#. The number and size of files in logs directory is growing too fast, need cleanup. The configuration is ...

8. Should exception logging subsystem have limited throughput ? If yes, how?    stackoverflow.com

We had a case when exceptions had gone in some kind of infinite loop. Stack traces were very big and we log all of them. That flood our Oracle database and ...

9. Displaying a log per line for a multiline text    stackoverflow.com

say I have a multi-line text "a\nb\nc"; when I log it, eg with the "debug" method, I get only one log; this is the expected behaviour but then the lines excluding the ...

10. Looking for a Split View Debug Viewer to visualize Logs of Asynchronous Systems    stackoverflow.com

To visualize asynchronous log output, I am looking for a log4j/net compatible debug viewer with a split view that shows log lines selectively on the left or right. The selection should ...

11. decent log viewer that works with NLog    stackoverflow.com

What would be a the best viewer that works well with NLog when I have the following requirements:

  • I need to view logs offline (files) and online (live)
  • for offline I need to ...