eclipse « log4j « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Can eclipse monitor an arbitrary log file in the Console view?

I am launching my JBoss server in eclipse, and so standard out/err displays in the Console view. But there are other logs being generated by log4j, and so I need to ...

2. Eclipse checkstyle checks log4j, and I can't make it stop

I can't find any configuration for the recent tendency of the Eclipse checkstyle plugin (I'm running 5.1.0) to complain about style issues in files. It's not in my checkstyle.xml, it ...

3. Eclipse PDE and

I have created an eclipse PDE project and have added log4j as a dependency using the slf4j-api and slf4j.log4j12 bundles. In a class I have created the logger:

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class ...

4. How to LOG with DataNucleus 2.x inside Eclipse

I have DN 2.x on Eclipse RCP (currently Helios). I'm having trouble Turning the DN LOG on. I use, where i define all the DataNucleus Categories LOG levels. It LOGS fine with the ...

5. Why does M2Eclipse complain about missing artifact when mvn command line doesn't?

I've just set up a brand new installation of Eclipse Helios and have configured M2Eclipse to use an external (v 2.2.1) installation of Maven. The system compiles fine on the ...


Where to add file in the project eclipse. ?

7. Log4J Question - Two log infos are printed out for one statement in Eclipse Console Window

I found the logging information is printed out twice when using like

BasicConfigurator.configure();"From Log4J sample");  
The Output is Like
From Log4J sample
0 [main] INFO  - From Log4J sample
My configuration ...

8. java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.log4j.Logger.isTraceEnabled()

I am getting this error java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.log4j.Logger.isTraceEnabled() at the runtime in eclipse. However, eclipse shows the method on doing intelligence search, but at runtime it fails to identify it. I am using the ...

9. Automatic log4j configuration and bundleresource

Two issues / questions: 1) In many of the log4j threads / forums / etc., I am seeing the results of defining the log4j.debug containing log4j configuration file references prefixed with "file:" ...

10. Problems while open jasper reports xml files

I´m trying to open a .jrxml File (jasper reports) in Eclipse. While trying I get following Error Message: org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException: No suitable Log constructor [Ljava.lang.Class;@144c133 for org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException: No suitable Log constructor [Ljava.lang.Class;@144c133 for ...

11. eclipse link and log4j: how to use both

I'm using Eclipselink JPA provider, and noticed that it writes in console only. I configured both the console and file appenders, but eclipselink log entries (SQL queries for example) are appeared ...

12. How to use log4j in eclipse rcp

how to use log4j logging API in an eclipse rcp project ?? As a workaround i tried to create a new OSGI Bundle which has a log4j jars,below is the bundle ...

13. How do I pass a log4j configuration to the Eclipse IDE itself?

I'm not trying to configure log4j for an Eclipse project but for the IDE itself!! When using Xtext-based plugins, I'm seeing this warning in the console:

log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for ...

14. log4j

hi every body , i am working with myeclipse , and i'm working on hibernate , as you know my eclipse automaticaly connects to data base, i connected it and when using session and putting data in data base, i get this log4j error, what is this exactly?!? and also i wanted to know about reverse engineering....

15. log4j - eclipse versus stand alone app

Hi Folks, I have a program that runs in eclipse and uses log4j to write to a log file correctly. But when I run as a stand alone app outside of eclipse (command line) the log file is not created. Instead logging is written to the console. I suspect the log4j.xml is not found but it is in my classpath. Any ...