dependency « log4j « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Dependency among log4j appenders

I'm writing a custom log4j appender, and I want to rely on another configured appender as a fallback, in case my (Database) appender fails. How can I guarantee order of construction of ...

2. Dependencies for displaytag library

I am integrating the displaytag library into my web application. I have used the library at my work, but what I am currently building does not have it currently. When I ...

3. Can I create a "light" dependency on third party libraries like log4j in my own library?

I am maintaining a library for database access on, and I would like to use log4j for logging. But logging is really a very optional part of my ...

4. Find hidden dependencies in Ivy

I'm using Apache Ivy + IvyDE for getting my project's dependencies, which are:

    <dependency org="" name="guava" rev="r08" />

    <!-- logging -->
    <dependency ...

5. Circular Dependency when Logging within a log4j Appender

I am writing a log4j appender that sends the logs to a server via http. I wanted to use HttpClient from apache-commons to keep my code nice and simple. The problem ...

6. How to install multiple modules and setup dependencies with Play Framework

I am trying to install BetterLogs and log4Play modules in my application. Log4Play seems to work in chrome but I don't seem to be able to enhance the logs with better logs. I ...

7. Unwanted dependency logging with log4j

I'm using a project call JarClassLoader (JCL) which allows me to load a jar from an InputStream. This is very helpful, but I've found that the JarClassLoader leaves an log4j.xml ...