configuration « log4j « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Using system environment variables in log4j xml configuration

Is it possible to reference system environment variables (as opposed to Java system properties) in a log4j xml configuration file? I'd like to be able to do something like:

<level value="${env.LOG_LEVEL}" />
and have ...

2. log4j configuration via JVM argument(s)?

What variables to I have to set/pass as arguments to the JVM to get log4j to run properly? And by properly I mean as in just not complain and print to ...

3. Configuring Java FileHandler Logging to create directories if they do not exist

I'm trying to configure the Java Logging API's FileHandler to log my server to a file within a folder in my home directory, but I don't want ...

4. Does a web interface exist for configuring log4j?

I need a web interface for configure log4j that gives me:

  • CRUD of loggers, appenders and filters
  • when I am OK with the configuration I want to click and download an xml version ...

5. log4j basic configuration

I used log4j to log some steps in my application. To be quick and dirty, I used:

This output my logs in the Eclipse console. I want to know if and how to ...

6. Configuring multiple log files in log4j while using categories

Here's what I'm trying to do: I want 2 log files: The first logs INFO level and up for all parts of the applications but also logs DEBUG and up for ...

7. using log4j, where does the configuration file go in my 'main' application?

I have a java main application, and I want to use log4j. I don't want to hard code my settings, so where do I put the log4j config file so my application ...

8. Sample xml configuration for log4j, have a 'main' java application and want to write to file

Are there any example log4j configuration files (XML). I have a java main application. I want log4j to output to console AND write to file. Any examples of this would be greatly appreciated. I'm using ...

9. Log4j: Configuring FallbackErrorHandler with Properties

I use log4j in my project and wanted to use FallbackErrorHandler for Backup-Reasons. So, when I want to implement a FallbackErrorHandler, you have to use the DOMConfigurator and that for a ...

10. configuring log4j in a clustered environment

We are using log4j for the logging functionality. The application is running in a Clustered environment. How can I configure log4j properties such that all the instances log to the same ...

11. Log4J and Java Web Start, how to alternate between different configurations?

i'm starting with Log4J and i want to have a default in our Java Web Start distributed application, which only logs errors and important events. But if something was wrong in ...

12. log4j property configuration question

I have to stop showing logging messages of some methods within the system without changing a Java code (loggers)... I was thinking, is it possible to configure, where I could skip ...

13. How to centralize logging configuration, and use just

I would like to configure logging in my application with and instruct (somehow) all third-party packages/modules to log through this configuration. Now they log differently and it's a mess: OpenEJB, ...

14. log4j configuration with Java Web Start

Our Java WebStart application does not include a log4j configuration file; it simply sets up some hardcoded loggers and appenders. I would like individual clients to be able to drop a ...

15. multiple log4j instance configuration

I want to use multiple instances of the log4j Logger. I need to attach different Properties objects to each of these log4j Logger instances. Here is the code to configure for one ...

16. Log4j configuration: How to create a new folder for each day?

So, we are using Log4j's DailyRollingFileAppender to create our log files. This is really nice as it can create a new file for each day or hour. We'd like ...

17. different log4j configuration for some parts of code

I have an application which is run inside JBoss. One of the modules of that application loads some plugin java classes using a different classloader and runs them. I want all ...

18. LOG4J Configuration -Java

I currently have the below pattern layout in log4j. I want to add the Process id to the log file. How can i do it.

log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%t] %-5p %c ...

19. jboss log4j configuration

I have some war, ejb jar applications in jboss 4.2.2 GA, the logging for which is configured in jboss-log4j.xml. Based on the appenders and log location, the logs are getting updated in ...

20. Log4j reflecting configuration file changes?

If I make a change to a Log4j configuration file, do I have to restart my application for the changes to take affect, or does Log4j notice the changes and reconfigure ...

21. Reloading log configuration in JBoss 6 AS

I am currently trying to configure logging in JBoss 6 and looking at the different alternatives. My requirements are: 1) Automatic reload of any log configuration changes without application re-deployment. 2) Multiple log ...

22. Can I specify a Layout by reference in log4j configuration?

We can create appender-ref tags to specify an appender by reference. Is there something similar for Layouts? For example:

// ...

<layout name="MYLAYOUT" class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
    <param name="ConversionPattern" value="[%d][%t][%c][%M][%p]: %m%n"/>


23. How can I tell where is Log4j picking its configuration from

Is there a way to figure out where is Log4J picking the configuration file from? I tried to change my log4j.xml and the changes were not reflected in Log4j behaviour. I deleted ...

24. Log 4j configuration for adding file name and line number

I am using Log4j for logging my application activity. In my local environment it was logging like Fiilename:linenumber: your logging message then I created archive and deploy in another environment then ...

25. log4j Could not read configuration file

I am adding logging to a java web project I am working on. I have run into an error that I am unable to figure out. The error I am getting from ...

26. Log4J dynamic configuration

Is there any way to configure log4j loggers dynamically. I want each instance of a class to write to a different file (base on say some property that is unique between ...

27. Viewing inherited values of the log4j configuration

I seems that the implicit inheritance of log4j is causing understanding troubles here and there and for my self too.
Is there a tool available to see the full configuration in xml ...

28. Problem with log4j xml configuration

i have little question, my log4j.xml configuration is listed below

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE log4j:configuration SYSTEM "log4j.dtd">

<log4j:configuration xmlns:log4j="">
    <appender name="console" class="org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender">
        <param ...

29. log4j configuration in EAR

I have an EAR composed of ejb.jar archives. Where can / should I place my log4j.xml configuration file in my EAR in order to configure log4j for the different EJBs? Here is my ...

30. jboss7 + same log4j configuration for different apps

I want to deploy some different applications using one jboss (jboss as 7). Can anyone make it clear for me if its possible to set one log4j configuration (log4j.xml) for ...

31. Trouble configuring log4j

I'm using Java 6 on Win XP and log4j 1.2.12. I'm having trouble getting my logs output to a file (no log4j.log appears). Below is my config, which ...

32. Difference between configuring log4j using configure and doConfigure

While searching for a way to reload the logging configuration for log4j I realized that in our current code we were using:

input = new FileInputStream(newFileName);
new DOMConfigurator().doConfigure(input,LogManager.getLoggerRepository());
To read the configuration file during ...

33. Overview of log4j configuration

I am rather confused by how to configure Log4j I have picked up following snippets, but something written that pulls these concepts together would be useful.

  • Log4j looks ...

34. simple log4j configuration issue

i can't remember how to do this, i have this log config

# ***** Set root logger level to DEBUG and its only appender to A.
log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, R
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, A

log4j.appender.R.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%t] %-5p %c - ...

35. log4j multiple configuration files

I have couple of projects embedded in a web app as jars. Each project has a file. When the web app is deloyed, which configuration file gets used and how ...

36. System configuration for log4j

I have identicle program running in two unix machines, both of which are java standalone. One system is creating the desired log files and is logging/rolling, while the other isn't. I ...

37. Regarding log4j configuration for standalone app

Hi, I have written a log4j wrapper for my web application. The log4j properties are present in a xml file that I parse using the DOMConfigurator object. I do this during application startup and everything works fine. Now I am writing a simple application (not a web-application) that has some main java programs and these will be called using unix shell ...

38. Log4j Configurations

Hi Hopefully someone can help me. I want to configure log4j from a properties file. I am writing a little java application. I have several log4j appenders and everything works well. However I want the option to exit application if ANY of log4j configuration fails. By default I am seeing a warning message from Log4j but application continues to run... Do ...

39. configuring log4j using env variables

41. Log4j configuration in webapplication

Hi, I am trying to make changes to an application which uses a natively developed logging class. We have integrated log4j with custom class, so that it behined the scene log4j is used for logging Right now the is read using PropertyConfigurator.configure(""); We have placed the in root of src direcotry, i.e the code structure is as follows src ...

42. configuring log4j in jboss ??

Hi All, i am using jboss.i need to configure log4j with my file. i did for this is .. 1) under WEB-INF i created one xml file named ,jboss-web.xml. under this.. com.WIL:loader=WIL.war java2ParentDelegation=false 2) raname \server\default\conf\log4j.xml to jboss-log4j.xml 3) change in \server\default\conf\jboss-service.xml ......... reource:log4j.xml to resource:jboss-log4j.xml *resource:jboss-log4j.xml* 4) ...

43. what is wrong with log4j configuration

I am assuming this configration will create one log file daily with a max size of 5Mb and if the log size exceeds it will create another new one. but in server I noticed several log files with the size 3kb , 5kb etc. not even a single log file is of size 5Mb and a new log fileis created for ...

44. Retrieve Log4j Configuration

I am using apache log4j. It is working fine as per my log4j configuration file. Recently log4j configuration getting changed dynamically by some other application. So my application is not logging as per my configuration. I want to dynamically retrieve the log4j configuration. Is it possible to do it programmatically. Thanks, Govind

45. Log4j: how to check the configuration?

Hi I wonder if there's a way to check inside the java code if log4j is set up properly and everything works fine. In other words: to suppress messages like "log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger...." and replace it with something, a normal user understands and knows what to do. Since this WARN-Message isn't an exception, I can't just ...

46. urgent help needed...log4j dynamic configuration

... do u have any idea I have an idea: - next time don't flag your questions as urgent. This implies that you think your problem is more important than other people's problems around here. It's rude. - use proper spelling and grammar. It's not u, but you. Sentences end with one full stop, and start with a capital. Your post(s) ...

47. urgent help regarding log4j configuration

hi i have a doubt in configuration of log4j i need to write the log messagesof batch jobs to different files (ex:test1.log,test2.log)... for that i need to pass the name of the file as run time paramater to the log4j.xml file.. Can i pass the name of the file as runtime paramater using DOMCONFIGURATOR... i tried using and PropertyConfigurator..for that ...

48. XML file configuration in Log4J

49. Log4j configuration

hi all, i develop an application in which i configure log4j with absolute path, PropertyConfigurator.configureAndWatch( "c:"); but i want that i configure this with relatie path because file is avaiable in current class path. how i can do it? Here one point is that like properties we cant use this.getClass().getResourceAsStream because above mentioned method accept string. Regards, Imran

50. Log4j configuration in a clustered environment

Hi, I have configured RollingFileAppender in in a clustered environment (Websphere with 3 servers). The log files are getting generated in all the three server locations but they are not getting rolled over once they attain the maximum size as mentioned in the file. Also when I use the same properties file for single server, it works fine and ...