RollingFileAppender « log4j « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Problem extending jog4j RollingFileAppender rollOver() access Level

I am trying to extend RollingFileAppender so that it will rotate even when no messages are coming into the logging system. Normally the rollOver method is called when a message arrives ...

2. Wrong timestamp in log4j XMLLayout

I set my log4j configuration to use two appenders (ConsoleAppender and RollingFileAppender) the ConsoleAppender is using this layout (PatternLayout: ConversionPattern=%d [%t] %-5p %c - %m%n) and the RollingFileAppender is using XMLLayout. ...

3. Infinite number of backup files with RollingFileAppender

Do you know a way to create an infinite number of backup files with the RollingFileAppender? When I don't specify any maxBackupIndex at all, I end up with only one ...

4. log4j RollingFileAppender hangs in WinNTFileSystem.getBooleanAttributes

All, We have been using log4j's RollingFileAppender for quite a while using a properties file, with no issues. Recently, we had a requirement for a rolling log that needed to not ...

5. Need a working example of configuring log4j RollingFileAppender via properties

I am using log4j for logging, and a property file for configuration. Currently, my log files are too big (3.5 GB is too large for a log file). So think I ...

6. log4j Appender Being Closed by Caught Exception

Historical Context: This problem ended up being not at all what I thought it was. The cause and solution are below, but the original posting is left for reference. I'm developing a ...

7. Log4j on weblogic10 only logs to console

I'm trying to print my log messages to a file. At this point, it only logs to the console which is not ideal for future support. My file looks like this: log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, ...

8. Using FileNamePattern, RollingFileAppender in log4j

I have a log file named app.log. When it rolls over (I'm setting it to every minute just for testing purposes), I would like it to be renamed to app-YYYY-MM-dd_HH-mm.log. But ...

9. How to log only from 8.45 to 18.15 with log4j?

I would like to log only from 8.45 am to 6.15pm from monday to friday. I found the dailyrollingfileappender class but it seems that you can only log every minute, hour, day ...

10. Configuring RollingFileAppender in log4j

I'm working on a set of web services and we'd like to have a daily rotated log. I'm trying to get org.apache.log4j.rolling.RollingFileAppender from the log4j extras companion working, since the documentation suggests ...

11. What determines when a log4j TimeBasedRollingPolicy rolls over?

I'm setting up a TimeBasedRollingPolicy from Log4J Extras and I am not clear what tells the policy when to roll over. The API is not explicit so I'm ...

12. How to point RollingFileAppender to my resources folder?

I would like to have access to the log4j log file from the browser, How do I point the log4j.appender.H.File to the resources folder? Thank you!

13. RollingFileAppender set RollingPolicy programmatically

For reasons I won't get into I'm forced to configure a log4j appender programmatically. I want to use a RollingFileAppender so I can control the maximum number of files that are kept ...

14. How to use CipherOutputStream correctly to encrypt and decrypt log created with log4j (RollingFileAppender)

I have a problem in encrypting/decrypting log file generated by log4j's RollingFileAppender. For the encryption I have tried to extend the RollingFileAppender, just call it EncryptedRollingFileAppender. I override the method

setFile(String fileName, ...

15. problem with Log4j RollingFileAppender - overwriting logs without backing them

I'm using log4j with an xml configuration file. I'm using a combination of console appender and the RollingFileAppender, as I want log4j to create a new file with every launch of ...

16. How can I change the RollingFileAppender to another than the one set in config file?

I'm using log4j in my app, and a config file that sets up output to console and a rollingfileappender. Pasting config file below. Is there a way to change the fileappender output ...

17. Permissions on log files created by log4j RollingFileAppender

How are the permissions for files created by RollingFileAppender determined? I recently changed a daemon process I have to be run as a non-root user and the files are now ...

18. How to output logs from a Shell Script launched within Java in a log4j RollingFileAppender?

I have a Java Webapplication running on Tomcat, executing Shell scripts at runtime in which many "echo" commands are executed. My problem is that I'd like all my logs to appear in ...

19. log4j RollingFileAppender missing files