authentication « ldap « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Need to support network based authentication

Are there any libraries that can authenticate via active directory? This is a new application, so I want to make the correct design patterns in the beginning. I want my authentication ...

2. Geronimo webapp using ldap authentication

I'm using Apache Geronimo as my application server. And authentication is happening over LDAP using Apache Directory Service. I don't have any previous experience with JavaEE software development, so ...

3. How to do authentication using LDAP, Application, Third Party application etc

We will be creating a web application in java. For User Authentication currently we are using LDAP. But we want to have some other options like application level authentication (from database) ...

4. Smart card authentication using LDAP

I'm trying to design an authentication system. The system will use ActivClient in order to communicate with a smart card. The ActivClient exposes an API which allows me to read the card's ...

5. Java automating Ldap authentication in ie

Can anyone tell me how to connect to an LDAP server? I need a username/password authentication to be done by LDAP integrated with IE, which I intend to do using Java. Given ...

6. List Ldap servers in the domain and authenticate

How to get List of LDAP servers given a domain name (using java + acitvedirectory) , and authenticate it based on username and password ?

7. LDAP Authentication Requirements and How to do it

I need to access a website and get information through it. I need to pass through an ldap authentication in ie for this.i just know the ip of the LDAP server.I ...

8. java program unable to authenticate against ldap

I have written a small program to authenticate against ldap.

import javax.naming.*;
import java.util.Hashtable;

class SAuth {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

    Hashtable env ...

9. Secure LDAP Authentication in Java

I am trying to figure out how to authenticate and determine the appropriate permission set for a user in Java, using the active directory. Does anyone have an example of a SECURE ...

10. Help: LDAP Authentication x RMI

I'm using Oracle Internet Directory (OID) for authentication and authorization of the users of mine applications J2EE. However, I have some difficulties to make the authentication when I need to make a communication RMI between two applications in differents OC4J instances. I configured a properties file ('') in an "client application" to make a call RMI for a SessionBean of a ...

11. ldap authentication

Then that means you know how to get data from the request and send data back for the web service? So your question is basically "How do I do LDAP authentication?" (I find it is better to break tasks into smaller parts, rather than trying to do everything all at once.) Assuming that is really your question, I put "java ldap ...

12. Authentication with LDAP

13. Ldap Authentication

14. LDAP Authentication using Java

Hi guys, I am trying to write a login interface for a web based application. The user will input their username and password which will be posted to my servlet. I have a connection to our Novell LDAP server using a generic tree root user. I need to pass the input password and username to the tree and have an authentication ...

15. LDAP authentication.

Hi, I have two domains A and B with users x and y respectively. The two domains have two .jks files. I am running my application in tomcat5.0.27 server. 1)I had started the tomcat. 2)I had logged in using user x(domain A). It authenticates well. 3)I will now logout and try to login using user y(domain B). I get the following ...

16. LDAP authentication in a web application.

Here is the situation:- Web application is hosted at hosting facility HF_1 Users from a company are logged onto their laptops via LDAP authentication. This company is outside of the HF_1 but can have VPN access, if required. A user clicks on the link to go to Web application. The web application should now get the credentials of the user and ...

17. LDAP Authentication

Hi All, Can any one tell me how to authenticate, using LDAP. At present iam trying to change an application which will to authenticated using users, roles information stored in database. How can i perform the same using LDAP server, while giving the user an option for authentication. I mean giving the user an option to choose LDAP authentication or from ...

18. How to authenticate LDAP by using CN and DC only, ignore OU

I would think that you have to give the directory location in ldap where the user to be authenticated is located, if user is present under an ou then it cannot be found unless you give an ou. So first the ou will be searched for and if located then user will be searched for under that ou. Now if your ...