resource « jndi « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Custom resource in @Resource annotations added at runtime

I want to be able to do something like this in a stateless Session Bean

@Resource(name="mycustomthingie") private CustomClass stuff;
The value injected is context (speak: Thread) dependant. I guess this would be possible ...

2. Good learning resources for JNDI implementation (JBoss 5)

I have been working with JavaEE/EJB3 web apps for about half a year now. Until recently, I haven't had to touch a lot of the behind-the-scenes stuff, just the meat of ...

3. Custom resource in JNDI on different application servers

Most of J2EE applications are using container managed datasources through JNDI. This is fine as it gives one place for configuring these connections.
The problem arises when we want to use ORM ...

4. Injection of JNDI resources

Can the @Resource annotation be used to inject remote resources as a replacement to the following?: RemoteInterface remote = jndiContext.lookup("remoteObject"); If so, where are the JNDI properties (i.e. java.naming.factory.initial, java.naming.factory.url.pkgs) specified?

5. Declaring @Resource and @EJB at the class level in Java EE6

Is there any situation still ( given that Java EE6 has java:global/, app/, module/ naming standards) that necessitates declaring EJBs or Resources like the example below?

@EJB (name = "ejb/PlaceBid", beanInterface = ...

6. How to lookup JNDI resources on WebLogic?

I deployed a legacy application on WebLogic 11g. The application has the following code:

 Context context = new InitialContext();
 dataSource = (javax.sql.DataSource) context.lookup("java:myDataSource");
I also have a data source configured in ...

7. Multiple JNDIs pointing to same resource on weblogic 10?

I want to know if there is any way a resource in weblogic can have multiple JNDI names? My problem is that I have 2 versions of the app deployed on the ...

8. how define a jndi resource

how define a JNDI resource on jboss 5? My web application require a String value retrieved from application server, on Tomcat I siple define my resource as string with value "mystring" ...

9. Remote JMS @Resource injection into EJBs

Does anyone know if it is possible to inject a JMS Queue as a @Resource when the jms queue is provided by a remote server. I'm using Jboss 5.1 with JBoss ...

12. Solved: Java RunTime Enviornment not releasing jndi resources

I am using Eclipse and have created a runtime environment that calls an application which uses JNDI to get resources for JMS connections. It uses a .bindings file for the JMS information. I changed the names of my connection factories and queues in the .bindings file, but when I re-run the app, it retains the same .binding information. I have shut ...

13. looking up JNDI resource from a POJO

hello i know this should be a very stupid question . but i have been using Ejbs since long time and i have some code to support with lots of old POJOs so my question is that can i lookup a JNDI resource from a POJO using this notaions cause i am geting a naming exception or i need a web ...