ejb « jndi « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. How to get stateless EJBs JNDI path?    stackoverflow.com

is there a way to get my stateless EJBs JNDI path? Supposing that I have written an EJB like this: @Stateless public class BookBean implements IBookBeanLocal { @Resource SessionContext sctx; .... @PostConstruct public void afterInit(){ ...

2. How to specify a different jndi-name than the default for an EJB in JBoss 4.2.2.GA?    stackoverflow.com

By default it seems the jndi name of a bean is based on the ear in which it is contained. An EJB named MyBean my-app.ear will have the name "my-app/MyBean/local". ...

3. Deploying multiple versions of same EJBs and classes to same JBoss server    stackoverflow.com

I have a few separate application projects (EARs) with multiple EJBs that I want to deploy to the same JBoss server. Now, some of the projects may have the same EJBs, ...

4. Do I need a synchronized Map in implementing the EJBHomeFactory Pattern?    stackoverflow.com

When you want to call an EJBBean from the client, first you need to get hold of an EJBHome object reference through JNDI lookup. This code needs to be executed each ...

5. JBoss Class cast exception while accessing EJB3    stackoverflow.com

I am having a weird problem here with EJB3. Deployed and EJB3 and am trying to access the business method from the deployed instance. I get the following error when the lookup ...

6. JBoss EJB Bean not bound    stackoverflow.com

I have the following error

 Exception in thread "main" javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: CounterBean not bound
trying to access an EJB JAR CounterBean.jar deployed on JBoss5 from a client application outside the Application Server. From ...

7. Configure JNDI names with Open EJB    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to (unit) test my EJB class without having to startup my websphere environment. Now I'm using Open EJB, but there are some issues with resolving the JNDI ...

8. resource-ref at application scope in EJB 2.1 Project    stackoverflow.com

Is it possible to define resource references that are applicable to all EJBs in an application? Currently I have an ejb-jar.xml that looks something like this:

    <session ...

9. How to add the ear JNDI namespace to EJB2.x Beans?    stackoverflow.com

In the project I am currently working at we have about 20 different EJB 2 JARs that are used across multiple (Swing-) clients. Example:


10. NameNotFoundException when application name contains a period    stackoverflow.com

I have a simple EJB app that used to work about 6 months ago. I installed the latest JDeveloper ( and I'm trying to get it to work again, when I ...

11. ConnectException in Jboss 4.2.1    stackoverflow.com

I am using JBoss 4.2.1 and helios 3.6.1. I am tryinf an EJB application from the following link: http://java.dzone.com/articles/ejb-30-and-spring-25 But I am getting a ConnectException: this is the stack trace:

Exception in thread ...

12. java:comp/env is not found when using openejb in embedded mode    stackoverflow.com

as openejb documentation decalres The unbreakable rules. Read these over and over again when things don't work.

  1. java:comp/env is the spec defined namespace for lookup of any Container-Managed Resource
  2. java:comp/env is empty by default
  3. java:comp/env ...

13. Using JNDI to obtain a reference to EJBs from external libraries    stackoverflow.com

We have some external libraries which we use in a J2EE application on Glassfish 3.1. Those libraries allow registering handlers for certain events. The requirement is that those handlers should make ...

14. class cast exception in narrow a jndi reffrence in ejb    stackoverflow.com

i am trying to write a simple stateless sesssion bean but i have problem with narrow refrence i give in lookup time.. i give

class cast exeption
i use

15. EJB, JNDI & ENC - real life scenario    stackoverflow.com

I am preparing for the EJB certification and I am going thro the EJB 3.1 book (O'Reilly) One of the chapters discusses about JNDI, ENC and the EJB connections Can some ...

16. ClassCastException when casting looked-up EJB view in AS7    stackoverflow.com

I have am deploying 2 EARs onto JBoss AS 7.1.0.Alpha1-SNAPSHOT (post 7.0.1.Final version). Both deploy fine. I have an EJB Singleton class packaged within a JAR, within one of the EARs:

// ...

17. Confusion about using OpenEJB in embedded mode for unit-testing    stackoverflow.com

I started exploring the possibilities of using OpenEJB in embedded mode for unit-testing my EJB3 components. At first I got errors like the below output

Testsuite: HelloBeanTest
Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: ...

18. Jboss AS 6 - How to find an EJB via JNDI    community.jboss.org

I also created a client standalone java class to test the above ejb. I deployed the jar file using the Jboss 6 admin console under Applications > EJB2 jars and clicked ...

19. Jndi reference problem in ejb3    forums.netbeans.org

Hi! I'm new to ejb3. I simply created one remote interface and a bean class. I'm trying to call bean class from the servlet through initial context. But, I'm getting the ...

20. EJB JNDI mapping: name versus mapped name    forums.netbeans.org