connection « jndi « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. How to ensure LDAP connection over SSL from JNDI

I am new to LDAP and JNDI. I have setup a LDAP server with SSL using OpenDS and a client which uses JNDI to access LDAP. What can I do to ...

2. how to accept self-signed certificates for JNDI/LDAP connections?

I need to connect to an LDAP directory over SSL. In non-production environments, we use self-signed certificates which, of course, fails to validate with:

javax.naming.CommunicationException: simple bind failed: ldapserver:636 [Root exception is ...

3. How can I test LDAP connection using JNDI

I get an exception javax.naming.NameNotFountException: [LDAP: error code 32 - No Such Object]; remaining name = 'DC=my-company, DC=group' The cause of it could be, that the DN 'DC=my-company, DC=group' is invalid. But ...

4. java jndi ldap connection timeout

I want to control the connection timeout by setting com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.timeout property. It works well for values under 1000 ms, but if I set values bigger then 1000, the timeout doesn't increase(it ...

5. BIRT Define JNDI Connection in Eclipse Report Designer

I'm trying to design a BIRT report using the report designer plugin in eclipse that will use a JNDI connection. I have found several sources mention that its possible to create ...

6. JNDI connection.

7. Sun JSAS P.E 9.0 and JNDI connection

Hi all I am guessing this is probably in the wrong spot, so please correct me if there is a better place to put it. I am trying to setup a JNDI connection to a database, but am confused by the parameters that are required. I am expected to fill in the following: Resource Type: JNDI Lookup: Factory Class: But I ...

8. JNDI Connection in JNUIT testing

9. jndi connection problem