port « jmx « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Does Java 6 open a default port for JMX remote connections?    stackoverflow.com

My specific question has to do with JMX as used in JDK 1.6: if I am running a Java process using JRE 1.6 with

in the command line, does Java pick ...

2. Many java processes with mbeans, how to manage jmx ports    stackoverflow.com

I'm build up a deployment where I've got many java processes on one machine. I'd like to be able to connect to their JMX mbeans from the comfort of my laptop. To ...

3. How do I specify the JMX port for an embedded activemq instance?    stackoverflow.com

I am creating an embedded activemq instance in order to test creating/deleting topics via JMX. The code looks a bit like the following. broker.connectorPort was my attempt to set the JMX port ...

4. JMX Port dynamic allocation    stackoverflow.com

I've 16 Java processes with same main and args running on one machine. I wish to monitor these remotely thru JConsole. Hard coding port numbers -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=5000 won't work because these ...

5. JMX enabled Java application appears to open a random high order port when JMX client connects    stackoverflow.com

JMX enabled Java application appears to open a random high order port when JMX client connects

I have successfully configured a helloworld JMX enabled program, and I can connect to it using ...

6. How to set JMX remote port system environment parameters through java code for remote monitoring?    stackoverflow.com

I have a program which requires to dynamically (i.e. at run time) open an available socket and start a JMX agent on it. This JMX parameters are being set inside the ...

7. How to specify JMX port number dynamically    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to set the port number at which the JMX server starts dynamically through the program. Usually it is done using -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=1234 (static port), which works fine. Any thoughts ...

8. How to find the JMX port in a server?    stackoverflow.com

I am sure I can figure it out if I can see the JAVA OPTS parameters. I want to monitor a hornetq server using Jconsole, so I need the port number. I ...

9. jmx management port number    coderanch.com

you meant JMXConnector? but this is for the client side to connect to the server. i want to change the port number of the server side. when the server is brought up. the default iimplementation of JMX management start the registry on the port number, and i want to see if there is a way to intercept it and use the ...