1. JMXQuery connection - authentication failed stackoverflow.comHey all. Newbie question time. I'm trying to setup JMXQuery to connect to my MBean, so far this is what I got. java -classpath jmxquery org.nagios.JMXQuery -U service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:8004/jmxrmi -O java.lang:type=Memory -A "NonHeapMemoryUsage" Here's ... |
2. Remote JMX connection stackoverflow.comI'm trying to open a JMX connection to java application running on a remote machine. The application JVM is configured with the following options:
localhost:1088 using jconsole or ... |
3. Connection details & timeouts in a java web service client stackoverflow.comI have to implement a webservice client to a given WSDL file. I used the SDK's 'wsimport' tool to create Java classes from the WSDL as well as a class that wrap's ... |
4. How to get standard jmx connection to geronimo? stackoverflow.comDoes anybody knows how to get standard connection to geronimo using jconsole. I mean not https://cwiki.apache.org/GMOxDEV/apache-geronimo-with-a-monitor-component-jmx-and-jconsole.html, but whole JVM management with thread pool, memory usage, cpu usage like that screenshots ... |
5. JMX Event Notifer - Re-register after connection is lost and back up stackoverflow.comI have a client that registers with JMX for notifications. Whenever that JMX Notifications Emitting application is restarted I get an exception
6. Closing JMX Connection for concurrent operations stackoverflow.comI am opening a JMX Connection using getMBeanServerConnection() method and then closing it after use in a finally block. And, for a given JMX Connector, 2 successful calls to getMBeanServerConnection() usually ... |
7. ActiveMQ: Get list of connections through JMX? stackoverflow.comhow do I get the list of the connections to the OpenWire connector of ActiveMQ? JConsole is able to list the connections, but I don't see which "view" I can use ... |
8. JMX Connections within Eclipse? coderanch.comOutside of Eclipse my code works fine. I'm getting a JMX Connector to a local agent using the following URL format. service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost ort/jmxrmi Get the connector, get the MBean server and I'll all set..... Within Eclipse I can't ge the connector due to the the following error. I have no clue why - same JDK specified. Eclipse must be sending the ... |
9. JMX Connection Problem forums.oracle.com |